AIX6出现an attempt to start a new process on host localhost continue,you may need to stop an unneededprocess on this host.只能重启
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 13:38:29
AIX6出现an attempt to start a new process on host localhost continue,you may need to stop an unneededprocess on this host.只能重启
AIX6出现an attempt to start a new process on host localhost failed.
to continue,you may need to stop an unneededprocess on this host.只能重启
AIX6出现an attempt to start a new process on host localhost continue,you may need to stop an unneededprocess on this host.只能重启
ps -ef|grep 用户名|wc -l 查看当前用户的进程数
lsattr -E -l sys0|grep maxuproc 当前系统允许的最大进程数
chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc= 数量
AIX6出现an attempt to start a new process on host localhost continue,you may need to stop an unneededprocess on this host.只能重启
in an attempt to do
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make an attempt to do/doing/at doing区别
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