请帮忙翻译下面这一段话成英文 不胜感激!海盗是在公海违法犯罪的人,所以‘海盗’是一个很宽泛的术语,只要是在开放水域偷窃和破坏财物的行为就可以界定为海盗.最初的海盗是个体行为,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 18:00:49

请帮忙翻译下面这一段话成英文 不胜感激!海盗是在公海违法犯罪的人,所以‘海盗’是一个很宽泛的术语,只要是在开放水域偷窃和破坏财物的行为就可以界定为海盗.最初的海盗是个体行为,
请帮忙翻译下面这一段话成英文 不胜感激!
海盗是在公海违法犯罪的人,所以‘海盗’是一个很宽泛的术语,只要是在开放水域偷窃和破坏财物的行为就可以界定为海盗.最初的海盗是个体行为,随意而并没受过训练,后来海盗行为逐渐复杂起来.比如在战争期间,政府特许一些人去袭击敌方的海运,然后再和水手们分享所得,当时这种行为是合法的.很多船主和水手认准了这种生存之道,战争结束后依然照此行事,也就成了海盗.虽然片中的海盗并没有真实的人物原型,却将很多真实海盗的所作所为集于一身.” 加勒比海的小岛是海盗们的理想之地,因为有源源不断的运送财宝和货物的商船从此经过.不过海盗宝藏向来只是传言,事实上无证可查.从史料记载中可以发现,典型的海盗在洗劫财物之后会尽情挥霍,根本不可能有所剩余. 影片并没有指定特定的时期,但主创人员为了让故事具有一个大概的时代轮廓,从而选择了1720至1750年之间,当时正值海盗鼎盛时期的尾声.

请帮忙翻译下面这一段话成英文 不胜感激!海盗是在公海违法犯罪的人,所以‘海盗’是一个很宽泛的术语,只要是在开放水域偷窃和破坏财物的行为就可以界定为海盗.最初的海盗是个体行为,
On the high seas pirates is illegal crime,so \"pirates\" is a very broad term,as long as it is in the open water theft and damaging property behavior can be defined as pirates.The pirates of the behavior of the individual is first,optional and not trained piracy,then gradually complicated.For instance in the war,government charter some people to attack the enemy by sea,and then and sailors share,when this kind of behavior is the legal.A lot of owner and sailors to assign this the way of existence,after the war as this,also still became pirates.Although in the film pirates have no real character and prototype,but many real pirates will do collection in a body.\"Pirates of the Caribbean island is the ideal place,because there is a continuous delivery of the goods and merchant vessels from treasures.But after pirates have just rumors,in fact,treasure without card to check.From historical data record,can be found in the typical of the pirates in looted property out after waste,may not have left.The film doesn't specify specific period,but cast exchanged views in order to let the story has a ballpark age profile to choose between 1720 and 1750,it was the end of pirates,period.

The high seas of pirates is illegal, so the pirates' is a very broad terms, as long as it is in the open waters of theft and sabotage of property can be defined as pirates. the pirates of the individu...


The high seas of pirates is illegal, so the pirates' is a very broad terms, as long as it is in the open waters of theft and sabotage of property can be defined as pirates. the pirates of the individual actions, and not trained, then piracy is complex. for example, during the war, the government chartered some people to attack the enemy's ship, and then and sailors, and then sharing the proceeds of such conduct is illegal. many of the owner and crew must recognize the existence of war still on this and become a pirate. although the pirates no bona fide character, but will a lot of real pirate had set in. "in the caribbean island is the ideal; because of transport of goods for treasures and merchant marine. But pirates treasures have always just rumor is , in fact undocumented available . From can be found in historical records , the typical pirates after looting property will relax squander . It is not likely to be remaining . Film do not specify particular period , but 主创 personnel in order to enable the story with a rough outline of the times , thus choose between 1720 and 1,750 years , when coincided with the boom time of piracy at an end .


Pirates on the high seas is illegal crime, so ' pirate ' is a very broad term, as long as it is in the open waters of theft and destruction of property behavior can be defined as the pirates. The firs...


Pirates on the high seas is illegal crime, so ' pirate ' is a very broad term, as long as it is in the open waters of theft and destruction of property behavior can be defined as the pirates. The first pirate is the behavior of the individual, freely and without training, later gradually complicated piracy. For example, during the war, the government licensed Some people to attack enemy shipping, and then a seaman who share income, then this kind of behavior is legal. Many ship owners and seaman for the survival of the road, after the war still according to this act, also became a pirate. Although the film Pirates and no real character archetype, while many real pirates of the doings in a body." Pirates of the Caribbean island is ideal, because of everfount delivery treasure and goods merchant is passed from now on. But the pirates have just rumors, in fact undocumented available. From historical records can be found in typical pirate in the looting, then blow it, couldn't possibly have left. The film is no specific period, but the staff in order to make the story has a rough time profile, to choose between 1720 and 1750, it was the heyday of the end.


On the high seas pirates is illegal crime, so \"pirates\" is a very broad term, as long as it is in the open water theft and damaging property behavior can be defined as pirates. The pirates of the be...


On the high seas pirates is illegal crime, so \"pirates\" is a very broad term, as long as it is in the open water theft and damaging property behavior can be defined as pirates. The pirates of the behavior of the individual is first, optional and not trained piracy, then gradually complicated. For instance in the war, government charter some people to attack the enemy by sea, and then and sailors share, when this kind of behavior is the legal. A lot of owner and sailors to assign this the way of existence, after the war as this, also still became pirates. Although in the film pirates have no real character and prototype, but many real pirates will do collection in a body. \"Pirates of the Caribbean island is the ideal place, because there is a continuous delivery of the goods and merchant vessels from treasures. But after pirates have just rumors, in fact, treasure without card to check. From historical data record, can be found in the typical of the pirates in looted property out after waste, may not have left. The film doesn't specify specific period, but cast exchanged views in order to let the story has a ballpark age profile to choose between 1720 and 1750, it was the end of pirates, period.


请帮忙翻译下面这一段话成英文 不胜感激!海盗是在公海违法犯罪的人,所以‘海盗’是一个很宽泛的术语,只要是在开放水域偷窃和破坏财物的行为就可以界定为海盗.最初的海盗是个体行为, 请帮忙翻译一段英文.不胜感激.The Lean Transformation Project will effect the whole KSB Shanghai organization. As a first pilot project in Phase I, our product OMEGA was chosen to establish a optimized material & information flow within th 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面一段话,急~~~~~~,不胜感激!II Consolidated Tax Filing2.1 Facts: During the project, we found that XXXX has branches in different jurisdictions. The branches do not keep separate settlement accounts 急求,请帮忙翻译一下下面的英语句子.不胜感激你们好,很高兴见到你们,这是我的父母,他们很喜欢别的国家的人,所以,可不可以请你们和我的父母拍个照?谢谢 请会英语的大大们帮忙翻译一下鄙人不胜感激 可以帮忙翻译下吗 谢谢了 不胜感激 我从韩国寄点东西到中国,地址要写英文,请大家帮忙翻译一下,不胜感激!我从韩国寄点东西到中国,地址要写英文,请大家帮忙一下,不胜感激! 【中国河北省衡水市桃城区维明街南山公寓3-1-201】 请教:英文达人帮忙翻译,120个词左右就成麻烦各位英文强人帮忙翻译下面的汉语,尽量华丽点哈~~·不胜感激!我们做任何事情都会事先做个计划,有了计划能让我们做事做的更加自如,从而达到 求高手 帮忙 翻译英文 小弟 不胜感激...http://hi.baidu.com/woaicx12345/album/item/0c3ab3d8c6ceb62732fa1c57.html 英文好的朋友帮下忙~!翻译一下我准备开个女装店,名字 妖精的衣橱,这个用英文要怎么写,注意是女装店,妖精的英文好像很多,请帮忙找合适的词~!不胜感激 请帮忙翻译下面一段英文.谢谢Angel will love you instead of me 请英文高手帮忙翻译小女不胜感激请不要用翻译器 谢了晚上我到家大概要到十点半.然后我需要去吃点晚饭.比较的晚.你有空吗?如果不行我们明天也可以见面的. 请哪位大虾帮忙把下面这段英文翻译成中文,不要网上直接出来的,小弟不胜感激!As firms get larger and as projects get more complex, it become necessary to formalize the method of capturing information about construction pro 有句话要请高手帮忙翻译成英文!中文:如有不符,请在“列明不符事项”处列明不符事项.翻译成英语,不胜感激! 请帮忙翻译下面一段:电镀废水处理进展 计算重量平均聚合度x的n,如果平均分子量Mn (暗示每mer x是.)这是一道英文题 翻译过来的 明天补考 考这道题 希望得到高手帮忙 不胜感激 请帮忙翻译一段话,中译韩, 请英语好的把下面这句话翻译成中文,要翻译得准确哦,本人将不胜感激.China has promised to revise its existing regulations and to form new policies according to WTO requirements.