英语翻译三大学派  精神分析学派、行为主义、人本主义心理学影响最大,被称为心理学的三大主要势力.  精神分析学派   经典精神分析学派代表人物:弗洛伊德、荣格、阿德勒

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英语翻译三大学派  精神分析学派、行为主义、人本主义心理学影响最大,被称为心理学的三大主要势力.  精神分析学派  经典精神分析学派代表人物:弗洛伊德、荣格、阿德勒英语翻译三大学派  精神分析学派、行

英语翻译三大学派  精神分析学派、行为主义、人本主义心理学影响最大,被称为心理学的三大主要势力.  精神分析学派   经典精神分析学派代表人物:弗洛伊德、荣格、阿德勒
  精神分析学派、行为主义、人本主义心理学影响最大,被称为心理学的三大主要势力.  精神分析学派   经典精神分析学派代表人物:弗洛伊德、荣格、阿德勒   精神分析由弗洛伊德开创,其后被不断修正与发展,影响力远远超出心理学,所以读者群相应更为广泛.  弗洛伊德所著的《精神分析引论》本书能大致了解弗洛伊德的精神分析学说,无论是对精神分析一无所知的读者,还是颇有研究的学者,都可以从此书中获益.  观点:精神分析学派是弗洛伊德在毕生的精神医疗实践中,对人的病态心理经过无数次的总结、多年的累积而逐渐形成的.主要着重于精神分析和治疗,并由此提出了人的心理和人格的新的独特的解释.新精神分析学派代表人物:弗洛姆、沙利文、卡伦霍妮   行为主义   代表人物:华生、斯金纳   华生创 立的行为主义心理学理论体系在20世纪20年代风行一时,深刻地影响了心理学的进程.在其后,行为主义得到不断发展,以斯金纳最有影响.  行为主义是美国现代心理学的主要流派之一,也是对西方心理学影响最大的流派之一.行为主义可以被区分为旧行为主义和新行为主义.旧行为主义的代表人物以华生为首.新行为主义的主要代表人物则为斯金纳等.  华生 认为人类的行为都是后天习得的,环境决定了一个人的行为模式,无论是正常的行为还是病态的行为都是经过学习而获得的,也可以通过学习而更改、增加或消除,认为查明了环境刺激与行为反应之间的规律性关系,就能根据刺激预知反应,或根据反应推断刺激,达到预测并控制动物和人的行为的目的.他认为,行为就是有机体用以适应环境刺激的各种躯体反应的组合,有的表现在外表,有的隐藏在内部,在他眼里人和动物没什么差异,都遵循同样的规律.  斯金纳 认为心理学所关心的是可以观察到的外表的行为,而不是行为的内部机制.他认为科学必须在自然科学的范围内进行研究,其任务就是要确定实验者控制的刺激继之而来有机体反应之间的函数关系.当然他不仅考虑到一个刺激与一个反应之间的关系,也考虑到那些改变刺激与反应的关系的条件,他的公式为:R=f(SoA).  哲学背景:20世纪初,把人当作机器的机械唯物主义思潮(包括笛卡尔关于人的身体机制的机械论思想、拉o美利特等把人看做机器的观点),以及以经验事实作为勾销主客观界限的工具的新实在论都对华生有很大的影响.  观点:行为主义的主要观点是认为心理学不应该研究意识,只应该研究行为,把行为与意识完全对立起来.在研究方法上,行为主义主张采用客观的实验方法,而不使用内省法.  人本主义   代表人物:马斯洛、 罗杰斯   马斯洛的自我实现论 马斯洛认为人类行为的心理驱力不是性本能,而是人的需要,他将其分为两大类、七个层次、好像一座金字塔,由下而上依次是生理需要、安全需要,归属与爱的需要,尊重的需要,认识需要,审美需要、自我实现需要.  观点:人本主义反对将人的心理低俗化,动物化的倾向,反对仅仅以病态人作为研究对象,把人看为本能牺牲品的精神分析学派,也反对把人看作是物理的、化学的客体的行为主义学派.主张研究对人类进步富有意义的问题,关心人的价值和尊严.

英语翻译三大学派  精神分析学派、行为主义、人本主义心理学影响最大,被称为心理学的三大主要势力.  精神分析学派   经典精神分析学派代表人物:弗洛伊德、荣格、阿德勒
Three big school
Psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism psychology most influence, is called the psychology of the three major forces. Psychoanalysis classics psychoanalytic representative personage: Freud, jung, Adler has created by Freud's psychoanalysis, then continue to be fixed and development, the influence is far beyond psychology, so readers corresponding more widely. Freud his "spirit in the analysis of general idea book of Freud's psychological analysis theory, either to the spirit of the readers know nothing about analysis, or quite have the research of scholars, can benefit from this book. Viewpoint: psychoanalytic is in the spirit of life's medical practice, people's sickness psychological after countless summary, the cumulative and gradually formed. The main focus on spirit analysis and treatment, puts forward the person's psychology and the personality of the new unique interpretation. The new spirit analysis representative personage: fromm, Sullivan, Karen Karen homey developed behaviorism representative figures: Watson, skinner Watson and the made behaviorism psychology theory system in the 1920 s a fad, a profound influence on the psychology of the process. In the next, constantly behavioral development, to the skinner most influence. Behaviorism is American modern psychology of the major schools, and also one of the biggest influence on western psychology of one of the schools. Behaviorism can be divided into old behaviorism and new behaviorism. Old behaviorism is the representative figure of led to Watson. New behavioral main representative figures, it for skinner, etc. Watson thinks the actions of human beings are acquired, environmental determines one's behavior patterns, whether the normal behavior or pathological behaviour have been obtained from the study, can also change, increase by learning or eliminate, think the stimulus and environment to find out the regularity of the relationship between behavioral responses, can according to stimulate predict reactions, or according to infer that stimulation reaction, to predict and control animals and the behavior of people's purpose. He thought, action is to adapt to the environment of the organism stimulation of the combination of body reaction, some lies in the appearance, some hidden inside, in his eyes and animal no difference, follow the same rule. Skinner think psychology are concerned with is to see the appearance of behavior, not the behavior of the internal mechanism. He think that science in natural science must be within the scope of the research, the task is to identify the experimenter control stimulate la reaction of the function relation between organisms. Of course he not only consider a stimulus and a reaction, the relationship between the changes also considered the stimulus and response of the conditions of the relationship, his formula is: R = f (SoA). Philosophy background: the beginning of the twentieth century, as an machine mechanical materialism trend (including cartesian about people body of thought, and the mechanism of addition o beauty to the special grade as machine point of view), and to experience the subjective and objective facts as writing off limits of realism are new tools to HuaShengYou influence. Viewpoint: behaviorism is the main point of think psychology should not study consciousness, should only research behavior, the behavior and consciousness is opposite to completely. In the research method, the behavioral claims to adopt the objective of the experimental method, and do not use the introspection method. Humanism representative character: maslow, Mr Rogers maslow's self-fulfillment theory that human behavior of the psychological maslow's drive is not sexual instinct, but the person's need, he will be divided into two kinds, the seven levels, like a pyramid, the physiological needs, in turn is security needs, ownership and the needs of the love, respect the need, need to know, the aesthetic need, self realization needs. Viewpoint: humanism against will mental vulgarization, the tendency of the animal, with only a sick people against as the research object, the people see victims of instinct psychoanalysis, also opposes the people as the object of physical and chemical behavior of behaviorism. Research on human progress that meaningful problems, care about people's value and dignity.

英语翻译三大学派  精神分析学派、行为主义、人本主义心理学影响最大,被称为心理学的三大主要势力.  精神分析学派   经典精神分析学派代表人物:弗洛伊德、荣格、阿德勒 精神分析学派创始人是谁? 心理学三大理论流派(精神分析学派、行为主义、人本主义)的产生时间谁先谁后? 求问心理动力学派就是精神分析学派吗? 精神分析学派主要的研究内容是什么 精神分析学派的贡献有哪些? 渠道结构学派,行为学派,政治学派的观点!急求急求! 世界上所有的哲学学派 和其主要学说(中国三大学派以及斯多亚学派 重点说明一下)世界上所有的哲学学派 中心思想 都需要 精神分析学派的心理治疗方法有什么特点 弗洛伊德的精神分析学派有哪些重要主张? 儒家学派的英语翻译? 三大法学学派及其主要观点是什么 刑事实证学派如何看待行为概念? 行为修正学派有哪些类别 法兰克福学派是什么学派 行为分析学派的创始人是谁,创立时间.行为分析学派的历史. 当代语言学三大流派是那三大?各代表人是谁?主要理论是什么?这只是结构主义语言学派,还有两个学派 从研究对象、研究方法和研究结论上分析比较精神分析、行为主义和人本主义三个心理学流派的不同,并联系实际说明自己的哪些心理活动或行为符合上述三个学派的观点.