
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/17 03:29:36


language is a tool of communication,and it is the social and cultural characteristic of a special group.in the social and cultural communication,the degree of usage of native language will directly reflect the cultural strength of the coutry.and the change of language will change the attitudes,way of speaking and behavoirs of the people in that coutry to other coutries.so language,as an important factor of analyzing the change of society and culture,is also a standard to measure the social effect of international tourist industry.some surveys about tourist places shows that the assimilatory power
of tourism development has threatened the lanuage purity of the tourist places.the decline of native voice will shake the stability of social models and cultural characteristics in the tourist places.
there are not many surveys about the lanuage effect of tourism.we should conduct detail surveys in differet tourist places about the differnt cultrual and languages.thus we can define the degree of the effect

Language is communication tool, is specific population of social and cultural properties. In social and cultural exchange, native language used degree directly reflects the country's cultural forces, ...


Language is communication tool, is specific population of social and cultural properties. In social and cultural exchange, native language used degree directly reflects the country's cultural forces, and the language changes will make its people to foreign racial attitudes and behavior change. Therefore, language used to analyze social and cultural changes, it is one of the important factors to measure of international tourism social influence of the scale. For some tourist surveys indicate that some places with the development of tourism and TongHuaLi serious threat to tourist destination language purity, this nationality voice of the debilitating would be shaken tourist stable social patterns and cultural characteristics.
About tourism on language influence of research, not much to different degrees in tourism development of tourism, to a different culture and language in detail investigation to determine the extent of this kind of influence


Language is a tool for communication.It has social and cultural characteristics of specific population.In social and cultural communication, how much native language is used directly reflects the c...


Language is a tool for communication.It has social and cultural characteristics of specific population.In social and cultural communication, how much native language is used directly reflects the country's cultural power. However,the change in language can make its people change their attiude and behavior towards foreign races.Therefore, language is not only a factor of analyzing the change of society and culture,but also measurement of the social influence to international tourism.Investigations of some escorts show that with the development of tourism, assimilation to the local culture severely threatens the pureness of local language. The weakening of its own national phonetics may vacillate the stability of the escort's social pattern and cultural characteristics.
There are not many investigations about the effects of tourism to language.The degree of this influence can be confirmed by detailed investigations on different cultures and languages which are carried about in different escorts .


英语翻译语言是交际工具,是特定人口的社会和文化属性.在社会文化交流中,本国语的使用程度直接反映该国的文化力量,而语言的变化会使该国人民对外国种族的态度和言行发生变化.因此,语 中翻英:语言作为社会交际工具,既是文化的载体,又是文化的组成部分. 英语翻译一、引言语言是交际的重要手段,人类交际分为语言交际和非语言交际.非语言交际通过各种身势动作,以其独特的表现形式,像词语一样在特定语境中表达特定含义.非语言交际方式很 怎样理解语言是人类最重要的交际工具? 为什么说语言是人类最重要的交际工具 论述为什么说语言是人类最重要的交际工具? 如何理解语言是最重要的交际工具 为什么语言是人类最重要的交际工具 为什么说语言是人类社会的交际工具? 为什么说文字是语言最重要的辅助性交际工具 为什么说文字是语言最重要的辅助性交际工具? 如何理解语言是一种交际工具? 列宁说:“语言是人类最重要的交际工具.”这一科学论断深刻地阐明了语言的社会本质和重要作用.人们利用语 英语翻译语言是人类最重要的交际工具。人们借助语言保存和传递人类文明的成果。语言是民族的重要特征之一 英语翻译语言是人类最重要的交际工具,是随着社会的发展变化而发展变化的.在当代汉语词汇的研究中,新词语的研究是一个重要的环节,其中批量产生的新词语更是值得关注的语言现象.2009年9 怎样理解文字是建立在语言基础上的一种最重要的辅助交际工具 怎样理解“语言是人类最重要的交际工具”怎么样去回答这个问题呢? 英语翻译.高手来.用些句型,非软件翻译. 英语作为一门语言,是一种重要的交际工具. .听说能力是英语翻译.高手来.用些句型,非软件翻译. 英语作为一门语言,是一种重要的交际工具. .听说能力