
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 06:13:51


Once upon a time,there were two people competing each other for lute-playing,chess,calligraphy and painting.However,the first three rounds were draw.In the competition of painting,both of them were tended to draw snakes,and the winner would the first to finish.Of course,it had to be the best between two paintings.Then A finished firstly.But as he saw his competitor had not finished yet,he added feet on his snake.At the same time,B finished either.Finally,B was the winner as his painting was judged as the best.But A was mad at the result and said:" I finish earlier than him; moreover,I even added the feet on my painting." Then B explained exultingly:" You are not drawing snake as snakes don't have feet." By then,B suddenly saw the light.
"You are so slow.Let me beautify my painting a little bit more"


once 2 men were competing over unique romance. It was a tie when they finished 3 parts . Two of them planed to compete drawing snake when drawing started . A of them had done the sketch first , but h...


once 2 men were competing over unique romance. It was a tie when they finished 3 parts . Two of them planed to compete drawing snake when drawing started . A of them had done the sketch first , but he added feet on the snake after he saw his competitor hadn't done yet .By then , B was done too .
People said that it was B who won the match . Then A questioned," I had done the sketch for a long time ,besides, painted feet for it ."
But B said to him with proud ," A snake doesn't have feet , you are not drawing a snake." By then , A saw the light .
琴棋书画应该用unique romance来表示,平局呢,应该用tie.其它的大家都会了.
You are drawing so slowly. Let me embellish it a little bit.



英语翻译从前有2个人在比赛琴棋书画,前三样都打成了平手,在比赛绘画的时候,2人准备比赛画蛇,看谁画的快又好,其中A先画好了.但他看到同伴还没有画完,就又给蛇添上了脚.这时,B也画好了. 英语翻译从前有个人,他喜欢爬山 . 从前有三个人,第一个人叫一,第二个人叫二,第三个人叫三,第四个人叫什么?有的亲回答很接近咯 有三个人,每两个人比赛一场,一共要比赛多少场? 从前有个人栽了一棵树,后来一个人在下面乘凉是什么意思 从前有三兄弟,大哥在二弟前,二哥在三弟前,那三弟后面是什么? 求一部电影,好像很哲学的样子,有三个人比赛思想深度有个情节是三个人在一起比赛一样的,前两个已经很厉害了,思想很深刻,但是第三个说出的话更加有深度,于是他赢了,后来好像是一个上帝 这里有三个人在谈论对于未来的愿望,这句话怎么么用英语翻译, 英语翻译1、在生涯刚开始的那三场比赛中那场跟罗格和两个无名小卒比的跑道赛,在那场比赛开始前不是有一段视频,播的是玩家开宝马到起点,然后罗格(开红色车的)也开过去么?这期间说 很难推理题!谁会?从前有个人…… 从前有个人迷路了,遇见2个人在下棋,然而等他们下完棋,那人回去村里,认识的人早已死去.求这寓言故事的可能是其他相似的,一些细节忘了,名字也忘了 从前,有三个人被困在一条河中的一个孤岛上.为了回到陆地上他们用几根木头作了一只木船.这只木船最多能在中90千克,而这三个人各重60千克 50千克和40千克.他们怎样才能脱离危险 从前有三个人,一个是罗锅,一个是摇头,一个是瘸腿,有一天,他们三 个过一座桥,这个不让罗锅.摇头.瘸腿,这三个人的病不许过,你帮他们想 个办法让他们过去. 从前有一位地主,有19头牛,临终前他留下遗嘱:大儿子分得这些牛的1/5,二儿子分得这些牛的1/4,三儿子分得1/2,他们每人分得几头牛? 从前有一位地主,有19头牛,临终前他留下遗嘱:大儿子分得这些牛的1/5,二儿子分得这些牛的1/4,三儿子分得1/2,他们每人分得几头牛? 从前有三个人,一个是罗锅,一个是摇头,一个是瘸腿,有一天,他们三个过一座桥,这个不让罗锅.摇头.瘸 有很多人一起在很多桌子前吃饭.如果每个桌子坐三个人.就多出两个人.如果每个桌子坐五个人.就多出四个人.如果每个桌子坐七个人.就多出六个人.如果每个桌子坐九个人.就多出八个人.如果 再一次跳绳比赛中三一班有20人参加了集体跳绳比赛有10人参加了个人跳绳比赛其中有6人既参加了集体跳绳比赛又参加了个人跳绳比赛三一班实际参加跳绳比赛有多少人