
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 19:30:38


The history of “going out”for Chinese enterprises is no longer short,yet their marketing overseas is still in the period of exploration and with little experience. This is because international marketing is not just promoting products abroad.It requires enterprises to really enter overseas market and build their own branches and channels as well as brand.
It is unescapable for Chimese enterprises to develop the ability of running business independently and effectively. When China has gained an unparalleled capacity of manufacturing,it will be an empty talk if we, under the circumstance of having no noticeable advantages over techonlogy,bulid international brand,make profits of sustainable development and get the true understanding of international market so as to realise localization while there is no ability of marketing overseas in the downstream. And it is because many enterprises are in a situation of the exploring period with no support,we need to refer to our forerunners' experience. Accordingly,all these become the reason why we care about this topic. We look forward to inspire more enterprises to step on this attery of conquering the whole world instead of just giving them answers.注: 纯人脑翻译

Chinese enterprises "going out" of history is not short. However, the Chinese enterprises to explore overseas marketing is still in phase, there is little experience to talk about. Because overseas ma...


Chinese enterprises "going out" of history is not short. However, the Chinese enterprises to explore overseas marketing is still in phase, there is little experience to talk about. Because overseas marketing by no means the products for export. It requires enterprises to truly access overseas markets, to establish their own institutions and channels, as well as the brand.
Chinese enterprises are to achieve true international competitiveness, an independent and effective overseas marketing capabilities, is an unavoidable the pack. China already has the world's unique manufacturing capabilities, we can not have a clear technological advantage, if the downstream without a strong overseas marketing capabilities, our products quickly and smooth to sell the so-called build an international brand, the so-called for sustainable development, profits, and achieve the so-called real understanding of international markets and thus to achieve localization, will be self-deceiving rhetoric. But also precisely because many companies are nothing to go by the exploration period, we also need to learn from the experience of pioneers. As such, they constitute a reason for our interest in this topic. We look forward to, not given an answer, but rather to stimulate more businesses to the practice of this hole-y pilgrimage the world must pass through choke points.


Chinese enterprises "going out" of history is not short. However, the Chinese enterprises to explore overseas marketing is still in phase, there is little experience to talk about. Because overseas ma...


Chinese enterprises "going out" of history is not short. However, the Chinese enterprises to explore overseas marketing is still in phase, there is little experience to talk about. Because overseas marketing by no means the products for export. It requires enterprises to truly access overseas markets, to establish their own institutions and channels, as well as the brand.
Chinese enterprises are to achieve true international competitiveness, an independent and effective overseas marketing capabilities, is an unavoidable the pack. China already has the world's unique manufacturing capabilities, we can not have a clear technological advantage, if the downstream without a strong overseas marketing capabilities, our products quickly and smooth to sell the so-called build an international brand, the so-called for sustainable development, profits, and achieve the so-called real understanding of international markets and thus to achieve localization, will be self-deceiving rhetoric. But also precisely because many companies are nothing to go by the exploration period, we also need to learn from the experience of pioneers. As such, they constitute a reason for our interest in this topic. We look forward to, not given an answer, but rather to stimulate more businesses to the practice of this world must pass through the throat hole-y pilgrimage arteries


Chinese enterprises "to walk out" in history is not short. However, China's enterprises overseas marketing is still in explorative, doesn't have much experience to talk about. Because of overseas mark...


Chinese enterprises "to walk out" in history is not short. However, China's enterprises overseas marketing is still in explorative, doesn't have much experience to talk about. Because of overseas marketing never put products for export. It requires enterprise real entering an overseas market, establish their own organization and channel, and brand.
But Chinese enterprise to realize the real international competitiveness, independent and effective overseas marketing ability, is an inevitable. China has the world's unique manufacturing capacity, we still have not obvious in the technical advantages of lower case, if no powerful overseas marketing ability, our products to sell out fast, unobstructed, so-called internationalized brand, so-called obtain sustainable development, and realize the profit to understand the international market, and to realize the localization, will be self-deception moonshine. But also because of many enterprises in which the explorative retrieved, we need more experience for the pioneer. Therefore, these constitute the us to address this topic. We look forward to, not give the answers, but stimulate more enterprises to practice this play is all over the world through guttural thoroughfare. 呵呵,我任为比较简单吧?!


英语翻译中国企业“走出去”的历史不算短了.然而,中国企业的海外营销仍处于探索期,没有多少经验可谈.因为,海外营销绝不等于把产品外销.它需要企业真正的进入海外市场,建立自己的机构 “走出去” 的中国企业有那些? 英语翻译随着中国改革开放的不断深入以及中国企业国际化进程的加快,中国企业纷纷把眼光瞄准了国际市场,与此同时,为了加快中国经济改革开放的步伐,我国政府也制定了“走出去”战略, 国家为鼓励中国企业走出去,都出台了哪些政策? 高中政治必修一问答题:中国企业走出去的意义 中国企业如何才能更好地走出去 高中政治必修一怎样让中国企业走出去 英语翻译摘 要本文从企业跨国经营方式分析入手,对中国企业跨国经营的动因、优劣势进行了分析,指出了中国企业跨国经营的特点、现状和问题,提出了中国企业跨国经营战略制定方法.关键 英语翻译21世纪中国企业营销的主旋律-- 营销创新、营销行为的人文操作摘要:本文分析了21世纪,中国企业的营销环境,介绍了中国市场营销学的发展过程及现代企业营销的运用水平.分析了21 中国企业境外上市为什么不是走出去?1、中国企业境外上市为什么不是“走出去”?2、优化出口贸易结构为什么不是“走出去”?3、我国海外企业并购为什么是“走出去”?原题:以下属于走出 中国企业的发展史 下列句中加点词语使用错误的一项是A.早上河两岸村民发生冲突的事情,有可能是某几个村民撺掇制造的混乱.(加点词:撺掇)B.中国企业“走出去”遭遇了缺乏完善政策服务与支持体系的羁 中国企业如何实施走出去战略那位大哥知道麻烦指点一下 “走出去, 恐龙灭绝之谜阅读题答案我们人类在地球生活的历史应当说不算短了,可是与恐龙的生存年相比较,那还只是一瞬间.. 英语翻译本文从20世纪90年代以来的经济全球化发展趋势和中国企业必须参与国际竞争这一论题出发,首先在绪论部分提出了问题——中国企业跨国经营.在正文部分,首先分析了企业跨国经营的 谈谈在实施“走出去”战略中,究竟是选择新建企业还是并购方式对中国企业有利?为 请问:“走出去”战略的“走出去”用英文怎么说?多指教