women of achievement一些成功女性的事迹(英文),大概各50词左右,4个即可

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women of achievement一些成功女性的事迹(英文),大概各50词左右,4个即可
women of achievement

women of achievement一些成功女性的事迹(英文),大概各50词左右,4个即可
Courage – Africa Gonzalez,director of Immigrant Women’s Services for the Memphis YWCA and co-chair of the Shelby County Domestic Violence Council.
Determination – Nancy Williams,executive director of the Memphis Child Advocacy Center which houses a multi-disciplinary team to aid child victims of sexual and extreme physical abuse and which is incubating the Family Safety Center.
Vision – Sonja White,managing partner of the Domestic Violence Unit,Memphis Area Legal Services; president of the Memphis Area Women’s Council and chair of the Shelby County Domestic Violence Council.
Heroism – Caroline Turns,third-grader and St.Jude patient who tells her unique story of enduring a five-organ transplant as a confident representative of all patients of catastrophic childhood diseases.
Initiative – Jodie Vance,founder and publisher of the Downtowner magazine and an early advocate of downtown Memphis’ rebirth.
Steadfastness – Gloria Kahn,community activist,whose leadership in the Jewish community and in issues from human rights to political engagement,is legendary.
Heritage – Alma C.Hansen,a Congregational Church missionary who devoted her life to development of LeMoyne College from 1922 to 1962 and was its only female acting president.

Born Marja Sklodowska, Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. Her father taught high school physics. In 1891 she went to Paris (where she changed her name to Marie) and enrolled...


Born Marja Sklodowska, Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. Her father taught high school physics. In 1891 she went to Paris (where she changed her name to Marie) and enrolled in the Sorbonne. Two years later she passed the examination for her degree in physics, ranking in first place. She met Pierre Curie in 1894, and they married in 1895. Marie Curie was interested in the recent discoveries of radiation. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen had discovered X rays in 1895, and in 1896 Antoine Henri Becquerel had discovered that the element uranium gives off similar invisible radiations. Curie thus began studying uranium radiations, and, using piezoelectric techniques devised by her husband, carefully measured the radiations in pitchblende, an ore containing uranium. When she found that the radiations from the ore were more intense than those from uranium itself, she realized that unknown elements, even more radioactive than uranium, must be present. Marie Curie was the first to use the term radioactive to describe elements that give off radiations as their nuclei break down

Alison Levine经历过两次心脏手术。Midge Cross患有糖尿病,还是乳腺癌的幸存者。 Neither woman is the type to let those obstacles stand in the way of their adventuresome spirit, so they headed for the "roof of the world." 但是,这些障碍不能阻挡她们爱冒险的精神,她们正在向"世界屋脊"进发。 They are part of a team that set out this week to become the first group of American women to reach the summit of Mount Everest. The other three are Coloradans Lynn Prebble, Jody Thompson and Kimberly Clark.Cross had to turn back at 24,000 feet because of altitude sickness. Had she reached the summit, the 58-year-old grandmother would have been the oldest woman to do so. 作为本周启程的一支登山 队 队员,她们将成为登上珠穆朗玛峰顶的第一批美国女性。该队的另外三名队员是Cdoradans lynn Prennle, Jody Thompson和Kimverly Cark。在到达24000英尺高度时,Cross因发生高空病而不得不返回。如果她攀上了顶峰,这位58岁的奶奶将是到达此高度的最老女性。 But she was never hell-bent on that goal. More important, she says, is the commitment to stepping outside her old comfort zone. 但是,她永远不会放弃这一目标。她说,更重要的是保证自己走出老年舒适而平淡的生活。 "So I become a bigger person," says Cross, "a more knowledgeable person and, I think, a better person for having taken the risk." The other four women are pushing on, hoping to reach the summit within the next couple of days. Cross说:"这样我就能成为一个了不起的人,一个更有见识的人,我认为,吃遍苦中苦,方为完美人"。另外4位妇女仍在攀登,希望在以后几天内登上山顶。 All are experienced climbers, including Levine, a 36-year-old business executive from San Francisco who organized the team. 她们全是经验丰富的登山者,其中36岁的Levine是一位来自旧金山的企业经理,她组织了这支登山队。 She says she was looking for skilled climbers, women who could take two months off from their jobs, women who could leave their families behind for an extended period. And women who had a certain attitude. 她说,当时她也四处寻找既有登山经验,又能脱离工作两个月和长时间离开家庭的妇女,而且这些妇女要有积极姿态。 "Everybody's got a lot of energy, a lot of spirit, a lot of heart and some mental toughness," Levine says. Levine说:"她们应具有充沛的体能、饱满的精神、不乏热情和坚韧。" Cross agrees, pointing out that these women weren't interested in leading safe, predictable lives: "I remember when I was a kid, my mom would buy American cheese, with every slice wrapped. And I thought, 'Whoa, this is not the kind of life I want to live, with every slice wrapped.' " Cross同意她的说法,她指出,这些妇女对安逸的,按部就班的生活没有兴趣。她说:"我记得,在我小时候,我母亲买回来美国奶酪,看到一片片被包裹着的奶酪,我想,天呀,我可不想要这种每一层都裹着的生活。" And so they trained, for months, fully aware that 180 people have died trying to scale the world's highest mountain, which comes in at 29,035 feet.They may not have testosterone, but they do have teamwork that is uniquely female. 她们训练了几个月,同时,充分地意识到,这座世界上最高的山高达29035英尺,已有180人为攀上它而丧命。她们可能没有雄性激素,她们却有独一无二的女性组成的团队。
Her father's legendary status actually had nothing to do with Laila's decision to pursue a boxing career.She knows that there are millions who know every single detail of every pro fight her father fought.She never immersed herself in that sort of trivia.She has always been proud of his achievements, but he was never a boxer or legend to her--just dad.
What propelled her into the ring was thebizarre sight on the televison screen when she was about to watch a Mike Tyson fight five years ago.What she saw was two women in the ring before Tyson's main event began.
"I remember thinking, 'Oh, my God。Oh, my God。Women are about to fight,'" she recalls."I had the popcorn and was getting ready to watch Mike Tyson.I was looking around like, 'What's going on?Women fighting?'I was so excited I couldn't wait to see it.I was like, 'I can do that.'"
Laila was 18 and running a nail salon in her native Los Angeles, but the imagery of the gloves, sweat and punches was so firmly etched into her consciousness that she immediately spun180 degrees into another career direction. At that point, she says, the genes really kicked in. She had an indescribably magnetic attraction to her father's world. "Something in me has to do it. It's very natural."
Laila's father, she quickly points out, would prefer that she not take on the dangerous and bruising world of boxing. Johnny McClain, her husband/manager(and former boxer himself)feels the same way. Mom Veronica Anderson was a bit more pragmatic and encouraged her to pursue whatever path gratified her most. Even though both the men in her life worry about her, they're 100 percent supportive. "They don't want me to get hurt, " she says.
Long before entering the ring, Laila was a fighter. Being the offspring of a legend made her an easy target for high school kids to see just how tough she was. They, not she, failed the test. And she's passed every pugilistic test she's taken since. For the public, her biggest test took place last summer in upstate New Yorkwhen she took on Jacqui Frazier-Lyde, the daughter of Joe Frazier, her father's most celebrated opponent during the 1970s.
That fight provided the biggest shot in the arm that women's boxing has received to date. Media credentials were requested from outlets all over the world. Some billed it as"Ali/Frazier--Genera tion Ⅱ". No match involving women had ever garnered so much attention. Laila squeaked out an eight-round majority decision in the middleweight contest.
One of her biggest boxing-related peeves is constantly being called"champion" by journalists although she hasn't won a championship title--yet. "People are calling me champion even though I don't have a belt yet. I'm the best at the level where I am. I want to win a belt and defend it a few times. "
Like it or not, she accepts the fact that she is the face of female boxing. And she hopes that her name and notoriety will help get the public to take it more seriously.
And she wants them to take her seriously.The name Ali has and always will bring her attention. But she is determined to make her own mark on opponents'faces as well as in boxing history books. "This is what I want to do. It's about me, " she says. "And I want women's boxing to get its due respect. "
But even Laila Ali admits that she is a walking dichotomy. The powerful combination of gentility and brashness she acknowledges comes her way by genetics. "My mom is very classy, sweet, soft-spoken and spiritual. And I'm that way because when I start something, Ilike to finish. My father does what he wants to do, believes what he wants to believe and sticks with it. When he makes his mind up to do some thing, he does it and doesn't let anything get in his way. He was always determined and confident. I'm the same way."
Laila is determined to embrace the spirituality of her mom and the strength of her dad while carrying out her own niche in the world. And she's committed to proving to the world that women can have enduring success in the ring.


Elizabeth Fry
(1780 --l845), Britain
She was an Britain and a Quaker. She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. Her work helped the Quakers get the Nobel Pe...


Elizabeth Fry
(1780 --l845), Britain
She was an Britain and a Quaker. She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. Her work helped the Quakers get the Nobel Peace Prize in l947.
Soong Chingling
(l893 --l98l ), China
She was Dr Sun Yat-sen's wife, was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. She concerned herself with welfare projects, leading China Welfare Institute especially for women and children.
Jody Williams
(l950 -- ), USA
She is an American. She helped found an international campaign to stop the use of landmines. She worked hard to make as many countries as possible agree not to use them. She and her organization were given the Nobel Peace Prize in l997.
Joan of Arc
(l412--l43l), France
She was born in France, a girl from the countryside who dressed as a man and went to fight for the French and to drive the English out of France. She was caught and put to death by the English.
Lin Qiaozhi
(l90l--l983), China
She was a Chinese, a doctor who became a specialist in women's illnesses. She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. Her work encouraged many other women to become doctors.
