1,Today,a large area of the east coast is expecting rain and snow with temperatures cooling by various degrees.In particular,parts of the Eastern US are looking to get pounded by heavy to extremely heavy rain and strong winds of 40 to 50kph.Tennessee

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:23:11

1,Today,a large area of the east coast is expecting rain and snow with temperatures cooling by various degrees.In particular,parts of the Eastern US are looking to get pounded by heavy to extremely heavy rain and strong winds of 40 to 50kph.Tennessee
Today,a large area of the east coast is expecting rain and snow with temperatures cooling by various degrees.In particular,parts of the Eastern US are looking to get pounded by heavy to extremely heavy rain and strong winds of 40 to 50kph.Tennessee and Alabama can expect heavy to torrential-strength downpours as well.

1,Today,a large area of the east coast is expecting rain and snow with temperatures cooling by various degrees.In particular,parts of the Eastern US are looking to get pounded by heavy to extremely heavy rain and strong winds of 40 to 50kph.Tennessee

a large area a large area of water surrounded by 【cover a large area】怎么翻译? a large area of land求意思是猜单词 The total water area is about three times_____the land area.选择()?A.so large for B.of large of China is a large country__a large area and a large population A in B with C of D has 1,Today,a large area of the east coast is expecting rain and snow with temperatures cooling by various degrees.In particular,parts of the Eastern US are looking to get pounded by heavy to extremely heavy rain and strong winds of 40 to 50kph.Tennessee China is not only large in ( ) area,but also has ( ) large population.A an;aB /;aC the;/D /;/ What fun it is ___(ride)a horse on such a large area of flat land! he is a famous person in this r____ .(a large area or part) 翻译 it's a large area of water,surrounded by land. the secret was ______ (cover a large area) round by him the Bermuda triangle is a large triangle-shaped area of the North Western Atlantic Ocean.3912 什么the Bermuda triangle is a large triangle-shaped area of the North Western Atlantic Ocean.3912 itis a large,triangular area of the ocean withthe island of Bermuda at its northem tipItis a large,triangular area of the ocean (with) the island of Bermuda at its northem tip这句话中间为什么用with啊 Shoer the land along the edge of a large area of water,such as an acean or lake.(翻译) Or a small area may balance a large area if it has an importance to the eye(because of color ortreatment) equaling that of the larger area .只有一个问题,这里俄equaling为什么要加ING a large 英语翻译A wide area network (WAN) is a computer network that covers a large geographic area such as a city,country,orspans even intercontinental distances,using a communications channel thatcombines many types of media such as telephone lines ,ca