这个英语句子有语病吗?So,will there be someone taking the place of me to be resolute?如有,句子原本的意思是 所以,会有人代替我变得坚决吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 03:30:09

这个英语句子有语病吗?So,will there be someone taking the place of me to be resolute?如有,句子原本的意思是 所以,会有人代替我变得坚决吗?
So,will there be someone taking the place of me to be resolute?
句子原本的意思是 所以,会有人代替我变得坚决吗?

这个英语句子有语病吗?So,will there be someone taking the place of me to be resolute?如有,句子原本的意思是 所以,会有人代替我变得坚决吗?

So, will there be someone taking the place of me decisively?


有语病。 there will be后面是接名词,没有there will be someone doing这个结构



(1) So, would there be anyone who could substitute me to become resolute?
(2) So, would there be anyone who, on my behalf, could become resolute?
注释: <代替我> ="subsitute me"; "on my behalf"=<代表我>

这个英语句子有语病吗?So,will there be someone taking the place of me to be resolute?如有,句子原本的意思是 所以,会有人代替我变得坚决吗? 白痴级英语I will reseed this again.这个句子有语病吗?那要怎么改? 下面这个英语句子从语法的角度来说有错误吗?Smoking doesnt be allowed in our office.如果有语病,错在哪? 英语句子分析 这个句子有语病吗what amazes me most is that what the elder man did 英语翻译顺便问一下,有语病吗这个句子? 这个英语句子有语病吗?the J wanna forget the Q,but he’s just still fucking watching her who doesn't understand your silence will not understand your words.这句话有语病吗? I think I will never lie to you. 句子有语病吗?为什么 这句英语有语病没有?let my heart die then everything will be ok.I don't wanna hear this sentence .这两句话没语病吧?~ you are I will never give up love这个有语病吗? 这个英语句子有没有语病?Miss you as always,deep in heart,deep in soul.如题,有没有语病?有的话如何改正? This boy and that girl are my friends.这个句子有语病吗? 那一股顽强的生命力,令我肃然起敬.这个句子有语病吗? 帮我翻译成英文这个句子有语病 “对62.5分情有独钟”这个句子有没有语病 帮忙看下这个简单的英语句子有没有语病~I dot't think there is any grammatical mistake in my article .那is用不用改成“are”? He is confident that he will try his best to do extra work句子有语病吗 我写了个句子,感觉是对的,但这个句子有语病吗?(见问题补充)Nobody can be so omniscient of factors such as environmental,economical,historical problems that he can assert some solution is the best.我知道的so that用法有1.so