
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 03:31:31


The dragon escaped from the lab and the policemen were trying to capture him.Then someone called from National Aeronautics and Space Administration that the dragon was there landing on the spaceship.He was surrounded by the administration security guards although it was too high to get him.Finally the experts from the lab came together with the police.At first they planned to use the helicopter hung with nets to get him but the pilot was absent for vacation.For over an hour discussion,the NASA officer made the decision that they had to launch the spaceship.When the spaceship was ignited,it would be very hot that no animals could bear it.In that case the dragon would off the spaceship.Just as the officer predicted,the dragon indeed left that spaceship,which was about to sent for space mission.

one day,a dragon was absent from school.It is so hot that e wants to go on a trip by spaceship.When he was on spaceship,abruptly he was hanged over the air.

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