根据下面提供的词语,以"Winter in China"为题写一篇短文,不少于60个单词.要用的单词如下:the coldest,from December to February,trees turu yellow,leaves fall,wear warm clothes,snow,all white,go skating,play,snowballs...

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 14:07:10

根据下面提供的词语,以"Winter in China"为题写一篇短文,不少于60个单词.要用的单词如下:the coldest,from December to February,trees turu yellow,leaves fall,wear warm clothes,snow,all white,go skating,play,snowballs...
根据下面提供的词语,以"Winter in China"为题写一篇短文,不少于60个单词.
要用的单词如下:the coldest,from December to February,trees turu yellow,leaves fall,wear warm clothes,snow,all white,go skating,play,snowballs...

根据下面提供的词语,以"Winter in China"为题写一篇短文,不少于60个单词.要用的单词如下:the coldest,from December to February,trees turu yellow,leaves fall,wear warm clothes,snow,all white,go skating,play,snowballs...
The winter in China is a very important season because of the New Year Festival.The winter lasts from Decenber to February.Later fall,the leaves turn yellow then they fall down from the trees.People begin to wear warm clothes.They wear sweaters,scarves and hats.The coldest part in winter is North China.It is snow allthrough the winter there and the trees,houses,roads are all white.The children like to go skating,play the snow,through the snow balls and make snoe men.

In the north of China,winter is the coldest season of the year.Winter lasts from December to February.Before it,the trees turn yellow.The leaves fall.The dead leaves will be good for the trees to grow...


In the north of China,winter is the coldest season of the year.Winter lasts from December to February.Before it,the trees turn yellow.The leaves fall.The dead leaves will be good for the trees to grow .Then the weather becomes colder and colder,people begin to wear warm clothes .Sometimes it snows,the snow is very beautiful,and it covers everything .The land is all white ,like a beautiful blandet.The whole city becomes a silver world.All the people are exciting.And they go skating ,play ,throw snowballs to each other and make snowman .


根据下面提供的词语和要求,以树为重点,写一段话阐发某种哲理 树 天空 清风 根据下面提供的词语,以Winter in China为题写一篇短文,不少于60个单词.要用的单词如下:the coldest,from December to February,trees turu yellow,leaves fall,wear warm clothes,snow,all white,go skating,play,snowballs... 根据下面提供的一些词语,当时的敌人还会有哪些表现,试着写几句话 根据《石灰吟》回答问题《石灰吟》是一首托物言志诗,寄托了诗人请清白白的做人志向,如果以下面提供的词语做题材,你想寄托怎样的志向?1.小草( )2.蜜蜂( ) 根据下面提供的一些词语,敌人当时还会有哪些表现,试着写几句丧家之犬 漏网之鱼 心惊胆战 哭爹喊娘 闻风丧胆 鬼哭狼嚎 魂飞魄散 丑态百出 根据下面提供的一些词语,敌人当时还会有哪些表现用:丧家之犬 漏网之鱼 心惊胆战 哭爹喊娘 闻风丧胆 负隅顽抗 魂飞魄散 丑态百出 根据下面提供的词语,发挥想象,写一段话用昂首阔步 烛火摇曳 陆续 微笑 左顾右盼 我能根据提供的意思写出看的词语 根据提供的双音节词语写出一个成语 天地() 根据提供的双音节词语写出一个成语 张望 根据所提供的词语写一句话.(滥竽充数) 根据下面提供的材料写一份公文 根据下面提供的一些词语,当时的敌人还会有哪些表现,试着写几句话.丧家之犬 漏网之鱼 心惊胆战 哭爹喊娘 闻风丧胆 负隅顽抗 魂飞魄散 丑态百出 根据下面提供的一些词语,当时的敌人还会 有哪些表现,试着写几句话丧家之犬、漏网之鱼、心惊胆战、哭爹喊娘、闻风丧胆、负隅顽抗、魂飞魄散、丑态百出.要没有的, 根据下面的词语以月亮为对象扩写一段不少于40字的话 中秋 夜晚 小路 薄云 many people like to drink it in winter.根据上的句子完成下面many people enjoy it ()()()in winter 请根据下面提供的两组词语,展开你的奇思妙想,选择其中一组的三个词语,描绘一幅画面,字数70-100字词语:(1)夕阳 小鸟 山林(2)五彩斑斓 赏心悦目 徜徉 根据多音字的读音,将下面的词语归类.