
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 13:02:53


Everyone,in the anicent Ming dynasty,when there were no electricity or steam to power boats,how did Zheng He navigate to the West?It is because he used a natural resource,the wind.Dating back to the old times,people have learned how to use wind energy to ammeliorate our lives.Wind performs a lot of work in nature.It can make the heat and steam in a large are to merge,balance,adjust the temperture and humidity.It can also deliver rain to far places,so the water cycle of Earth would be completed.Wind is very useful in daily lives,for example,a sailboat depends on to wind to move.Zheng He's voyages were successful because of the help of wind.
Air moving up on horizontal direction is called Wind.Wind is formed by the movement of air,as the air pressure on the horizontal direction is distributed unevenly.To put it simply,wind is the movement of air particles.Wind energy is formed mainly by converting the kinetic energy of the air particles to other forms of energy as they are moving.A sailboat is able to move forward as its sail is pushed against by wind.Looking out fo the changes in the set of the wind,sailors can adjust the angle of the sail to obtain impulse force for movement.
In this experiment,as the fan spins,air particles are starting to move,creating wind.Wind is used for sailing.A sailboat obtains sufficient thrust,so it can advance.

Students,farintheMing Dynasty,no electricityandsteamto launchboats,Zhengandhow tocompletethefeatunder the Western?Thisisbecause theyborroweda naturalenergy-wind.A long time ago, humans havelearned tou...


Students,farintheMing Dynasty,no electricityandsteamto launchboats,Zhengandhow tocompletethefeatunder the Western?Thisisbecause theyborroweda naturalenergy-wind.A long time ago, humans havelearned tousewindpowerto improveour lives.Winda lot of workto dointhenatural world.Which enablesa wide rangeof heat and moisturemixed,balanced,adjustthetemperatureand humidityoftheair;able toclouds and rainsent todistantplaceson Earth'swatercycleto be completed.Theroleofthewindin their daily livesanda lot ofsailboatrideisalsodrivenbythewind.Zheng He's voyagesisthanks tothe helpofthewindinordertobesuccessful.
Theflowofairin the horizontal directionis calledwind.The formationofthewindisthe resultoftheair flow.Istheuneven distribution ofpressure in thehorizontal direction.Simply put,thewind isthe movementofair molecules.Theformationofwindenergyisthemovementofair moleculeswithkinetic energy intoother forms of energy.Sailingthroughthe sailsfor a rideby thethrusttomove forward.Withthechangeinwinddirection,thetimelyadjustmentofthecrewsail'sanglein order togettheforwarddirectionofthrust.
In this experiment,therotation of the fan, the air moleculesin motion,theformationofthe wind,thewindacting on thesail,theboathas beenthrustforward, socan move forward.


The classmates, far in the Ming Dynasty, no electricity and steam to launch ships, Zheng He is how to fulfill the's feat? This is because they use a natural wind energy --. Long ago, humans will learn...


The classmates, far in the Ming Dynasty, no electricity and steam to launch ships, Zheng He is how to fulfill the's feat? This is because they use a natural wind energy --. Long ago, humans will learn to improve our life energy. The wind did a lot of work in the world of nature. It can make a wide range of heat and water vapor mixing, balance, regulate the temperature and humidity of the air; the cloud to the distant place, make the earth's water cycle to complete. A lot of wind action in everyday life, sailing driving also depend on wind push. Zheng He's voyages is thanks to the help to the success of the wind.
The air flow in the horizontal direction is called the wind. The wind is the formation of air flow results. The pressure distribution in the horizontal direction is not uniform. Simply put, the wind is the movement of air molecules. Wind formation is the kinetic energy of air molecules when moving into other forms of energy. Sailing is through the ride was thrust forward. With the wind direction changes, the crew to adjust the angle of the sail, in order to get the direction of the thrust.
In this experiment, in the rotation of the fan, air molecules in motion, formation of the wind, the wind in the sail boat, get forward thrust, so can advance.


Far ming, no electricity and steam to power ships, Zheng He was about how to complete the feat of the era? This is because they use a natural energy--wind. A long time ago, man learned to use wind ene...


Far ming, no electricity and steam to power ships, Zheng He was about how to complete the feat of the era? This is because they use a natural energy--wind. A long time ago, man learned to use wind energy to improve our lives. Wind in the natural world has done a lot of work. It enables a wide range of thermal and moisture mixing, equalization, adjust the temperature and humidity of the air; could you take sex to a distant place, on Earth's water cycle to be completed. Wind in the everyday life of many, sailing wind driven. Zheng He is, thanks to the help of the wind leads to success. A horizontal movement of the air is called wind. Wind formation is the result of air flow. Is the uneven distribution of air pressure in the horizontal direction. Simply put, the wind is the movement of air molecules. Formation of wind is mainly the air when molecular motion has kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy. Sailing through the sails for a ride was thrust forward. As the wind direction changes, the crew adjust the angle of the sails in a timely manner, to get the direction of thrust. In this experiment, under the fan turns, air molecules moving together, forming a wind and wind for the sails, boats are thrust forward, the ability to go.




Dear classmates, in the long-past Ming Dynasty, under the condition that there was no electricity nor steam to motivate boats, how could He ZHENG completed the feat of exploring the oceanic countries? It is because of a natural energy- wind, that they utilized to succeed. Long long ago, mankind had mastered the ways to use winds to improve their lives. Wind does a lot of work in the nature. It can mix and balance heat and vapor on a large scale and modulate the air temperature and humidity as well as complete the water cycle on the earth by sending clouds and rain to faraway places. Wind plays many roles in our daily lives, for example,the moving of a yacht is realized by the force from the wind blowing the sails . Mr. Zheng succeeded in his oceanic adventure because of the help from Aeolus.
Wind is the flow of air in a horizontal way. The formation of wind is the result of the air movement and the uneven distribution of air pressure in the horizontal direction. Simply speaking, wind is the movement of air molecules. The wind energy is formed mainly by changing the kinetic energy from air molecule movements into other forms of energies. The movement of a sailing boat is achieved by the energy from the wind blowing the sails. With the changes of wind directions, sailors can adjust the angles of sails in time to get the thrust for forward movement.
In the experiment, due to the rotation of the fan, air molecules start moving to form wind, which works on the sails to provide the energy to push the boat. That is the reason why the boat can move forward.








英语翻译同学们,在遥远的明朝,没有电和蒸汽来发动船只,郑和是怎么样完成下西洋的壮举呢?这是因为他们借用了一种自然能源——风.很早以前,人类就学会了利用风能来改善我们的生活.风在 距离我很遥远用英语怎么说英语翻译:我的梦想在天空中飞翔 距离我很遥远 但是 明朝的安化王朱寘鐇和宁王朱宸濠在叛乱后有没有称帝? 苏州哪里有买《你我交汇在遥远行星》在文化市场和新华书店都没有. 寒冷和遥远的反义词 遥远和舒展的反义词 遥远和空闲的英文翻译? 英语翻译明朝张岱写的 明朝十七帝相对应陵寝的名称明朝皇帝除了朱元璋,朱允妏和朱祁钰以外还有谁没有葬在十三陵? 我和我的同学在补习班一整天英语翻译过去式 有没有和明朝伪君子同样的小说 有没有关于与三国和明朝的一些书 明朝有郑和下西洋如此壮举,说明明朝有相当的实力,为什么明朝没有实现地质大发现?实属被逼无奈!地质大发现为新大陆,字数在四百字以内 明朝永乐年间有没有一些近代历史的文化比如女子裹足,在当时是不是一定要的...还有外国的文学在明朝有没有部分的传入...像马可波罗 .郑和下西洋都分别在什么时候 《遥远的麦地》中,“遥远的麦地不再遥远,因为它时刻在我们的心上”这一句中第一个这一句中第一个“遥远”指-----------,“不再遥远”指---------------. 明朝的事情明朝的 《皇明祖训》有没有说海禁?也就是说郑和下西洋有没有违反祖制? 清朝代替明朝在生产力或社会发展方面是不是退步呢?明朝末年是不是出现了中央集权的衰落和资本主义萌芽.好像明朝的时候没有那么保守吧?清朝才保守.明朝的时候好像也没有看不起别的国 有海成语 比喻没有边际和偏僻遥远两个