American Perception of Education 翻译 急用Education is the engine that drives the American dream of success. The opportunity to learn knowledge and gain skills that pay off in upward mobility has given hope to millions of Americans. But the goals

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 18:26:29

American Perception of Education 翻译 急用Education is the engine that drives the American dream of success. The opportunity to learn knowledge and gain skills that pay off in upward mobility has given hope to millions of Americans. But the goals
American Perception of Education 翻译 急用
Education is the engine that drives the American dream of success. The opportunity to learn knowledge and gain skills that pay off in upward mobility has given hope to millions of Americans. But the goals of education have undergone some shift with the changing concerns of the larger society.
• The puritan colonists saw school as a source of spiritual advancement, important to the preservation of religious freedom. Everybody was expected to be able to read the Bible. In the mid-seventeenth century, the Puritans introduced two practices that still influence Amercian youth: Compulsory eduction for all children, public taxation for schools.
• To Thomas Jefferson, ideals of democracy, equality, and civic empowerment should be rooted in education, or an illiterate and ill-formed population would be unable to assume the responsibilities od self-government. • Washington and his first five successors proposed opening a nantional university in the nation's capital, urging the formation of a nationlal system of educaion with uniform standards for schools in all the states, but theCongress said no. The people's representatives feared fiving too much power to the new central government. Decisions about education, they decided, should be made by each state and locla government. In fact, Amendment 10 was added to guarantee that “powers not delegated to the U.S. by the Constitution” would be reserved to state governments. One of these reserved powers was the right of the each state to provide for the education of its people, and decentralization ranks a primary decision-making feature in education.
• Nineteenth-century educator and reformer Horace Mann believed that, with knowledge and hard work, anyone could prosper. He maintained a more practical expectation of education, considering universal education “the great equalizer of the conditions of men,” a virtual cure for poverty. Massive immigration and industrialization gave rise to another kind of uniformity in American public education. Education was used to Americanize the children of foreigers to foster cultural conformity.
• In 1930, the distinguished educator George S.Counts, commenting on the popular faith of Americans in their schools, wrote: “Confront practically any group of citizens with a difficult problem in the sphere of human relations and they will suggest education as the solution…, and the school is looked upon as a worker of miracles. In fact, the school is the American road to culture.”
• Despite periodic waves oif criticism, the American faith in the school has persisted. And a great majority in the American population ticked “very important” when asked in the 1980s and mid-1990s whether “ America 's strength in the future depengs on developing the best education system in the world.”

American Perception of Education 翻译 急用Education is the engine that drives the American dream of success. The opportunity to learn knowledge and gain skills that pay off in upward mobility has given hope to millions of Americans. But the goals
托马斯杰斐逊,民主,平等的理想,权力和公民应植根于教育,文盲和虐待或成立的人口将无法承担的责任外径自治. •华盛顿和他的继任者提出的第一个五年在全国开设的首都nantional大学,敦促一个总督工业奖与所有国家的统一标准nationlal学校体系的形成,但theCongress说没有.人民代表担心fiving太多的权力,新的中央政府.关于教育的决定,他们决定,应该由每个国家和locla政府.事实上,修订10个被添加到保证宪法所未授予美国的“权力”将保留给州政府.这些保留的权力之一,是每个国家的权利,为本国人民的教育,小学和权力下放队伍的决策在教育功能.