谁能帮我把下面的英语翻印过来啊?这是一首非常好听的歌曲的歌词:Suicide Is PainlessTitle:Suicide is PainlessArtist(Band):Lady & Bird( Mike Altman & Johnny Mandell )Through early morning fog I see Visions of the things to be

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 10:38:18

谁能帮我把下面的英语翻印过来啊?这是一首非常好听的歌曲的歌词:Suicide Is PainlessTitle:Suicide is PainlessArtist(Band):Lady & Bird( Mike Altman & Johnny Mandell )Through early morning fog I see Visions of the things to be
Suicide Is Painless
Title:Suicide is Painless
Artist(Band):Lady & Bird
( Mike Altman & Johnny Mandell )
Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see
That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please
The game of life is hard to play
I'm going to lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this is all I have to say
Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please
The sword of time will pierce our skins
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works it's way on in
The pain grow stronger watch it grin
Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please
A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
Is it to be or not to be
And I replied "Oh why ask me."
Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please
And you can do the same thing if you please
La Ballade of Lady & Bird
Bird :Lady?
Lady :Yes Bird?
Bird :It's cold
Lady :I know
Lady :Bird...I cannot see a thing
Bird :It's all in your mind
Lady :I'm worried
Bird :No one will come to see us
Lady :Maybe they come but we just don't see them .What do you see?
Bird :I see what's outside
Lady :And what exactly is outside?
Bird :It's grown-ups
Lady :Well maybe if we scream they can hear us
Bird :Yeah,maybe we should try to scream
Lady :Ok,Bird
Lady & Bird :Heeeelp,Heeeelp .Can you hear us now Hello Help Hello it's me .Hey .Can you see .Can you see me.I'm here .Nana come and take us.Hello.Are you there Hello...
Lady :I don't think they can hear us
Bird :I can hear you lady
Bird :Do you want to come with me lady
Lady :Will you be nice to me Bird
Lady :You're always be nice to me because you're my friend
Bird :I try but sometimes I make mistakes
Lady :Nana says we all make mistakes
Bird :Maybe we should scream more
Lady :Yes,Bird let's scream more
Lady & Bird :Help Help us Come on Help Hello Help Hello We're lost
Lady :I don't think they cannot see us
Bird :Nobody likes us
Lady :But they all seem so big
Bird :Maybe we should just jump
Lady :What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us
Bird :I don't know let's just see what happens
Lady :Okay
Bird :Come with me
Lady :Shall we do it together
Bird :Yeah
Lady & Bird :1 2 3.Aaaaaaah
Bird :Lady?
Lady :Yes Bird
Bird :It's cold
Lady :I know
Lady :Bird...I cannot see a thing
Bird :It's all in your mind

谁能帮我把下面的英语翻印过来啊?这是一首非常好听的歌曲的歌词:Suicide Is PainlessTitle:Suicide is PainlessArtist(Band):Lady & Bird( Mike Altman & Johnny Mandell )Through early morning fog I see Visions of the things to be
Bird :女士?
Lady :什么事,小鸟?
Bird :挺冷的
Lady :我知道
Lady :小鸟……我什么都看不见
Bird :都在你的想象中
Lady :我很担心
Bird :没人会来看我们
Lady :也许他们来了,只是我们看不到他们.你在看什么?
Bird :我在看外边
Lady :外边到底有什么?
Bird :它在成长
Lady :也许咱们尖叫他们会听见
Bird :是啊,也许我们应该哭着尖叫
Lady :好的,鸟
Lady 和Bird :救命--!救命——!你听到我们了吗 救命 !是我 .嗨 .你能看见 .你能看见我吗.我在这 .Nana 来带走我们.你在那儿吗?..
Lady :我想他们听不到咱们
Bird :我能听见你女士
Bird :你想跟我走吗,女士?
Lady :你会对我好吗?
Lady :你一直对我很好,因为你是我的朋友
Bird :我尽力,虽然有时候会犯错误
Lady :Nana 说我们都犯错误
Bird :也许我们应该再尖叫一会
Lady :是的,小鸟,我们再叫一会
Lady 和Bird :救命 !救救我们 !来吧!救命 !救命!!我们迷失方向了
Lady :我不认为他们听不到咱们
Bird :没人喜欢我们
Lady :但他们看起来都这么大
Bird :也许我们应该跳一跳
Lady :如果我们从桥上掉下去呢?没人能抓住我们
Bird :我不知道,让咱们看看会发生什么
Lady :好的
Bird :跟我一起
Lady :我们等一起做吗?
Bird :当然
Lady 和Bird :1 2 3.
Bird :女士?
Lady :什么,小鸟
Bird :挺冷的
Lady :我知道
Lady :小鸟……我什么都看不见
Bird :都在你的想象中
那些对我隐藏的痛苦(对 withheld from me 我是参照这个句子理解的:withhold information from the public——向公众隐瞒信息)


Through early morning fog I see 穿过晨雾
The visions of the things to be 我看见未来(visions of the things to be是指一切将要呈现的样子)
Their pains are all withheld from me 与那些痛苦相比( Their pa...


Through early morning fog I see 穿过晨雾
The visions of the things to be 我看见未来(visions of the things to be是指一切将要呈现的样子)
Their pains are all withheld from me 与那些痛苦相比( Their pains are all withheld from me 是指我未来将要承受的那些痛苦)
I realize, and I can see that 我意识到
Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的
It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变
And I can take it or leave it 如果我愿意
If I please 我可以接受或者放弃
The game of life is hard to play 生活的游戏一点都不容易
I'm gonna lose it anyway 无论如何我会输掉它
The losing cards are ill some day lay 我一手的臭牌总有一天要摊开来
So this is all I have to say 这就是我要说的
Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的
It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变
And I can take it or leave it 如果我想
If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它
The sword of time will pierce our skin 总有一天时间的剑会穿透我们的皮肤
It doesnt matter where it begins 从哪里开始并不重要(it doesn't matter 是有不管的意思,但这里解并不重要)
But as it works its way on in 当这个过程开始
The pain grows stronger, watch it brim 痛苦会越来越深,从伤口溢出
Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的
It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变
And I can take it or leave it 如果我想
If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它
A brave man once requested me 曾有一个生活的勇者问我
To answer questions that are key 一个很重要的问题
Is it to be, or not to be? 要生存,还是死去(to be or not to be引自莎士比亚原著)
And I replied,oh why ask me? 我回答说,为什么要问我呢?
Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的
It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变
And I can take it or leave it 如果我想
If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它
And you can do the same thing 如果你想
If you please 也可以做同样的事情


Through early morning fog I see 穿过晨雾
The visions of the things to be 我看见的景象都成了幻影
Their pains are all withheld from me 我能看到
I realize, and I can see that 所有的痛苦离我而去
Suicide is painle...


Through early morning fog I see 穿过晨雾
The visions of the things to be 我看见的景象都成了幻影
Their pains are all withheld from me 我能看到
I realize, and I can see that 所有的痛苦离我而去
Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的
It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变
And I can take it or leave it 如果我想
If I please 我可以接受或者放弃它
The game of life is hard to play 生活的游戏一点都不容易
I'm gonna lose it anyway 无论如何我会输掉它
The losing cards are ill some day lay 我一手的臭牌总有一天要摊开来
So this is all I have to say 这就是我要说的
Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的
It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变
And I can take it or leave it 如果我想
If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它
The sword of time will pierce our skin 总有一天时间的剑会穿透我们的皮肤
It doesnt matter where it begins 不管从哪里开始
But as it works its way on in 当这个过程开始
The pain grows stronger, watch it brim 痛苦会越来越深,从伤口溢出
Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的
It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变
And I can take it or leave it 如果我想
If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它
A brave man once requested me 曾有一个生活的勇者问我
To answer questions that are key 一个很重要的问题
Is it to be, or not to be? 要生存,还是死去
And I replied,oh why ask me? 为什么要问我呢?
Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的
It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变
And I can take it or leave it 如果我想
If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它
And you can do the same thing 如果你想
If you please 也可以做同样的事情



谁能帮我把下面的英语翻印过来啊?这是一首非常好听的歌曲的歌词:Suicide Is PainlessTitle:Suicide is PainlessArtist(Band):Lady & Bird( Mike Altman & Johnny Mandell )Through early morning fog I see Visions of the things to be 这就是我的爱 英语翻印 希望哪位英语好的朋友能帮我把这段文字翻印成英文~希望不要机器式的翻印,也不要有改动,因为这段话对我太重要了~__________________________________________________________每当听起这首歌我就会想起 “放不下你”希望哪位朋友能英语帮我翻印下,“放不下你”希望能得到个准确的答案.希望你们翻印的时候,能把中文意思带上,因为大家的都不一样,谢谢了```` “放不下你”希望哪位朋友能英语帮我翻印下,就只需要简单的翻印这句话就是了,不需要多加修饰,希望朋友们能帮我```如果有更好的答案,希望能把中文意思带出来,不过最好还是就帮我翻印 怎样把英文翻印成中文我看到了一篇用英文写的文章,想把它翻印成中文, 我希望我的努力能够得到认可的英语翻印 英语高手帮我翻印下我家的地址 湖南省永州市祁阳县黎家坪镇南正中路97 号 麻烦高手翻印下英文 请帮我把下面的英语翻译过来How did you do?请帮我把它翻译过来 懂英语的来啊...老婆要过生日 我做了蛋糕 该给蛋糕上写什么字呢 .英语+翻印.短而精的 优先 有没有可以把英语翻印成中文也可以把中文翻印成英语而且还会读出来 英语翻译我的论文题目是”浅论我国调解与审判的关系”请问这个怎么翻印成英语啊? 中文翻印英语你永远是我的最爱不管爱你有多难我不会停止爱着你我的心只想属于你把这段话翻译成英语.. [最爱的永远是你] 帮我翻印下英文啊 谢谢拉 下面的计算对吗?把不对的改正过来.我做的对吗? 我想和你在一起的,这句话翻印成英语怎么写? 中文翻印英语年龄不是差距,重要的是心成不成. 帮我翻印下面的英文所表达的意思?3Q!Dusk wants the dark night in the beautiful end