谁给明确讲下,who whose whom 的用法,要文法知识和例句,关键是简单易懂最好.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 18:40:10

谁给明确讲下,who whose whom 的用法,要文法知识和例句,关键是简单易懂最好.
谁给明确讲下,who whose whom 的用法,要文法知识和例句,关键是简单易懂最好.

谁给明确讲下,who whose whom 的用法,要文法知识和例句,关键是简单易懂最好.
whose 谁的,对事物所属的人提问,whose coat is this?这是谁的外套?
举例:Lily gave the pen to mary.莉莉给了玛丽这支笔
对主语提问:who gave the pen to mary?谁把笔给了玛丽?
对宾语提问:whom did lily give the pen to?莉莉把笔给了谁?

1、疑问代词。例:Wgo is he? Who broke the window?
2、定语从句中关系代词(指人)。例:The people who go online today consist primarily of people who are trying to better their opportunities.
She looked at Laura...


1、疑问代词。例:Wgo is he? Who broke the window?
2、定语从句中关系代词(指人)。例:The people who go online today consist primarily of people who are trying to better their opportunities.
She looked at Laura, who shook her head, then at John who did likewise.
1、形容词性疑问代词,例:Whose book is this?
2、名词性疑问代词,例:Whose is the book?
3、定语从句中的形容词性关系代词(指人或物),例:They go and read to people whose sight is failing.
1. 代词。例:whom did you see?
to whom did you give it?
2. 代词 。 所…的那个…例:the man whom I saw
the man to whom I spoke
her brother, whom you've met, is a gifted pianist



1、疑问代词。例:Who is he? Who came to our class last night?
2、定语从句中关系代词(指人)。例:She looked at the girl who shook her head.
whose pen is it? 这是谁的钢笔?


1、疑问代词。例:Who is he? Who came to our class last night?
2、定语从句中关系代词(指人)。例:She looked at the girl who shook her head.
whose pen is it? 这是谁的钢笔?
Whom 只能出现在从句里面或是介词(如 to, from, at, of..)后面。
1. Whom 出现在从句里面时,所有用whom的地方都可以用who代替。Whom 这个词只出现在很正式的书面语。口语不用。
2. Whom 在介词(如 to, from, at, of..)后面时,不可替换。
Who told you the story? (主语)
Who is that man over there? (主语补语)
Whom/ Who did you meet at the airport? (宾语)
Whom did you give the book to? (介词宾语)
例子:1,who are you? 不能是whom are you?
2,This book belongs to whom/who?两者都可以语中通常用who,但在介词后只能用whom。


who是“谁”的意思,作主语,一般这样用:who are you?
whose 是“谁的”的意思,可以这样用:whose picture is there?那是谁的照片
whom也是“谁”的意思,作宾语,如:Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you talked with on the bus.

一、现代英语英语格的具有不同形式的词仅存留 8 个,who(主格)whose(所有格)whom(宾格) 就是其中之一。所有这八个词列表如下——
主格: I we you he she it they who
宾格: me us you him her it th...


一、现代英语英语格的具有不同形式的词仅存留 8 个,who(主格)whose(所有格)whom(宾格) 就是其中之一。所有这八个词列表如下——
主格: I we you he she it they who
宾格: me us you him her it them whom
所有格: my our your his her its thier whose (形容词性物主代词)
mine ours yours his hers its thiers whose (名词性物主代词)
二、就代词而言,只要掌握了无助带的用法,也就知道 who,whom,whose 该怎么用了。这三个词与其他代词不同的是,不管用作什么成分,都需要放在句首——
1、主格 who 用作主语,用正常语序,如:
* 可以说 I am a student. 我是个学生。
* 当然可以说 Who is a student?谁是个学生?
2、宾格 whom 用作宾语,如:
* 物主代词作宾语:He passed me the book. 他把那本书递给了我。 ——正常语序
* 宾格 whom 作宾语:Whom did he pass the book to? 他把那本书递给了谁?——倒装语序。
3、所有格 whose 可以作下列几种成分——
1)定语:Whose book is this?这是谁的书?——形容词性(比较:This is my book)
2)主语:Whose is this book?这本书是谁的?——名词性 (比较:this book is mine.)
3)宾语:I took my book with me. Whose did you take with you?随身带了我的书,你到了谁的?——名词性 (比较:I took my book with me and you took yours)
三、与物主代词最大的不同点是 who,whom,whose 可以用作关系代词引导定语从句——
1、who 指代人,在从句中——
1)作主语:The man who works there is his brother. 在那里干活的那个人是他的兄弟。
2)作宾语:The man who you saw yesterday is his brother. 你昨天见到的那个人是他的兄弟。——非正式英语
2、whom 指代人,在从句中作宾语,如:
* The man whom you saw yesterday is his brother. 你昨天见到的那个人是他的兄弟。——正式英语(在非正式英语中可以用 who 代替)
3、whose 指代某人的或者某物的,在从句中作定语,如:
1)指代某人的:My sisters, whose photos I showed you yesterday, will come to see us this evening. 我的姐妹们今晚要来看我们, 她们的照片我昨天给你看过。
2)指代某物的:This is the pen whose point is broken. 这就是笔尖断了的那枝笔。 (= This is the pen the point of which is broken)
