Why —— the walls of your room —— orange?Because orange can create a warm and comfortable feeling. A.is,colouring B.was,coloured C.are,colouring D.were,coloured十分钟求解
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:41:00
Why —— the walls of your room —— orange?Because orange can create a warm and comfortable feeling. A.is,colouring B.was,coloured C.are,colouring D.were,coloured十分钟求解
Why —— the walls of your room —— orange?
Because orange can create a warm and comfortable feeling.
A.is,colouring B.was,coloured C.are,colouring D.were,coloured十分钟求解
Why —— the walls of your room —— orange?Because orange can create a warm and comfortable feeling. A.is,colouring B.was,coloured C.are,colouring D.were,coloured十分钟求解
the walls of
I would rather have the walls of my bedroom——white(paint)
Why —— the walls of your room —— orange?Because orange can create a warm and comfortable feeling. A.is,colouring B.was,coloured C.are,colouring D.were,coloured十分钟求解
the walls of our classroom是什么意思
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The walls were clean.=The walls()().
the thick walls keep the heat of the room out of the
The only response he would get in return was walls in his face—the mental walls...The only response he would get in return was walls in his face—the mental walls I kept built around myself when I felt most threatened emotionallySo far in my life,
climbing the walls
翻译:Into this category fall many of the lies told within the walls of government.