
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 11:19:35

谱子我习惯翻成 music sheet

I am sorry to write you back so lately.
My english is not good.I can read well but I'm not good at writing.
Thank you to tell me the origin of that song.I heard that song sung by a HongKong singer the first time,I thought he was the original singer,looks like I was wrong.
If you want some music sheet which you couldn't get,please let me know,I think I can help you.

Sorry for my late reply.
My English is not very good, but I have no problem reading. It is only the writing that's a little hard for me.
Thank you for letting me know the history/background of...


Sorry for my late reply.
My English is not very good, but I have no problem reading. It is only the writing that's a little hard for me.
Thank you for letting me know the history/background of this song. The first time I heard it, it was sang by a Hongkong performer, and I thought he was the original singer. But now I know that it was a misunderstanding.
If you ever have trouble finding tunes/melodies in the future, please let me know. I will try searching them for you.


把分给 wsjuely 吧 不错的答案

So long to reply to you, I am sorry.
My English not so good, no problem reading that is more laborious to write.
Thank you for telling me that the history of song, I listen to the people o...


So long to reply to you, I am sorry.
My English not so good, no problem reading that is more laborious to write.
Thank you for telling me that the history of song, I listen to the people of Hong Kong is the first concert, and thought that he is原唱. Appears to be misunderstood.
The future can not find the music score to tell me, you can try to help you find.


I am very sorry for my late reply.pls forgive me.
my english is poor but that is no problem for reading,only difficult for writting.
thank you for tell me the origin of the song.i have made a ...


I am very sorry for my late reply.pls forgive me.
my english is poor but that is no problem for reading,only difficult for writting.
thank you for tell me the origin of the song.i have made a mistake that thought he was the original singer when I first hear it by a HongKong people.
if you have some mmusic sheet cannot found, ple tell me, let me try my best to help you find it.


I'm sorry for the delay.
My English is so so. Though I have no difficulty in reading, it's difficult for me to write.
Thank you for telling me the origin of the song. I thought he was the orig...


I'm sorry for the delay.
My English is so so. Though I have no difficulty in reading, it's difficult for me to write.
Thank you for telling me the origin of the song. I thought he was the original singer when I first heard it in Hongkong. It seemed to be a mistake.
If you couldn't find the melody, please don't hesitate to tell me. I'll try my best to look it for you.


要求:意思表达清楚就行.内容:这么久才给你回信,不好意思.我的英语不太好,阅读没问题,就是写起来比较费劲.谢谢你告诉我那首曲子的来历,我第一次是听香港人演唱的,以为他就是原唱.看 国庆节设计一个假期计划的英语作文!要求:内容表达清楚,字数不少于70子,要初2的水平,最好告诉我大概的中文意思啊!谢谢我会给money的 日出 雨点 窗口 绿叶 微笑用这几个词编一篇作文要求内容合情和理,把意思表达清楚,有条理. 日久生情.这个词,在佛经中是怎么说的啊?好象说什么人不在同一棵树下住两夜,就是说人和人在一起时间久了,就会产生感情,我也表达不好了,反正是这么个意思~ 我很抱歉这么久才给你回信 英语怎么说 求作文一篇 要求:内容跌岩起伏,给人抑扬顿挫感觉就行 英语翻译不用照字翻译,能表达清楚意思而且句子通顺就行了,自己看着翻, 端详造句意思表达清楚 《温暖》要求:写一件表达人与人之间真诚关心帮助的事,内容具体,条理清楚,文章在400字以上. 请英语好的帮帮忙...汉译英,不要机译...以下是翻译内容:对不起,这么久才给你回信.大前天是中国的春节,我们这里非常热闹.我要和父母一起到处去拜年,大人们会给小孩子红包.如果有机会你 英语翻译【翻译内容】非常抱歉这么久才给你回信,最近公司实在太忙了,为了迎接福特公司5月份的审核,全公司上下都忙着准备,因为从集团公司高层开始就特别重视这次审核工作.我看到你家 初一作文《唱响国歌》1000字左右要求嘛,小部分原创就够了,绝对别给我随便网上拉一片牛头不对马嘴的文章来!内容,我也不清楚,老师也没说,你自己看着办吧. ```呃```数学题```````爸爸对儿子说```我像你这么大时,你才4岁,当你像我这么大时,我就79岁了,现在爸爸是几岁,儿子是几岁?````本人小学要升初中撩```以我的程度可以理解的方式给我讲清楚一点`` 朋友,请给我一声问候 小学生400字作文,当天就要!要求叙事清楚,内容具体,情感真实 家长应该怎样培养孩子的自主表达能力的论文要求800字左右.内容和题目一致就行.急 几句简单中译英..急..翻译内容如下:4本 作文3本 成语1本 数学试卷2本 因为是往国外邮的包裹呃..发货单上要求写清内装物品名称..总之 翻译的清楚就行...那给的格子超级小..应该不能用句子 完壁归赵和渑池之会的故事本人急需完壁归赵和渑池之会的小故事,不需太长,只要表达意思够清楚就行了 想清楚表达自己的意思吗