
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 20:57:20

5.由于钱短,我们什么也没有买.(be short of )
3.他们不知道这种变化是怎样发生的(come about).
4.现在家庭收入削减了三分之一多(cut down).
5.穆斯林(the Moslems)占这个国家人口的65%.
6.她要我戒烟,因为她不喜欢烟味.(object to)
2.我一旦经过深思熟虑作出某一决定,就不再去多想而是按照这一决定行事.(considered,dwell on)
3.我们每一个人都会不可避免地遇到这样或那样的挫折( setback),甚至犯错误.这一点我们必须接受.(encounter,live with)
4.孩子太多了,艾丽丝(Alice )要管住他们很费劲.(have trouble)
6.这列直快(express train)比预定时间(schedule time)提前10分钟到达天津
2.不要助长他的惰性(laziness),否则,他将会越来越依赖你.(addict to)
3.我要查看一下孩子,看他是否真睡着了.(check on)
4.我立刻喜欢上了他,他看上去是个多么可爱的孩子.(take to)
5.莱斯特(Lester)没有想到会遇到他这么多的朋友.(run into)
6.这个孩子有点傻,即使我用简单的话给他解释,(get through to…)

1. To judge from the number of cars, the club has not many people.
2. The old man seemed to that question doesn't value.
3. A thought to see you again, I am very happy.
4. Almost no one in the supermarket shopping, because here's many vegetables don't seem fresh.
5. Because money short, we bought nothing. (of) without putting
6. Your hand smells of tobacco smoke.
1. Every day I up early, for me without any harm.
2. She worked for several artists to work as a model (model).
3. They don't know how the change came about (come talking).
4. Now family income cut more than one-third (down) how.
5. Muslims (the Moslems) account for 65% of the country's population.
6. She wanted me to give up smoking, because she didn't like the smell of smoke. (object to)
1. I this day it's sad, what all setbacks. (trying)
2. I once deliberate making a decision, you no longer to think more about but according to this decision act. (betweeen dwell on),
3. Each one of us will inevitably encounter this or that kind of setback setback), even (mistake. At this point we have to accept it. (encounter, live.)
4. Too many children, Alice (Alice) to control them very laborious. (have trouble)
5. Blake (Black) know I need this information, but he didn't want to let me know, so he refused to provide.
6. This column ZhiKuai (express train) than all the scheduled time (a) 10 minutes earlier reach tianjin
1. The teacher complained about Dick (the) in a billiard (2) pool - fooling around, don't do their homework.
2. Don't encourage his laziness), otherwise inert (he will increasingly rely on you. (to) addict
3. I want to check the children, see if he's asleep. (check on)
4. I immediately liked him, he looks is such a lovely child. (to) will
5. Lester (Lester) did not expect will meet him so many friends. (run into)
6. The child is a bit silly, even if I use simple words give him to explain, he also don't understand. (...) to get around the

英语翻译1.从汽车的数目来判断,俱乐部里还没有多少人.2.那位老人似乎对那个问题不重视.3.一想到又要见到你,我很高兴.4.几乎没有人在这家超市购物,因为这里的许多蔬菜好象不新鲜.5. 许多俱乐部的英语翻译 英语翻译1、英语俱乐部的宗旨2、活动3、如何加入俱乐部4、成立俱乐部的时间和地点 英语翻译我们的俱乐部是美术俱乐部,开放时间2点到6点,希望大家都来参加 他在英语俱乐部里(英语翻译) m俱乐部的成员英语翻译 从枝条的年轮的数目能否来判断年龄?可以解释下为什么吗?是因为没有年轮还是不明显还是枝条会脱落?多谢! 微粒里电子数目怎么判断 你想参加什么样的俱乐部?英语翻译 英语翻译俱乐部活动记录表 的英文翻译... 英语翻译1 我是通过学唱英文歌曲来记忆单词的2 我还参加了英语俱乐部来提高口语3 我阅读了书上的笔记做英语的练习题4还听英语听力磁带来提高英语 判断物质是晶体还是非晶体,1、 判断物质是晶体还是非晶体,比较可靠的方法是 ( )A.从外形上判断 B.从导电性能来判断 C.从各向异性或各向同性来判断D.从有无确定的熔点来判断 初一英语翻译下面词组1 一个美术俱乐部2 这里是所有的俱乐部3 加入游泳俱乐部4 想要做某事5 一个音乐俱乐部 英语翻译我是诺可健身俱乐部的会籍.欢迎光临我们俱乐部 英语翻译兰州聋人俱乐部 讲故事俱乐部 英语翻译 加入英语俱乐部 英语翻译 英语翻译club(俱乐部)