
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 10:55:23


每天坚持背适量单词,不管你词汇量怎么样,这是个长期性的基本功.因为单词你是学不完的,就像中国的汉字.早晨不妨早起一会 ,读一些自己认为本比较好的片段或短文,最好能够背诵.时间长了,你会发现自己也会说一些简单的英语了.至于这些片段和短文怎么找,那就看你平时怎么利用你的空闲时间了.练习也是不可少的.君子动口也要动手.图书馆英语方面的书很多,也有不少是练习,自己可以挑选几本来做.当然,你也可以到书店去买,如果你觉得不方便.练习不可求多,要一日求精,比如阅读,每天选一两篇比较好的,有实际帮助的来做.练习和记单词一样,讲究的是一个积累过程.能力是慢慢培养的,不是一蹴而就的.最后不能忘了听力和作文.对于听力,你可以选择听一些历年的CET4,6习题,也可以和早晨阅读结合在一起,不妨听一些简短优美的片段.开始时,先是要听懂它,然后再熟读它直至能背诵它.作文可一星期安排写两三篇,反复斟酌,或者请同学老师帮忙,看看有没有语法,词汇方面的错误,思考句式的选择,同一句话怎么表达最合适等等.就这些Adhere to an appropriate word back every day,no matter how kind you are vocabulary,this is a long-term basic skills.Because the word you are learning endless,like the Chinese characters.Council may wish to get up early one morning,reading some of his own think this a relatively good clip or short,it is best to recite.A long time,you will find yourself will say a few simple English.As for how to find these fragments and essays,then see how you usually use your spare time.Exercise is also essential.Gentlemen I have hands-on action.Library of English in a lot of books,there are many exercises,they can pick a few have been done.Of course,you can also go to bookstores to buy,if you feel inconvenient.Exercise not make more refinement to day,such as reading,election day,12 good,practical help to do.Practice and remember the same words,stress is a cumulative process.Ability to develop slowly,not overnight.Finally can not forget listening and writing.For the hearing,you can choose to listen to some of the calendar year CET4,6 Exercise also can read the morning together,it may be beautiful to listen to some short fragments.Initially,first to understand it,and then re-familiar with it until we could recite it.Writing can be arranged to write 23 a week,repeated as appropriate,or asking the students to help the teacher to see if there is not grammar,vocabulary mistakes,thought the choice of sentence with the words to express how the most appropriate,and so