
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 12:52:06


1:I would like to go… I often go to…France because I met a friend of mine two years ago she invited me already several times they have been there already several times for several times.I always have been fascinated by French history and I started reading French books well though in Russian but not in French since I was twelve.I have already been in the south so right now I am going to the north of the country.And I would like to try their famous yogurt,cheese,wine just these.
2.This is kind of complicated question um I think it’s important to know which stage you are
If you are an undergraduate student,I would rather to take wide range and wide variety of subjects and different areas because it would expand my knowledge,would improve my understanding for different topics,on the other hand,if I’m a graduate student,I would rather to take specific courses,because if you know,when you are graduate student,you are working and dealing with specific topics and therefore you have to …
3.So what they should is just to change the course of the bus and that will take care of the problem.Also they should encourage more students to use the bus instead of discourage them.Or they use the money they use for the bus service to increase the space of the parking lots for students,which will add to the noise of the campus ,and will be more congested for all the people who already parking over there That’s about it
4.In this lecture,the professor give two examples to illustrate the principles of audience effects.One of them is tying shoes.So in the experiment where two groups …to tie their shoes,The first group were said they were be observed,The other one was not told so.The first group that they knew they would be observed tied their shoes faster; and the other one slower.In the second example; activities such as typing; again when people are conscious they are being observed they type faster.However,they tend to make more mistakes as well.So the suggestion is to practice new activities alone in order to reduce mistakes.
5.The problem is the woman got a chance to go to a field trip but on the day for the field trip,she needs to do a museum setup for another professor,so she is not available on that day.The solutions are the first one:she could find another helper for the professor to do the setup.The second solution is she could do the setup before Wednesday when the field started.Just do it before she go to the field.So these two solutions are available for her and I suggest her to do the setup,to finish the setup before Wednesday when...
6.The professor said that the money is the medium of exchange
But anything you can purchase something with is considered to be money.That’s one definition.that means when you achieve …taxi driver who accept money for his ride,But if he drives a fruit-selling person,he can also,instead of money,accept fruit for his drive.In that case the fruit is the medium of exchange,not the money.So under the first definition,The professor said that the money is the medium of exchange But anything you can purchase something with is considered to be money.That’s one definition.that means when you achieve …taxi driver who accept money for his ride,But if he drives a fruit-selling person,he can also,instead of money,accept fruit for his drive.In that case the fruit is the medium of exchange,not the money.So under the first definition,Dollar bills and Coins are money,but also other medium of exchange,in this case for this taxi driver.The second definition is a legal definition.The legal definition just coins and dollar bills are legal money in this definition.

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