英文自然题.有点多.望各位高手 大虾回答!1.Why is it difficult to see very far ahead in a fog? 2.Why can you see your breath on a cold day? 3.Why does fog often appear late at night? 4.What is the difference between fog and clouds? 5

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 23:51:15

英文自然题.有点多.望各位高手 大虾回答!1.Why is it difficult to see very far ahead in a fog? 2.Why can you see your breath on a cold day? 3.Why does fog often appear late at night? 4.What is the difference between fog and clouds? 5
英文自然题.有点多.望各位高手 大虾回答!
1.Why is it difficult to see very far ahead in a fog? 2.Why can you see your breath on a cold day? 3.Why does fog often appear late at night? 4.What is the difference between fog and clouds? 5.How is log dangerous to people? 6.What is the use of rain ?List as many usages you can? 7.Can rain be harmful to us? 8.Why are most rainbows we see only half circles? In what circumstances is it possible for us to see the full circle of a rainbow? 9.Why can't rainbow appear directly overhead? 10.Why do we make artificial rainfalls?How to make it? 11.Snow is formed at temperatures near to or below 0度 T or F 12.Some snowflakes have six sides, others have five or less T or F 13.Snowfall can be measured in terms of the depth of snow or the depth of melted water T or F 14.Snow is water in solid state T or F 15.50mm deep of snow contains as much water as 50mm deep of rain Tor F

英文自然题.有点多.望各位高手 大虾回答!1.Why is it difficult to see very far ahead in a fog? 2.Why can you see your breath on a cold day? 3.Why does fog often appear late at night? 4.What is the difference between fog and clouds? 5
1.Why is it difficult to see very far ahead in a fog?
Fog is condensed moist that floating in the air.They would block the vision of human body.
2.Why can you see your breath on a cold day?
the moisture in your breath condensed in cold air.
3.Why does fog often appear late at night?
temperature drop during the night,when it reaches the dew point,it might have fog if air is full of moisture.
4.What is the difference between fog and clouds?
same,fog is closer to the ground.Cloud is up high in the air.
5.How is log dangerous to people?
log?if it is fog
It might cause traffic accidents.
6.What is the use of rain List as many usages you can?
it circulates water on earth.
7.Can rain be harmful to us?
too much rain will cause flood.
8.Why are most rainbows we see only half circles?In what circumstances is it possible for us to see the full circle of a rainbow?
the other half is on earth.
if you were on a cliff and looking down.you might get a chance to view a full circle of rainbow.
9.Why can't rainbow appear directly overhead?
because it is a reflection from the sun that behind you.It will not appear on top of you head.
10.Why do we make artificial rainfalls?How to make it?
to improve the drought situation.
use chemicals,saw dust,salt,etc.
11.Snow is formed at temperatures near to or below 0度 T or F
below breezing point.
12.Some snowflakes have six sides,others have five or less T or F
check it by yourself on the Google images,
search for "snow flakes".
most of them have six sides
some of them have more.
13.Snowfall can be measured in terms of the depth of snow or the depth of melted water T or F
10 inches of snow equals to one inch of rain.
14.Snow is water in solid state T or F 15.50mm deep of snow contains as much water as 50mm deep of rain Tor F
Snow is water in solid state.however,10 inches of snow equals to one inch of rain..

1.Why is it difficult to see very far ahead in a fog?
Fog is condensed moist that floating in the air. They would block the vision of human body.
2.Why can you see your breath on a...


1.Why is it difficult to see very far ahead in a fog?
Fog is condensed moist that floating in the air. They would block the vision of human body.
2.Why can you see your breath on a cold day?
the moisture in your breath condensed in cold air.
3.Why does fog often appear late at night?
temperature drop during the night, when it reaches the dew point, it might have fog if air is full of moisture.
4.What is the difference between fog and clouds?
same, fog is closer to the ground. Cloud is up high in the air.
5.How is log dangerous to people?
log? if it is fog
It might cause traffic accidents.
6.What is the use of rain ?List as many usages you can?
it circulates water on earth.
7.Can rain be harmful to us?
too much rain will cause flood.
8.Why are most rainbows we see only half circles? In what circumstances is it possible for us to see the full circle of a rainbow?
the other half is on earth.
if you were on a cliff and looking down. you might get a chance to view a full circle of rainbow.
9.Why can't rainbow appear directly overhead?
because it is a reflection from the sun that behind you. It will not appear on top of you head.
10.Why do we make artificial rainfalls?How to make it?
to improve the drought situation.
use chemicals, saw dust, salt, etc.
11.Snow is formed at temperatures near to or below 0度 T or F
below breezing point.
12.Some snowflakes have six sides, others have five or less T or F
check it by yourself on the Google images,
search for "snow flakes".
most of them have six sides
some of them have more.
13.Snowfall can be measured in terms of the depth of snow or the depth of melted water T or F
10 inches of snow equals to one inch of rain.
14.Snow is water in solid state T or F 15.50mm deep of snow contains as much water as 50mm deep of rain Tor F
Snow is water in solid state. however, 10 inches of snow equals to one inch of rain..


英文自然题.有点多.望各位高手 大虾回答!1.Why is it difficult to see very far ahead in a fog? 2.Why can you see your breath on a cold day? 3.Why does fog often appear late at night? 4.What is the difference between fog and clouds? 5 如题```望各位大虾帮帮忙塞``` 五棱柱英文怎么说?急啊求~~各位大虾 分析评述题:现在,物质文明好了,人们的精神文明自然也就好了.各位大虾!急要啊!最好字数多些啊! 求各位英文高手帮忙 请各位大虾帮刘海啸设计英文名字如题,帮想个英文名字最好是读音与 海啸 有点相像的~ “助你一臂之力”的英文怎么说?如题,谢谢各位大虾! 求教各位大虾加拿大城市汉密尔顿的英文怎么说? 请问各位大虾,这个是什么字体?中文和英文都要哈. what is blue?望各位大虾指点迷津 麻烦各位大虾看看下面这题, 就是第一题,麻烦各位大虾了.. 第一题不会 各位大虾赐教! 三角函数该怎么学我有点懒,所以想请教各位大虾三角函数怎么弄,我们已经学完向量和三角函数了,可是时间有点长,是今年年初学的,有点心不在焉,这回月考有关三角函数的题,我都吃鸡蛋,我 姓氏念 英文拼写各位高手帮帮忙 英语翻译RT 原文是:“拼命奔跑 华丽跌倒 人山人海 边走边爱”是一句蛮经典的句子,突然想要知道英文怎么表达,但是怪只怪本人英文水平灰常有限啊~请各位大虾高手多多指教.分不多,只能 怎么练英文书写最近才开始注意到老外写英语跟自己是不一样的,惭愧.他们写的很流畅,好像咱们中国人的行书似的.请问各位大虾怎么练啊?是不是要用字帖呀?用的话什么样的好呢?问题有点多 请英文高手翻译下“铁板大虾拼牛仔骨”的英文?感谢!