
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 19:44:23


Mr.Zhiashijing comments that to the figures in this book,the giant clock on the parliament building which represents objective time and the clock sound from San Marguerite are personified,which have rich emotional elements.Such clock sound is not only the link in terms of structure but also the vivid symbol of life and death.

Mr. Zhai, commented to the mirror world: the characters for this book, it represents objective time of the House building giant clock and bell 圣玛格雷特 is anthropomorphic, with a rich emotional, not just the bell connections link the structure, but also a symbol of life and death flexible.

Mr Qu made such comments,as to the figures shown in this book, large bell in house building representing the objective time and toll of Holy manasseh gleit are personalized with rich emotion al coloring. The bell is not only a lind bond in structure but also a symbol of life and death.

as Mr.Zhai Shijing puts it: for the characters in this book, the Great Bell that represents the objective time and the tolls of St.Margarethe are personified with rich emotions. The toll is not only a connection bond, but a flexible symbol for life and death.


Mr. Shijing Huo commented that: for the characters in this book, the Big Ben of the House of Parliament and the bell in St Margarethe, which are representing the time objectively, are anthropomorphic ...


Mr. Shijing Huo commented that: for the characters in this book, the Big Ben of the House of Parliament and the bell in St Margarethe, which are representing the time objectively, are anthropomorphic with rich human emotions; the bell is not only a bond for structure, but also a vivid symbol of life and death.


Mr. Zhai Shijing commented as follows:for the characters in this book, the giant clock of the House building representing objective time as well as the Santa Margaret's bell which is not only a structure link but also a flexible symbol for life and death are anthropomorphic and
with abundant emotion to them。

"As for the person in this book, the big clock that representatives objective time and the toll of Holy Margarethe is impersonate and colorful feelings .The toll is not only the link bond,but also the flexible symbolize of birth and death ",Mr .Di commented it like that.

英语翻译翟世镜先生这样评论到:对于这本书的人物而言,代表客观时间的议院大楼的巨钟和圣玛格雷特的钟声,是拟人化的,带有丰富的感情色彩,这个钟声不仅是结构上的连接纽带,而且是生 我在图书馆看了一本姓张的先生写的,谈论人生哲学的书请问有谁知道这本书?作者似乎被一位大家评论过,评语为四个词语似乎是季羡林评论的 英语翻译就是老舍先生的那本书啊. 英语翻译那本书?那里有他的英文介绍和评论谢谢 英语翻译RICHARD先生,很抱歉打扰到你.我不得已才这样做的. 英语翻译这本书对于我来说很重要:The book ---- ---- ----- me 英语翻译这样三本, 对于史记的评论? 这本书怎么样,对于初学者来说 英语翻译1.我认为这本书对于孩子来说太难读了.2.事后追悔不如事前稳妥.3.谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有用的建议.4.Johnson先生叫我提醒你今天下午的会议.5.我姐姐不喜欢那件衣服,因为它使她 英语翻译这句怎么翻译:本书作者毛荣贵先生在 过去10几年里多次访问加拿大,他有幸结识加拿大各界朋友.英语! 对于秦朝,古籍中的评论. 一本书的评论跟读后感有什么区别? 英语翻译赵绰字.评论得失. 哪里有《英语54321》这本书一本对于英语学者雪中送碳的书 周易里关于气象、节气、天气、温度的评论都有哪些》?以前看过一本书忘记了,哪位给系统介绍下,就是周易对于气象天气的评论,好比亢龙有悔是夏末秋将至、或跃在渊是冬天虽在春天不远, 求《精神明亮的人》这本书的读后感,或者评论这本书,和对部分内容的赏析都可以. 约瑟夫墨菲的《潜意识的力量》 大家觉得这本书怎么样?看完这本书的来评论或交流一下吧