
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/09 21:58:32

石墨反射层区由石墨块堆砌而成,将燃料区和熔盐区包围在内,形成高*cm,直径*cm的圆柱体.石墨反射层结构分为侧反射层、底部反射层和顶部反射层3部分.侧反射层共有10层石墨砖,每层由20个夹角为18°的扇形石墨砖组成环形结构.每个扇形石墨砖的厚度均为*cm,外径为*cm,内径为*cm.扇形石墨砖内侧靠近活性区的位置开有20个直径13cm的孔槽,其中10个对称间隔分布的控制棒导向孔,7个硼吸收球孔,3个为辐照探测孔道.底部反射层由20个夹角为18°的扇形石墨砖组成环形结构.每个扇形石墨砖的厚度均为*cm,外径为1*cm.顶部反射层石墨为厚度40cm的扇形,形成45°的斜角,顶层中央是由石墨砖围成的*cm的卸料管,使得燃料球容易从堆芯流出而且不容易形成 “死区”.石墨构件通过石墨销键定位并支撑在堆芯容器下部钢支撑底座上,其外侧由堆芯围固来保证.堆体的径向定位和在地震条件下堆体结构的完整性.


The graphite reflector layer is piled up by graphite blocks to form a cylindrical column with a height of xx cm and a diameter of xx cm, and enclosed within are the fuel zone and molten zone. The structure of the graphite reflector layer is separated into three sectors, namely the side, bottom and top reflector layers. The side reflector comprises 10 layers of graphite bricks; each layer is composed in a ring-shaped structure by 20 fan-shaped graphite bricks with an included angle of 18°and the thickness of every graphite fan-shaped brick is xx cm, while the outside length is xx cm and the inside length is xx cm. On the inner side of the graphite bricks, there are 20 Φ13cm hole-slots at the location near the active zone; 10 of which are symmetrically distributed pilot holes for the control rods, 7 are spherical pores for boron absorption and the remaining 3 are channels for radiation detection.

底部反射层由20个夹角为18°的扇形石墨砖组成环形结构.每个扇形石墨砖的厚度均为*cm,外径为1*cm.顶部反射层石墨为厚度40cm的扇形,形成45°的斜角,顶层中央是由石墨砖围成的*cm的卸料管,使得燃料球容易从堆芯流出而且不容易形成 “死区”.石墨构件通过石墨销键定位并支撑在堆芯容器下部钢支撑底座上,其外侧由堆芯围固来保证堆体的径向定位和在地震条件下堆体结构的完整性.
The bottom sector of the reflector layer is composed in a ring-shaped structure by 20 fan-shaped graphite bricks with an included angle of 18°; the thickness of each graphite fan-shaped brick is xx cm and the outside length is xx cm. The thickness of the graphite bricks at the top sector of the reflector layer is 40 cm, they are fan-shaped to form an oblique angle of 45°. The center of the top sector is a xx cm discharge duct formed by graphite bricks, so as to facilitate the fuel balls to flow out easily from the reactor core and avoid the forming of “dead zone”. The graphite components are aligned by the graphite pin key and supported on the steel supporting pedestal at the bottom of the reactor core vessel, and they are firmly surrounded on the outside by the reactor core to ensure the radial location of the reactor, as well as to guarantee the reactor structure is intact during earthquake condition.


英语翻译石墨反射层区由石墨块堆砌而成,将燃料区和熔盐区包围在内,形成高*cm,直径*cm的圆柱体.石墨反射层结构分为侧反射层、底部反射层和顶部反射层3部分.侧反射层共有10层石墨砖,每层 石墨块的价格 石墨由什么构成? 为什么石墨、金刚石由碳原子构成?石墨为什么导电,而金刚石不导电... 石墨块有什么用 石墨烯是由碳原子构成的单层片状结构的新材料(结构示意图如下),可由石墨剥离而成,具有极好的石墨烯是由碳原子构成的单层片状结构的新材料(结构示意图如下),可由石墨剥离而成,具有 如何采用电化学方法将石墨氧化成氧化石墨烯 石墨由什么元素组成 石墨由什么微粒构成. 石墨块 石墨圆盘 石墨阳极板 石墨棒 石墨管 石墨模具 石墨电极我们是实用单位 需要采购石墨块 石墨圆盘 石墨模具及石墨件等石墨炭素 用在石墨热场 单晶硅等上 有没有生产石墨炭素产品 石墨炭素行业 模压高纯石墨产品抗压强度?石墨产品中高质量的高纯石墨块 抗压强度能达到多少? 石墨和金刚钻同是碳族 为什么石墨导电而金钢石不导呢 石墨块 石墨炭素产品我们是实用单位 寻找石墨块 石墨方块等石墨炭素产品的生产厂家 谢谢! 下列关于金刚石、石墨、C60说法正确的是( )A.我们肉眼看到的金刚石、石墨、C60是由多个分子靠一定的作用力堆积而成的单质B金刚石、石墨、C60之间的作用力相同C金刚石、石墨、C60的排列方 润滑油加石墨块能溶解吗? 石墨块与钢哪个热导率高 石墨 制 石墨烯 将石墨变成金刚石是什么反应?.