
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 12:03:12

把破碎、除石、细碎过的原料(已经过晒矿并加纯碱),用装载车运到料斗.由于需要把钙性土加工成钠性土,所以在此原料的基础上又加入了些许的纯碱,利用皮带传输运入搅拌机内,同时向里注入水,控制好水量,经过搅拌均匀后,再次用皮带传输,运送到真空挤压机内.它是一种装在卧式柱状机筒里的螺旋输送机,因此料模孔的开口截面比机筒和螺杆横截面的空隙小得多,物料的出口受阻而产生阻力,使物料在进入挤压机后的输送过程始终处于压缩状态.正是利用挤压机的这种工作原理,使得原料在高压状态下,能更充分的把钙元素分离出来,从而得到所需要的矿料,进而进行生产.以下是简易生产流程:原料 ↓ 皮带传输 ↓ 搅拌机 ↓ 皮带传输 ↓ 真空挤压机 ↓ 半成品料 最好不要在线翻译哦 最好是外国语学院的人士帮我翻译下谢谢了

Extruder modified to introduce technology . The broken, besides the stone, the materials have been minor (mine has been drying and increase soda ash), with cars loaded to the hopper. Due to the need for calcium and sodium processed into soil and soil, so this on the basis of raw materials mixed with a little of soda ash, the use of the transmission belt into the mixer, at the same time, to inject water, water control, after mixed evenly, with the belt transmission again, the delivered to the vacuum inside the extruder. It is mounted on a horizontal, cylindrical barrel of the screw conveyor, so the material model cross-section than the opening hole of the barrel and screw cross-section of a much smaller gap, blocked the export of materials and produce resistance, so that the material entered the Extruder after the delivery process has always been a state of compression. It's make use of extruder operating principle, making raw materials under high pressure, more full of calcium to be separated in order to obtain the required expected ore, and production. The following is a summary of the production process: Stuff ↓ Transmission belt ↓ Mixer ↓ Transmission belt ↓ Vacuum extruder ↓ Semi-finished materials 它是一种装在卧式柱状机筒里的螺旋输送机,因此料模孔的开口截面比机筒和螺杆横截面的空隙小得多,物料的出口受阻而产生阻力,使物料在进入挤压机后的输送过程始终处于压缩状态:It is mounted on a horizontal, cylindrical barrel of the screw conveyor, so the material model cross-section than the opening hole of the barrel and screw cross-section of a much smaller gap, blocked the export of materials and produce resistance, so that the material entered the Extruder after the delivery process has always been a state of compression "半成品 "--Semi-finished materials semi :“半”semidome “不完全的 ”semi-proletariate.

英语翻译把破碎、除石、细碎过的原料(已经过晒矿并加纯碱),用装载车运到料斗.由于需要把钙性土加工成钠性土,所以在此原料的基础上又加入了些许的纯碱,利用皮带传输运入搅拌机内, 用于破碎的欧版破碎机是工作原理是怎么回事?当属粗碎还是细碎? 欧版锤式破碎机怎么样?细碎用欧版的适用还是锤式的好? 欧版锤式破碎机(细碎机)是什么意思? 圆锥破碎机可以进行细碎吗?这个站上的产品怎么样?www.yuanzhui.org,大家给个参考 英语翻译我已经学会在淡薄的年华里给自己找一些细碎的谎言予以安慰起码的起码我会心疼自己爱自己晕我要翻译成英语的哈哈 彩钢瓦破碎机破碎钢作为炼钢原料的好处是什么? 形容细碎的声音的词如题 破碎的玻璃杯能否还原,谁有办法让破碎的玻璃杯还原以为我跟她的感情现在就像是那破碎的玻璃杯,已经破碎. 把木条破碎成3厘米大小,要求每小时破碎处理3吨,有没有这样的破碎机? 建筑垃圾处理设备可以破碎混凝土之类的原料吗大神们帮帮忙 反击式破碎机在粉碎物料时如何确定含铁原料的粒度 反击式破碎机在粉碎物料时如何确定含铁原料的粒度 制砂机能破碎什么原料? 破碎机能破碎多大的?把大石头磨成粉是不是要有至少两种机械? 旋转式破碎机怎么计算功率把铁皮切成一小段段的破碎机 油漆桶破碎机郑州天鸿机械油漆桶粉碎机是一种先进的细碎粉碎设备,该系列产品在吸收多种破碎机优点的基础上,充分运用冲击、剪切、相互撞击、研磨等理论精心研制出来的 破碎过的爱情能够再重合吗?如题.