托福作文要写多少字才能拿高分?大家帮忙看看这篇托福文章,大概能得多少分?如何改进,希望具体些,Currently,more and morestudents choose to take a part-time job for being more independent,which means financial indepen

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 01:01:25

托福作文要写多少字才能拿高分?大家帮忙看看这篇托福文章,大概能得多少分?如何改进,希望具体些,Currently,more and morestudents choose to take a part-time job for being more independent,which means financial indepen
Currently,more and morestudents choose to take a part-time job for being more independent,which means financial independent and individual independent.However,there still exists the opinion that it is a waste of time for student to do so as their major task is to improve their studies.For my part,it can be a wise choice for parents to encourage their children to take a part-time job.
It is a heat topic that reflect current situation ---e.s,when students graduate from university,they find very difficult to seek a satisfied job as they are regarded as inexperienced and spoiled persons.Nevertheless,if they had taken a part-time before,they can avoid confronting such embarrassing situation.Only with work experience can students be aware of how to build up their own pocket and learn to arrange their own finance well,as I noted before,to be financial independent.Meanwhile,they can also release the financial burden of their parents,and gain work experiences which are taken seriously by employers.

托福作文要写多少字才能拿高分?大家帮忙看看这篇托福文章,大概能得多少分?如何改进,希望具体些,Currently,more and morestudents choose to take a part-time job for being more independent,which means financial indepen
上面的回答,观点我基本同意.但是他讲的不是针对你的文章来的.6 or 6.5估计是雅思写作的分数.这是托福的大作文,一篇文章并不决定你的分数.要和综合作文一起看的.写得还行,还有一定的改进空间.具体的语言上,表达还好.大作文一般字数越多分数越高,但是字数也不是绝对的.建议400以上吧.其实文章结构很重要,但是更重要的是你的逻辑.否则模板只是生搬硬套.Good Luck!

国外的老师非常看重文章结构,我什么都不看,我就看你有没有 thesis statement,有没有agreement和support,再来看conclusion如何,有没有出现基本的一些错误,例如新的观点。。如果文章的结构你全都非常好,这篇文章肯定是6或6.5分以上,最其次看你的拼写和grammar和单词应用,有没有复杂句之类的。因为这是time-writing,所以是允许一些错误存在的。总而言之...


国外的老师非常看重文章结构,我什么都不看,我就看你有没有 thesis statement,有没有agreement和support,再来看conclusion如何,有没有出现基本的一些错误,例如新的观点。。如果文章的结构你全都非常好,这篇文章肯定是6或6.5分以上,最其次看你的拼写和grammar和单词应用,有没有复杂句之类的。因为这是time-writing,所以是允许一些错误存在的。总而言之文章结构是最重要的。
