英文翻译 英翻中 在线等!满意继续追加分数Family (Financial) Planning After ten or 12 years, your marriage is as comfortable as Saturday's flannel shirt. Now the real work begins. Developing a sound plan to secure the financial future

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 01:53:49

英文翻译 英翻中 在线等!满意继续追加分数Family (Financial) Planning After ten or 12 years, your marriage is as comfortable as Saturday's flannel shirt. Now the real work begins. Developing a sound plan to secure the financial future
英文翻译 英翻中 在线等!满意继续追加分数
Family (Financial) Planning
After ten or 12 years, your marriage is as comfortable as Saturday's flannel shirt. Now the real work begins. Developing a sound plan to secure the financial future of your marriage has probably been lost in the crush of kids and career.
"Responsibility increases with children," says M. Sophie Beckmann, a certified public accountant and certified financial planner at A.G. Edwards in St. Louis. "You're now responsible for your spouse and the children. That means planning."
Many couples live paycheck to paycheck and don't take a long view of their finances. This is the beginning of future money problems that will strain the marriage and could be catastrophic if one spouse dies or is incapacitated.
There's a message in your burgeoning gut and the quickly evaporating balance in your checking account: You're not a kid anymore and you've got to think about things like the mortgage, insurance, saving for college, retirement and even the unthinkable such as naming a legal guardian for your children should both you and your spouse die.
The type and amount of insurance you need is a good starting point for making a detailed financial plan. If the family depends on two incomes to cover daily expenses, think about insurance to cover medical costs and to replace at least a portion of the lost income if you or your spouse can no longer work.
At some point, you've got to think about getting the kids through college. Loans, scholarships and part-time work probably won't cover all expenses, even at a state university, so take a look at a 529 College Savings Plan.
The college savings plans, named for the section of the tax code that created them, now total about $43 billion in assets. In 2001, withdrawals from 529 College Savings Plans In general, funds set aside for college should be money available after meeting routine household expenses and other savings, including retirement. became tax free at the federal level for tuition, books and other qualified expenses. About half of the states offer tax breaks for contributing to their plans.

英文翻译 英翻中 在线等!满意继续追加分数Family (Financial) Planning After ten or 12 years, your marriage is as comfortable as Saturday's flannel shirt. Now the real work begins. Developing a sound plan to secure the financial future
责任“随着孩子说, ”苏菲贝克曼先生,注册会计师和注册理财规划师在AG Edwards的圣路易斯. “你现在负责你的配偶和子女.这意味着规划. ”
学院储蓄计划,命名为第税法创造者,目前共有约430亿美元的资产. 2001年,退出529大学储蓄计划,一般而言,资金用于高校应提供资金的例行会议后,家庭开支和其他储蓄,包括退休.成为免税在联邦一级的学费,书籍和其他有资格的费用.大约有一半的国家提供税收优惠对促进他们的计划.

英文翻译 英翻中 在线等!满意继续追加分数Family (Financial) Planning After ten or 12 years, your marriage is as comfortable as Saturday's flannel shirt. Now the real work begins. Developing a sound plan to secure the financial future 两篇英文读后感200字左右 ,任意文章!在线等,急,满意就追加50分 2011-2012七年级上册南方出版社寒假数学作业答案在线等 满意追加分 - - (在线等)正等轴测图和斜二测轴测图的区别满意后我再追加分给你 求挥着翅膀的女孩的英文版有连接,有歌词,回答满意追加分,在线等,快! 等下再继续追加100分 四海之内皆兄弟 英文翻译 在线等.~~~好的追加~~~~RT 满意追加100分 结合中国近现代史的认识 谈谈中国革命和改革注意的最基本的问题《中国近现代史纲要》期末考题之一 求助 在线等 满意追加很多分 求英语演讲稿和PPT 谢谢 1000字左右 在线等,明天要用的.内容积极向上,哲理励志小故事都可以,谢谢!!! 满意追加分!! 黄嘌呤核苷酸是什么?人体有么什么生物有啊?注意不是次黄嘌呤核苷酸哦.急!在线等.回答满意追加20分 工商企业管理经济数学2重修(总决赛)考题加答案!在线等,满意的追加200分!骗子死! 作文600字 写一件事 题目 ——也是一种快乐 在线等 满意追加 紧急求助,英语旧金山San Francisco怎么读 给追加分给追加分,在线等 两名美国宇航员首次登上月球,第一眼看到的就是十分奇异的景色.不改变句子的意思,给句子换个说法. 20分钟之内有满意的答案的话追加5分.在线等 风化石 用途 在线的等求风化石的用途 答案若满意再追加分数 九年级物理题,在线等追加 以“努力”为话题的作文500字左右,在线等答案,满意的再加分```