Trees are a shelter for the sun.如果有请说明并改正且翻译如果没请说明用法和翻译为什么谓语是复数而定冠词是单数呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/01 23:42:15

Trees are a shelter for the sun.如果有请说明并改正且翻译如果没请说明用法和翻译为什么谓语是复数而定冠词是单数呢
Trees are a shelter for the sun.

Trees are a shelter for the sun.如果有请说明并改正且翻译如果没请说明用法和翻译为什么谓语是复数而定冠词是单数呢
首先,trees 是复数后面不能加 a ,shelter应改为复数
They sheltered from the sun under a tree.这里shelter作动词也用from
你的句子应改为 Trees are shelters from the sun.或者是 The tree is a
shelter from the sun.

错了,应为Trees are a shelter from the sun,显然这里是躲避太阳的危害,是伤害方,用from,被伤害方,用for,比如Trees are a shelter from the sun for people。
不好意思,是我疏忽了,确实应该改成复数,Trees are shelters from th...


错了,应为Trees are a shelter from the sun,显然这里是躲避太阳的危害,是伤害方,用from,被伤害方,用for,比如Trees are a shelter from the sun for people。
不好意思,是我疏忽了,确实应该改成复数,Trees are shelters from the sun


应该是Trees are shelter from the sun.
上面那样翻译就变成了 树庇护了太阳。但实际上应该是树具有遮阴作用的意思吧?而且shelter 应该是不可数名词,不可以用不定冠词。

有一道英语单选题 高手请进Trees provide___from the sun.I mean,they are ___from the sun. A .a shelter ,a shelter B, shelter, shelter C,a shelter ,shelter D,shelter ,a shelter请求答案和讲解 Trees are a shelter for the sun.如果有请说明并改正且翻译如果没请说明用法和翻译为什么谓语是复数而定冠词是单数呢 英语翻译Forests and landA forest is a large area of trees.Forests are very important.They provide both shelter and food for animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of the trees.The leaves,fruit and flowers are food for them.People in animals will lose their food and shelter if there are no trees.保持原句的意思lose theianimals will lose their food and shelter if there are no trees.保持原句的意思animals will lose their food and shelter (----)(----) shelter Those are ——A apple trees B apples trees He slept in the ( ) of the trees on such a hot day.A.shelter B.shade C.shadowWhich should i choose?and why? there are a lot of trees around the house.there are trees around the house. Forests are very ( ) because they provide shelter and food for birds and ani-mals BuForests are very ( ) because they provide shelter and food for birds and ani-mals But nowadays ,forests become fewer and fewer .People ( )down trees to make house ,fu 英语翻译The fundamental conditions and resources for health are peace,shelter,education,food,a viable income,a stable eco-system.sustainable resources,social justice and equity.在文中shelter一词如何译? A Shelter from storm如何翻译? There are many____.a.banana trees b.bananas tree c.bananas trees d.banana tree. A larger number of____ _____ cut downa.trees,isb.trees,are为什么选B? Those are ( ).A.banana trees B.bananas trees C.banana tree These are( ) a.apples trees trees c.apples tree Are those_______big?A:apple trees B:apples treec:apples trees d:apple tree选哪个?理由? There( ) a lot of trees.填is还是are急.... there are many apple trees in a garden.