求英语作文,关于朋友的作文 作文提醒,朋友的真正含义,选择朋友的标准,如何对待朋友,还要中文还要中文翻译!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 05:29:14

求英语作文,关于朋友的作文 作文提醒,朋友的真正含义,选择朋友的标准,如何对待朋友,还要中文还要中文翻译!
求英语作文,关于朋友的作文 作文提醒,朋友的真正含义,选择朋友的标准,如何对待朋友,还要中文

求英语作文,关于朋友的作文 作文提醒,朋友的真正含义,选择朋友的标准,如何对待朋友,还要中文还要中文翻译!
A good friend is someone who can share happiness and sarrow with you.As a proverb goes,"
a friend in need is a frieng indeed'.
Did you find here someone such as a good friend who you can trust and with whom you can share your feelings? "A friend is someone who can comfort you with only a single touch". Cherish your true friends as they need you as much as you will need them.A best friend is somone who keeps secret,listens to you,shares good and bad times with you and loves you like a favourite borther or sister.you can have lots of friends but a best firend is someone who is really different form the others.
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
So, how do people find new friends (at least people like myself)?
First, if you stay somewhere – school, course, job, town – long enough. And then one day you realise that you have actually known someone for such a long time that you can really call him or her a good friend. This really doesn’t apply to me because I have almost always been ‘on the road’ – different jobs, hobbies, cities, countries. And I have never made friends easily – I had two good friends when I was at the university for 4 years, and they are both still good friends, although one of them lives in a different country now (or, to be precise, I live in a different country now). And the other one is my girlfriend of almost 8 years – the best friend I have had since I was in primary school.
And second, you are a very social person and go out a lot and meet a lot of different people. Which I used to do when I was 20 but which I don’t do much any more now when I’m in late thirties. I live a quiet life (with a few rare exceptions) and am quite happy with the quietness. Except you don’t meet many new people this way.
4 years ago I moved to London to study something I couldn’t study in my country, and I thought that London will certainly be a great place to meet new people. And in a way it is but at the same time you can be very lonely in a place like London. Life’s fast and superficial here, and people don’t often have time or energy to be really interested in others outside their immediate social circle.
OK, so, I have to admit that I haven’t found many new good friends for the last 4-5 years or even longer, so … let’s make it a goal.
一个好的朋友是一个可以分享快乐和悲伤你.正如谚语所言,“患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友.你在这里找到这种人的好朋友,你可以相信,你能与他们分享你的感受?”朋友是某人谁可以安慰你只有一个单一的触摸”.珍惜你的朋友因为他们需要你就像你需要它们.最好的朋友是某人谁保持秘密,听你,分享你和爱你像最喜欢的兄弟或sister.you可以有很多朋友,但是最好的朋友真是形态各异的人.朋友就是那个知道你心中的歌,唱给你当你忘了词.所以,人们如何找到新朋友(至少像我这样的人)?首先,如果你住在–学校,课程,工作,镇–足够长.后来有一天,你意识到你已经知道有人这么长的时间,你可以打电话给他或她的一个好朋友.这真的不适用于我,因为我几乎总是在道路上的–不同工作,爱好,城市,国家.我从来都很容易交到朋友–我有好朋友,当我在大学4年中,他们仍然是好朋友,虽然他们生活在不同的国家(或,更准确的说,我生活在一个不同的国家现在).另一个是我的女朋友的近8年–最好的朋友,我曾因为我在小学.其次,你是一个社会人,经常出去,见到很多不同的人.这是我用来做我20岁的时候,但我不做任何更多的现在,当我在三十几岁时.我住在一个安静的生活(有一些罕见的例外),是相当幸福的宁静.除了你不认识了很多新的人这样.4年前我搬到伦敦学习的东西我不能在我的国家,我认为伦敦肯定会成为一个伟大的地方,以满足新的人民.在这样的同时你会很孤单的在一个地方像伦敦.生活在这里的快速和浅,人们常常没有时间或精力是真的对别人感兴趣之外的社交圈.好的,所以,我必须承认,我没有发现许多新朋友在过去4 - 5年或更长的时间,所以……让我们定个目标.一个好的朋友是一个可以分享快乐和悲伤你.正如谚语所言,“患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友.你在这里找到这种人的好朋友,你可以相信,你能与他们分享你的感受?”朋友是某人谁可以安慰你只有一个单一的触摸”.珍惜你的朋友因为他们需要你就像你需要它们.最好的朋友是某人谁保持秘密,听你,分享你和爱你像最喜欢的兄弟或sister.you可以有很多朋友,但是最好的朋友真是形态各异的人.朋友就是那个知道你心中的歌,唱给你当你忘了词.所以,人们如何找到新朋友(至少像我这样的人)?首先,如果你住在–学校,课程,工作,镇–足够长.后来有一天,你意识到你已经知道有人这么长的时间,你可以打电话给他或她的一个好朋友.这真的不适用于我,因为我几乎总是在道路上的–不同工作,爱好,城市,国家.我从来都很容易交到朋友–我有好朋友,当我在大学4年中,他们仍然是好朋友,虽然他们生活在不同的国家(或,更准确的说,我生活在一个不同的国家现在).另一个是我的女朋友的近8年–最好的朋友,我曾因为我在小学.其次,你是一个社会人,经常出去,见到很多不同的人.这是我用来做我20岁的时候,但我不做任何更多的现在,当我在三十几岁时.我住在一个安静的生活(有一些罕见的例外),是相当幸福的宁静.除了你不认识了很多新的人这样.4年前我搬到伦敦学习的东西我不能在我的国家,我认为伦敦肯定会成为一个伟大的地方,以满足新的人民.在这样的同时你会很孤单的在一个地方像伦敦.生活在这里的快速和浅,人们常常没有时间或精力是真的对别人感兴趣之外的社交圈.好的,所以,我必须承认,我没有发现许多新朋友在过去4 - 5年或更长的时间,所以……让我们定个目标.



友谊是一个多么美好的字眼!而能够建立友谊是很不容易的。当你感到孤单时,你是否想交一个朋友?在你伤心的时候,你是否需要朋友的安慰?什么是真正的友谊?让我深思,让我迷惑。每个人的一生中都有朋友,当然朋友的类别也不同。但是我想如果真的是朋友的话,有一个唯一的共同点:在你需要帮助的时候,他会伸出援助之手帮助你,在你痛苦的时候,给予你安慰和鼓励……我想无论是大人还是孩子,都需要有朋友。虽然我们每个人都是独立的,但生命是脆弱的。有时也需要别人的帮助,也许别人的帮助会成为你生活、学习、事业的动力! Friendship is a wonderful word! To establish friendship is not easy. When you feel lonely, if you want to make a friend? When you are sad, if you need a friend? What is the true friendship? Let me think deeply, make me confused. Each person's life have a friend, and friends are also different. But I think if it is a friend, there is one common point: when you need help, he will lend a helping hand to help you, in your time of grief, give you comfort and encouragement ... ...
I want to either the adult or the child, all need friends. Although each one of us is independent, but life is fragile. Sometimes also need the help of others, perhaps with the help of others will become your life, learning, career motivation!我一直认为要想与别人成为朋友,那么首先你要真诚对待别人。当然在人际交往中也需要我们学习,它是我们一生必备的。虽然我是一个不是很会和人交往的人,但是我很真诚,我也希望别人能对我真诚一些,大家岂不都很快乐吗?最近经历的一件事情,让我很痛苦,很失望。我在问自己:为什么我真诚对待别人给我的回报让我无法接受?
I've always thought to become friends with others, you should treat people with sincerity. In the course of interpersonal communication is also necessary for us to learn, it is necessary to our life. Although I am a not good person, but I am very sincere, I also hope that others can sincere to me, you are not happy? Recently experienced a thing, let me be very painful, very disappointed. I ask myself: why I treat people with sincerity repay me so that I can not accept?在刚上初中时,我结识了一位好朋友!我们俩很有缘分,是在军训时候认识的,我们俩人还挨着呢。在上学的时候,老师让我和她坐在了一桌。我真的感到很欣慰!随着时间的推移,我们俩的关系没有原来融洽了。每次闹点小别扭,我都试图和她好好交往,主动与她说话。我真的一直把她当成最好的朋友。而我发现,在需要我帮助的时候,她会主动找我,但是没有事情的时候都不理睬我。我主动和她说话,她都带理不理。记得有一次俩人闹别扭了,她有点讽刺我的感觉,见到同学对着我的面说我脾气特别大,总是唠唠叨叨的。我有一次实在是忍不住了,俩人吵架了。随后都哭了,又和好了。最近几天不知道她怎么了,对我说话脾气那么大。感觉我是那么的令她讨厌,而对别人又是另一种态度。我很生气,我为什么要忍耐下去?虽然我明白人要学会宽容,但是我想什么事情都是有限度的。我决定五一放假回来和她换桌。
In the just middle school, I met a good friend! The two of us are very fate, is in the military when understanding, both of us still lingered. In school, the teacher let me and she sat at a table. I really feel very happy! Over time, our relationship is not so well. Every time a little uncomfortable, I have tried to her good communication, active to speak with her. I was her best friend. And I found, in need of my help, she will take the initiative to look for me, but nothing ever ignored me. I take the initiative to talk to her, she would bring the rationale. I remember once they were at odds, she is a bit ironic I feel, to see my classmates to my face that I was particularly large, always talk nineteen to the dozen. Once I just can't help it, they had a quarrel. Then cried, reconciled. In recent days do not know how she, talk to me so big temper. I feel so that she hates, whereas for others is another kind of attitude. I was very angry, why should I endure? Although I know people will need to learn tolerance, but I think anything is limited. I decided to leave to come back for her and table five one.开运动会的时候,我与张老师聊天了。老师告诉我每个人都有优点和缺点,要记着她的优点。正是因为你们的距离很近,你才会发现她的缺点。即使两人不在一桌,也要好好相处。我想但愿是这样吧。但是我觉得作为一个人要善良、要真诚,这样才能赢得更多人的喜爱。 On sports day, I chat with Miss zhang. The teacher told me that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, to remember her merits. It is because you are very close, you can see her faults. Even if the two is not in a table, but also to get along. I think I hope so. But I think as a person must be good, to be sincere, so as to win more people's favor.
希望通过这件事情,我们都能有所启发。与大家共勉!什么是真正的友谊呢?让我困惑不解!!Hope that through this matter, we will learn something. Share with you! What is the true friendship? Let me confused!!


An Ideal Friend Friends can be classified into two kinds, good friends and evil friends. Evil friends lead us astray and may destroy our life, while good ones drive us towards the right and make our l...


An Ideal Friend Friends can be classified into two kinds, good friends and evil friends. Evil friends lead us astray and may destroy our life, while good ones drive us towards the right and make our life successful. Two of them exist in our daily life. However, ideal friends exist in people's mind. They should be diligent, successful and loyal. When you need help, they will stand beside you and be delighted to give you a hand. Also you can share your happiness and sorrow together. In my opinion, friends can share something but they also should keep their own secrets. So I wish my friends wouldn't interfere in my privacy too much. On the other hand, my friends should have Something in common with me, at the same time something special. In this way we can attract each other and learn from each other. 理想的朋友 朋友可以分为两种,益友和狐朋狗友。狐朋狗友会使我们误入歧途,毁了 我们的一生; 而益友会使我们明辨是非, 使我们成功。 日常生活中这两种朋友都存在。 然 而,在人们心目中仍存在理想的朋友。这种朋友勤奋、成功并忠诚。当你需要帮助时,他们 会与 你并肩作战,伸出援助之手。他们还可以与你分享快乐与痛苦。 我认为朋友要分享一
些东 西但也要保留自己的秘密, 所以我希望我的朋友不会过多地介入我的私事。 从另一方面来说, 我 的朋友和我应有共同之处,同时又有各自的特点。这样我们才可以互相吸引,互相学习。


A friend is a person who can really in a relationship with you, can forgive your wrong, can share the mind with you. You should not choose the friend who always has bad idea and who dare ...


A friend is a person who can really in a relationship with you, can forgive your wrong, can share the mind with you. You should not choose the friend who always has bad idea and who dare not say out your mistakes. If the relationship between you and your friend is very good, you should consider your friend first ,and let him know that you care about him. And you should often perspective-taking, consider for others, but not too more, sometime you should think you own for youself .
