阅读下列表格,请你介绍Mary的日常活动,并谈谈你的看法!初一下期水平,50到60字Activities How oftendo homework 2 hours a daywatch TV oniy on the weekendsplay sports Three times a weekpractice English Every morning and every nig

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/14 09:00:32

阅读下列表格,请你介绍Mary的日常活动,并谈谈你的看法!初一下期水平,50到60字Activities How oftendo homework 2 hours a daywatch TV oniy on the weekendsplay sports Three times a weekpractice English Every morning and every nig
Activities How often
do homework 2 hours a day
watch TV oniy on the weekends
play sports Three times a week
practice English Every morning and every night
Go shopping Once a month
sleep 9-10 hours

阅读下列表格,请你介绍Mary的日常活动,并谈谈你的看法!初一下期水平,50到60字Activities How oftendo homework 2 hours a daywatch TV oniy on the weekendsplay sports Three times a weekpractice English Every morning and every nig
After school,Mary will first complete her homework before she practices english for two hours by either reading a book or doing english related books and goes off to play sports or to shop.She will then take a bathe and goes to bed at a quarter before ten at night.
看法 :In my opinion,I think that Mary is a person who organized her daily life very well and she is also a very disciplned girl who follows what she had planned.She is also an active and healthy girl who exercises thrice a week.I also feel that it is a good habit to sleep early so that one can get enough rest.

After school, Mary will first complete her homework before she practices english for two hours by either reading a book or doing english related books and goes off to play sports or to shop. She will ...


After school, Mary will first complete her homework before she practices english for two hours by either reading a book or doing english related books and goes off to play sports or to shop. She will then take a bathe and goes to bed at a quarter before ten at night.
看法 :In my opinion,I think that Mary is a person who organized her daily life very well and she is also a very disciplned girl who follows what she had planned. She is also an active and healthy girl who exercises thrice a week. I also feel that it is a good habit to sleep early so that one can get enough rest.


阅读下列表格,请你介绍Mary的日常活动,并谈谈你的看法!初一下期水平,50到60字Activities How oftendo homework 2 hours a daywatch TV oniy on the weekendsplay sports Three times a weekpractice English Every morning and every nig 初中八年级英语评估测试题(一)是作文,2010学年第一学期第一单元。阅读下列表格,请你介绍Mary的日常生活情况,并谈谈你的看法。Activities How oftendo homework 2hours a daywatch TV only on the weeken 假如下表是Mary一些日常活动,请根据表格信息,写一篇短文,描述Mary的活动情况表格:Activities(活动) Frequency(频率)ride homework in the evening usuallywatch TV,play computer games nevergo to the music club usuallypl 假如你是John,请你写一篇报道,介绍一下你的朋友Mary的日常情况 英语作文 急呀,帮帮忙假如你是John,请你写一篇报道,介绍一下你的朋友Mary的日常情况 Activities How oftendo homework two hours 英语:假如你是tom,mary要来你所在的地方旅游,请你根据下列提示介绍你那里 英语:假如你是tom,mary要来你所在的地方旅游,请你根据下列提示介绍你那里 英语:假如你是tom,mary要来你所在的地方旅游,请你根据下列提示介绍你那里 英语:假如你是tom,mary要来你所在的地方旅游,请你根据下列提示介绍你那里 用频率副词介绍你家人的日常活动 英文写 以走进小说人物为主题的综合性学习活动在学校开展,请你按照活动计划完成下列学习内容1.阅读原著,填写相关信息 请你根据下列表格中的内容,以第一人称向别人介绍一个旅游的情况写一篇60词的英语短文. 旅游时间:请你根据下列表格中的内容,以第一人称向别人介绍一个旅游的情况写一篇60词的英语短文. 假设你是杰克,现在是周四晚上七点钟.请你根据表格内容写一篇不少于40词的短文介绍你和家人正在做的活动,可适当发挥 假如你是班长,新学期开始了,请你根据下面表格中的内容,向同学们介绍一下本学期的主要活动安排.Events TimeArt Festival SeptemberChinese Contest OctoberEnglish Speech Contest NovmberEnglish Party 初二英语作文一篇 求写假如某英语俱乐部为晚会举行主持人海选活动,要求参赛选手先填写表格,再递交英文自 我介绍.下面是 Jim 填写的表格.请你根据表格内容帮他写一份 70 词左右姓名 Jim Gr 请你参与“名著阅读”活动,按提示完成下列问题.(1)为了解初中生的课外名著阅读情况,请你设计一种调查方案(2)以下是对100位初中生进行调查后的结果:《西游记》 《水浒》 《鲁滨逊 根据下列表格提示,用英语写一篇短文来介绍三位同学的爱好以及他们所拥有的体育用品的数量.词数60左右.Sally:四个乒乓球拍.Mary:六个排球.Peter:三个足球.以:Sally,Mary and Peter are my good fri 阅读《可爱的小鸟》,回答阅读题请你为“爱鸟日”活动写两条宣传标语.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 请你阅读下列计算过程