
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 22:05:51


在万维网上的一个超媒体文档称之为一个页面(外语:page).作为一个组织或者个人在万维网上放置开始点的页面称为主页(外语:Homepage)或首页,主页中通常包括有指向其他相关页面或其他节点的指针(超级链接),所谓超级链接,就是一种统一资源定位器(Uniform Resource Locator,外语缩写:URL)指针,通过激活(点击)它,可使浏览器方便地获取新的网页.这也是HTML获得广泛应用的最重要的原因之一.在逻辑上将视为一个整体的一系列页面的有机集合称为网站(Website或Site).超级文本标记语言(英文缩写:HTML)是为“网页创建和其它可在网页浏览器中看到的信息”设计的一种标记语言.
Hypertext markup language
On the World Wide Web an hypermedia document called a page ( language :page).As an organization or individual is placed on the World Wide Web page called the starting point of the home page ( language :Homepage) or Home ,Home usually include links to other relevant pages or other node pointers ( hyperlinks ) ,the so-called hyperlinks,is a uniform resource Locator (Uniform Resource Locator,language abbreviation :URL) pointer ,by activating ( clicking ) it can easily get a new browser page .This is most important to obtain HTML widely reasons .Logically as a whole series of pages called organic collection site (Website or Site).Hypertext markup language ( abbreviation :HTML) is a markup language " to create web pages and other can be seen in the web browser information " for the design.
Web is the essence of hypertext markup language ,through the use of other Web technologies ( such as:a scripting language ,common gateway interface ,components,etc.) ,you can create a powerful website .Thus ,the World Wide Web is a hypertext markup language (Web) on the basis of programming that is the World Wide Web is built on the basis of the hypertext .It is called hypertext markup language HTML ,because the text is contained in the so-called " hyperlink " point .
Hypertext Markup Language is an application under the Standard Generalized Markup Language ,is also a standard,a standard
HTML ( 15 )
It does this by marking symbol to mark pages to be displayed in various parts .Page file itself is a text file by adding tags in the text file ,you can tell the browser how to display the contents ( such as:how to deal with text ,picture how to arrange ,how to display pictures ,etc.) .Web browser in order to read the file ,and then interpreted and displayed according to their tag tag content,writing error flag will not point out the error ,and does not stop to explain the process execution ,preparation of error cause can only be analyzed through the display and wrong site.Note,however ,for different browsers on the same tag may be not exactly the same explanation ,which may have different display.

英语翻译需要一段关于HTML语言的英语简介,并且翻译成中文,800—900单词左右的. 关于HTML语言和HTML页面,下列___说法是正确的 求听一段英语音乐http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjIyMzY5NTYw.html开头的背景音乐. 英语翻译需要书面化的语言翻译 英语翻译介绍MANGO的英语作文,开头需要一段概括性的文字介绍这个公司! 急需要一段二人的英语对话是讲两个人旅游的.急求一段关于旅游的二人英语对话 求关于机票的英语翻译.这套票是联程机票.需要全部退票 不能只退其中一段. 关于语言的同类词--英语 关于中国肢体语言的英语作文 用英语写一段关于老师外貌的一段话.! 这段视频最后的一段英语怎么翻译?http://v.ku6.com/show/uHkduMofieCclhAx.html 这段视频最后 的 嫁给我 什么的 一段话 HTML语言中标尺线是什么单词的缩写呢? html语言中a是哪个单词的缩写? 征集一段英语对话:关于天气的 作文高手请进,写一段话描述这三个人的外貌.http://hi.baidu.com/%BB%A8%CF%E3%BB%A8%D3%EF/album/item/a8648f37283b4a020b55a9a6.html我想写一些关于初中同学的作文,我想你们用一些生动的语言描写她们,就是使人 关于旅游的英语作文最后一段要写旅游中需要注意的事项80字左右初三水平 9、下面关于HTML的描述错误的是A 超文本标记语言,一种为Internet文档设计的标记语言B 与操作系统平台的选择无关,只要有浏览器就可以运行HTML文档C 所有的标记都是成对出现D 由浏览器解释HTML 写作文,需要一段关于祖国的成就、荣誉