mechnism, device, equipment等等设备,装置之类的词区别是什么,词义大小?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/18 18:46:16

mechnism, device, equipment等等设备,装置之类的词区别是什么,词义大小?
mechnism, device, equipment等等设备,装置之类的词区别是什么,词义大小?

mechnism, device, equipment等等设备,装置之类的词区别是什么,词义大小?
/ ˈmekənɪzəm; ˋmɛkəˏnɪzəm/ n
working parts of a machine,etc 机械装置:a delicate watch mechanism 精细的手表机件 * the firing mechanism of a rifle 步枪的击发装置.
parts of an organism or system which work together (机体或装置的)结构,构造:the mechanisms of the body 身体的结构.
method or procedure for getting things done 手法; 技巧; 程序:There are no mechanisms for transferring funds from one department to another.基金无法从一部门转移至另一部门.
/ dɪˈvaɪs; dɪˋvaɪs/ n
thing made or adapted for a special purpose (为某种用途而制作或改装的)装置,器具:a device for measuring pressure 测压装置 * a labour-saving device 节省劳力的装置 * an explosive device 爆破装置 * a nuclear device,eg a nuclear bomb or missile 核子装置(如核弹或核导弹).=>Usage at machine 用法见machine.
(literature 文学) metaphor,combination of words,etc used by a writer to produce an effect on the reader (作者用以感染读者的)手法,技巧(如隐喻、 词语搭配等):a stylistic device 文体表现手法.
scheme; trick 策略; 计策; 诡计; 计谋:Her illness is merely a device to avoid seeing him.她所谓生病只不过是避免见他的花招而已.
symbol or figure used as a sign by a noble family,eg on a crest or shield (贵族用作家族标志的)图案(如用於饰章或盾形徽的):a heraldic device 纹章图案.
(idm 习语) leave sb to his own devices => leave1.
equipment [e'quip·ment || -mənt]