store at room temperature,tightly closed.Avoid excessive
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 04:00:54
store at room temperature,tightly closed.Avoid excessive
store at room temperature,tightly closed.Avoid excessive
store at room temperature,tightly closed.Avoid excessive
Store at controlled room temperature是什么?
store at room temperature,tightly closed.Avoid excessive
Upon receipt store product at room temperature.如何翻译?请教高人!
Temper ,
是lose one's temper at sb还是lose one's temper to sb
At last he lost his temper同意句钻换
英语翻译SUGGESTED USE:Adults,take one tablet daily preferably with a meal.Store product at room temperature.Do not expose to excessive heat or moisture.
Store in a dry place at room temperature (59°-86°F) with lid tightly closed.要准确的中文翻译。
formability at room temperature
at the department store怎么翻译
英汉互译,at the
Mrs Black likes s____ at the store
so he eats at the store
work at Mr.Cool'sClothes Store
at room?at home?at house?
on the room,还是at the room