
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 16:07:35


A glance at the two graphs provided reveals some information about
the effect of treatment in two types of cancer,namely Alimentary tract
cancer and Lymphosarcoma,in females.
When it comes to
Alimentary tract cancer,It is noteworthy that women who received the
treatment maintain a higher level of survival rate than others.
Decreasing steadily in the first three years,this rate then stays at
somewhere near 48 per cent.Meanwhile,cases without treatment have a
lower survival rate--drop dramatically in the first year,before sliding marginally
to approximately 18 per cent in next four years.
With regard to
Lymphosareoma,it can be easily found out that treatment make no
difference in the first two years,but in the following years,women who
did not receive the treatment keep a 25 per cent survival rate while
their counterparts are still dying,with no one survived in the end of
the fifth year.
To conclude,this treatment is
effective on treating Alimentary tract cancer and is useless,even
harmful,on treating Lymphosareoma.

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