英语翻译第一章&我在哪里 【灵雪的视角】我孤零零的卧在古堡废墟里,已被成千上万只摩尔拉姆踩过.他们看不见我,石灰已经磨得我漆黑.“我在哪里,我在哪里……这里曾经覆盖着欢乐,这里

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英语翻译第一章&我在哪里 【灵雪的视角】我孤零零的卧在古堡废墟里,已被成千上万只摩尔拉姆踩过.他们看不见我,石灰已经磨得我漆黑.“我在哪里,我在哪里……这里曾经覆盖着欢乐,这里
第一章&我在哪里 【灵雪的视角】我孤零零的卧在古堡废墟里,已被成千上万只摩尔拉姆踩过.他们看不见我,石灰已经磨得我漆黑.“我在哪里,我在哪里……这里曾经覆盖着欢乐,这里曾经歌唱着黄鹂……我在哪里,我在哪里……”我脑海里什么都没有,只有这首歌和一个美丽的身影——紫色长裙,纯蓝色的头发,纯洁无暇的眼睛,粉白的身体.我什么都没有,只有一块——蓝色的玉石.孤独时,望着它,看见里面透露出的,全是爱,蓝色,粉色的爱.寂寞时,拿出它,里面只有那个美丽的身影.片段,又消失.我真的希望那个身影在玉石中永远不要消失,我喜欢那身影甜蜜的笑脸.有时在玉石中可以看见去年7月在这里发生的事情——成千上万个摩尔来这里除妖灭怪,成百上千个骑士勇猛无畏的闯进危机重重的古堡……我将永远保留这块玉石,这里保存着我千年的记忆,留下了历史的痕迹.我在哪里,我在哪里.我想走,离开这里.可是我不明白怎么走.去年我连续几次冒失的闯进了古堡,被千奇百怪可怕的妖怪打得落花流水.拖着伤痕累累的身子,带着满脸的泪痕,我离开了这里.今年,那群摩尔骑士又来了.只听一只超拉用拉母语对她的主人说:“耶!又可以闯一闯黑森林了.黑森林里到底有什么秘密呢?难道就是因为黑森林中的这片古堡?”黑森林?我在黑森林里吗?我怎么会在这种地方!

英语翻译第一章&我在哪里 【灵雪的视角】我孤零零的卧在古堡废墟里,已被成千上万只摩尔拉姆踩过.他们看不见我,石灰已经磨得我漆黑.“我在哪里,我在哪里……这里曾经覆盖着欢乐,这里
The first chapter and where I was the spirit of snow] I lie lone perspective in the castle ruins,has been thousands of Moore's step.They can't see me,I've lime dark."Where am I,where I...here once covered with joy,here ever sing HuangLi...where I was,where I..." My mind has nothing,only this song and a beautiful figure - purple skirt,pure blue hair,pure white,the eyes of the body.I have nothing,only a piece of blue jade.- Lonely,looking at it,it reveals,all is love,love of blue,pink.When you feel lonely,took it,and only the beautiful scene.Clips,and disappear.I really hope that figure in never disappeared in the jade,I like the sweet smile figure.Sometimes in the jade in July last year,can see things happened here - thousands of Moore here except demon destroy,hundreds of knight intrepid into crisis castle...I will keep this jade,here preserved my memory of millennium,left traces of history.Where am I,where I am.I want to go away,to leave here.But I don't know how to walk.Last year I hid for several times,into the castle of various terrible beats the devil.Drag scarred body,with a tear,I left here.This year,the group Moore knight again.Listen to a super pull with native to her master said:"yeah!Come and black forest.The black forest what secret?Was it because of the castle black forest?" Black forest?I in the black forest?How can I in this place!