英语翻译This Lieutenant of Police,whose title was changed in 1674 to Lieutenant-General of Police,in addition to his regular duties as a criminal judge,was sometimes required by the king to concern himself with matters gravely affecting the well-

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英语翻译This Lieutenant of Police,whose title was changed in 1674 to Lieutenant-General of Police,in addition to his regular duties as a criminal judge,was sometimes required by the king to concern himself with matters gravely affecting the well-
This Lieutenant of Police,whose title was changed in 1674 to Lieutenant-General of Police,in addition to his regular duties as a criminal judge,was sometimes required by the king to concern himself with matters gravely affecting the well-being of France and the aureole of glory with which Louis XIV always aspired to surround himself.Of such matters,the complex criminal case known as the Affair of the Poisons was surely the most troublesome.It began in 1679 and was discontinued by order of the king in 1682.La Reynie was appointed president and rapporteur of the judicial commission that heard it.
This is not the place retell the sinister and sorry tale of how people in high society lost all sense of reality and honor and became involved with self-styled sorcerers,quacks,renegade clerics,and poisoners:suffice it to say that even the king’s mistress was implicated and regime was tainted with scandal.Great industry,acute perception,and deep analysis were demanded of La Reynie and no doubt what he had to do caused him endless anxiery and,perhaps,some problems of conscience as a jurist,but the king was the law an La Reynie’s loyalty to the throne always had the first claim on him.
The hearings went on at two levels,one regular,one secret.Over three hundred warrants of arrest were issued,thirty-four death sentences were carried out,many were exiled,many more administratively imprisoned in fortresses for the rest of their lives.The fill record of the proceedings was known only to the king,the ministers Colbert and Louvois,and La Reynie.The two ministers died,but it was not until after the death of La Reynie that the king had the record burned in his own presence:the Lieutenant-General of Police had enjoyed not only his sovereign’s confidence but also his respect.
The outcome of the Affair of the Poisons demonstrates what may become of the rule of law under an autocratic regime.Louis XIV genuinely loved the law,instituted legal reforms,gladly employed grave jurists to serve him; but when the shadow of crime fell upon his own fame he abrogated the judicial procedure and wound up the whole business by executive action.
It would be unfair to overemphasize the repressive aspects of La Reynie’s attack on crime.His great contribution to the preventive science of police must not be overlooked.The priority he gave to maintaining a strong patrol presence,his measures for lighting and hygiene,his monumental edict on the control of prostitution which remained in force until 1946,his attempt to find a practical solution to the problem of homeless children by building a founding hospital,all bear witness to what he achieved in the sphere of urban police science

英语翻译This Lieutenant of Police,whose title was changed in 1674 to Lieutenant-General of Police,in addition to his regular duties as a criminal judge,was sometimes required by the king to concern himself with matters gravely affecting the well-
这不是地方复述险恶的和令人遗憾的故事如何在上流社会的人失去了对现实和荣誉感和自我曝光后自称巫师,庸医,叛徒神职人员,中毒者:我只想说,即使是国王的情妇被牵连的政权被污染的丑闻.大工业,敏锐认知,并深入分析了La Reynie要求,毫无疑问,他必须这样做使他不断渴望,也许,作为一个法学家的良知一些问题,但国王是法律的香格里拉Reynie的忠诚宝座,一向是他第一次索赔.
在听证会继续在两个层次,一个正常,一个秘密.超过300的发出了逮捕令,34死刑进行了,许多人被流放,在行政上有更多的堡垒监禁他们的一生.诉讼记录被称为填补只有国王,部长们科尔伯特和Louvois,和La Reynie.两国外长死亡,但直到后拉Reynie死亡国王在他自己的存在,烧了记录:中将警察总长已不仅是他享有主权的信心,而且他也不尊重.

标题在1674年被改变到陆军中尉一般警察,除他的常规任务之外作为一位犯罪法官,国王有时要求警察的这位陆军中尉与严重地影响法国的福利和荣耀的荣冠与哪总是渴望的路易十四的事态有关自己围拢自己。 的这样事态,叫作毒物的事理的复杂刑事案件肯定是最麻烦的。 在1682年它在1679年开始了和奉国王命令被下马了。 La Reynie被任命了听见它司法委员会的总统和起草报告的人。


标题在1674年被改变到陆军中尉一般警察,除他的常规任务之外作为一位犯罪法官,国王有时要求警察的这位陆军中尉与严重地影响法国的福利和荣耀的荣冠与哪总是渴望的路易十四的事态有关自己围拢自己。 的这样事态,叫作毒物的事理的复杂刑事案件肯定是最麻烦的。 在1682年它在1679年开始了和奉国王命令被下马了。 La Reynie被任命了听见它司法委员会的总统和起草报告的人。
这不是地方重述阴险和抱歉的传说的上层社会的人怎样失去了现实和荣誉所有知觉并且变得包含与自称的巫师、庸医、叛教的神职人员和毒害者: 只想说甚而king’s女主人被牵连了,并且政权感染了与丑闻。 巨大产业、深刻悟性和深刻的分析被要求了La Reynie,并且疑义什么他必须做没有引起他不尽的anxiery,并且,或许,良心的有些问题作为法学家,而是国王是对王位的La Reynie’s忠诚总是有在他的第一个要求的法律。
听力努力去做在二个水平,一位正规兵,一个秘密。 拘捕三百个保证发布了,三十四死刑被执行了,许多被放逐了,在堡垒行政在他们有生之年监禁的许多。 行动的积土纪录仅知道对国王、部长Colbert和Louvois和La Reynie。 二位部长死了,但是它不直到,在La Reynie死亡国王有纪录之后在他自己的存在烧了: 陆军中尉一般警察享用了不仅他的sovereign’s信心,而且他的尊敬。毒物的事理的The结果展示可以法规怎么样在一个独裁政权下。 路易十四真诚地爱法律,被设立的法律改革,高兴地被雇用的严重法学家服务他; 但是,当罪行的阴影落在他自己的名望他废止了司法做法并且由行政行动使整体事务受伤。
过分强调La Reynie’s攻击的压抑方面对罪行的是不合理的。 不能忽略他的对警察预防科学的巨大贡献。 他制定维护强的巡逻存在的优先权,他的照明设备的措施,并且卫生学,他在直到1946年仍然有效卖淫的控制,他的尝试的巨大的法令解决无家可归的孩子的问题找到一个实用方法通过修造一家建立的医院,全部证明对什么他在城市警察科学球形达到了




它将是不公平的,过分强调了专制方面的袭击Reynie La犯罪。他的伟大贡献,预防的科学警察必须不能忽略的。他给优先保持强大,他的措施巡逻照明和卫生,他不朽的禁令在控制在卖淫,直到1946年,他试图找到一个可行的解决办法来解决这个问题,通过建立一个无家可归的儿童医院,建国见证他所达到的城市警察科学


这不会是你的作业吧 咋这么懒呢

英语翻译This Lieutenant of Police,whose title was changed in 1674 to Lieutenant-General of Police,in addition to his regular duties as a criminal judge,was sometimes required by the king to concern himself with matters gravely affecting the well- Lieutenant Edward是什么意思 lieutenant colonel是什么意思 lieutenant-governor是什么意思 North Carolina’s lieutenant-governor是什么职务? 英语翻译重点是indulged as a )全句:Indulged as a girl,she had her first novel published when she was in her early twenties,and married a soldier-nobleman,Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Browning. 英语翻译1,the old wife's tale2,the death of the heart3,the way of all flesh4,a family and a fortune5,the waterfall6,the French Lieutenant's woman 英语翻译是关于Lieutenant General John N.McLaughlin的,就是最长的那篇,24小时之内译完再加5分都说了不要用在线翻译,翻译的好我再加分 Lieutenant Edward Close built it in 1826.翻译 这段英语有没有语法错误I don't think this movie is to persuade the audience to behave more decently and warn them not to disobey their destinies.I think it tells the audience life would not be easy.Lieutenant Dan was an ordinary military of 英语翻译---- ----- you ---- ---- ------ this dress 英语翻译要有this evening Is this 8262743?英语翻译, 英语翻译this gravel是什么意思 英语翻译this life 英语翻译This conversation is 英语翻译Ohio's Democratic governor,Ted Strickland,and his lieutenant governor,Lee Fisher,who is the party's U.S.Senate nominee,are facing what ought to be brutal election fights.这句话里的who指的是谁啊?还有这句话的意思是不是 英语翻译上下文是这样的:Being the mother of a soldier,however,is a different story.Her son,Brian,is a lieutenant in the Army.He is currently stationed in Germany.But he is preparing fordeployment to Iraq in the fall.His mom supported his