
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 03:35:26


MAYA CIVILIZATION Like the Egyptians,the Maya are well known for their pyramids,which vary in shape,depending on where they were built.The Maya occupied the Yucatan Peninsula注1 and their civilization[文明] was formed as early as 1500 BC.Contrary to[与……相反] popular mystery,the Maya never “disappeared” - millions of them still live in the region,many of which still speak one or another language of the Mayan family.The Maya worshipped[崇拜] the gods of nature every day.Their religion was characterized[以……特色] by the worship of nature gods,especially the gods of sun,rain and corn.Their amazing architecture remain as great ruins at the centers where they used for religious ceremonies[典礼],including Palenque注2,Uxmal and Chichen Itza.About 300-900 AD,the major centers like Palenque,Tikal and Copan were mysteriously abandoned[遗弃].The reasons are still unknown.A few centers remained in existence until the Spanish arrived in the 16th century.Many people consider Mayan art and architecture to be the most sophisticated[精致的] and beautiful of the ancient New World.The carvings at Palenque and the statues[雕像] of Copan are especially refined[精制的],showing a grace and accurate observation of the human form,which reminded early archaeologists[考古学家] of the classical civilization of the Old World.With the decipherment[解读] of the Mayan script,it was discovered that the Maya were one of the few civilizations where artists attached[附上] their name to their work.The Mayan writing system is a combination of phonetic[语音的] symbols and ideograms[表意文字].The decipherment of the Mayan writings has been a long laborious[艰苦的] process.Shortly after the European conquest[征服],the overzealous[过分热心的] Spanish priests had ordered the burning of all the Mayan books.However,many stone inscriptions[碑铭] still survive.Today,the majority of Mayan texts can be read almost completely in their original languages.The Maya developed independently the concept of zero and used a base 20 numbering system.They developed astronomy[天文学],calendar systems and writing.The Maya also built observatories[天文台] to watch stars and they produced extremely accurate astronomical observations.In addition,they were highly skilled as potters[陶工] and weavers[织工].Maya marriages were arranged by adults and priests,and not as frequently by a couple who had fallen in love.The Maya married at a younger age than people do nowadays.When a boy reached 16,and a girl reached 12,they would each have a ceremony.They wore jewelry such as white beads[珠子] for boys and red shells for girls.At the wedding ceremony the couple would be blessed by a priest[牧师].And it is believed,there was no honeymoon and no vows[誓言] exchanged.