
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 09:27:20


那时候,很多人说如果阿里巴巴能成功无疑就把一艘万吨轮抬到喜马拉雅山山顶峰上面.我跟我的同事说我们的任务是把这艘万吨轮从山顶抬到山脚下.别人怎么说,没办法的事儿,你自己要明白我要去哪里 我能对社会创造什么样的价值.创业的时候,我的同事可能流个泪,我的朋友可能流个泪,但我没有.因为流泪没有用,创业者没有退路,最大的失败就是放弃.今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,大部分的人死在明天晚上,看不到后天的太阳.创业者要懂得左手温暖右手,要懂得把痛苦当作快乐.去欣赏,去体味,你才会有成功.赚钱是一种结果,它永远不会成为我们的目的.我们希望创造一个真正的由中国人创造的世界感到骄傲的伟大的公司.那也是我的梦想和我这一代人的梦想.
At that time,many people said that if Alibaba can no doubt will put a ship success Ten thousand tons of heavy ship carried to the Himalayan mountain peak above.I with my colleague said that our task is to put the ship from the top of the mountain Ten thousand tons of heavy ship carried to the foot of the mountain.What others say,can't business,you want to know where I want I can create what kind of value to society.Business,my colleagues may flow a tears,my friend may flow a tear,but I didn't.Because the tears to use,entrepreneurs no retreat,the biggest failure is giving up.Today very cruel,tomorrow will be cruel,the day after tomorrow is good and beautiful,most people died in tomorrow night,the sun can't see the day after tomorrow.Entrepreneurs to the left hand warm right hand,want to know the pain as a happy.To appreciate,to appreciate,and you can have success.Making money is a kind of results,it will never be our aim.We hope to create a real world created by the Chinese people feel proud of the great company.That is my dream and my generation's dream.