
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 20:32:15


Hadi 意为指引向光明 源自阿拉伯语

共找到 10 个名字.
Chad [查德] 有经验的战士。
Heather [海拾兹] 开花的石南。
Hayden [海登] 来自围以树篱的小镇。
Harriet [哈里特] 战争军人。

Colin [科林] 小孩或婴儿。
Christ [克莱斯特] 基督。
Hogan [霍根] ...


共找到 10 个名字.
Chad [查德] 有经验的战士。
Heather [海拾兹] 开花的石南。
Hayden [海登] 来自围以树篱的小镇。
Harriet [哈里特] 战争军人。

Colin [科林] 小孩或婴儿。
Christ [克莱斯特] 基督。
Hogan [霍根] 永远年轻的。
Harlan [哈伦] 来自寒冷的国度。
Rachel [雷契尔]
Ken [肯恩] 一位英俊的领导者


1.Hanson 汉森
Meaning: Its source is an English expression meaning "Son of Hann."
Narrative: Hann was an English personal name that, like John, was ultimately derived from the Hebrew name Yocha...


1.Hanson 汉森
Meaning: Its source is an English expression meaning "Son of Hann."
Narrative: Hann was an English personal name that, like John, was ultimately derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning ''God is gracious.''
2.Harrison 哈里森
Meaning: Its source is Harry, an English name meaning "Home leader."
Popularity: The name Harrison ranked 203rd in popularity for males of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 568th in popularity for males of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.
Though this name appears on the 1990 U.S. Census lists, it is used by only a small percentage of the general population.
Narrative: When the Normans conquered England in 1066, French names imposed on the population often took the place of those names' Ancient Germanic ancestors. For instance, Henri supplanted its ancestor Heimrich.
However, the English had difficulty pronouncing that French name (with its nasal ''en'' and cat-like ''r''). It came out sounding like Harry, and so the name was pronounced.
Literate aristocrats, many of them descendants of the Normans, named their sons Henri, but used the Latin spelling Henricus for official documents; this developed into the now-familiar English Henry.
However, among commoners and nobles alike, the Harry pronunciation remained popular long enough to stick as a nickname and to spawn the surnames Harris and Harrison, both of which literally mean ''Harry's son.''
Meaning: Its source is Hendry, an English name meaning "Home ruler."
Narrative: Hendry is a British surname that was probably introduced to Britain (especially Scotland) by the Norsemen. It was likely influenced in its development by the related English name Henry.
Henderson is a patronymic surname -- that is, it was taken by families in honor of a father, grandfather or other patriarch. As such, it can be literally interpreted to mean ''Hendry's son.''
Meaning: Its source is hals tun, an Old English name meaning "Settlement by the water."
Narrative: This name could also derive from the Old English phrase geheald tun (shanty town).



我的孩子叫李昊宸,男孩,请帮忙取一个既上口又有意义的英文名, 我的孩子属牛的,男孩,请帮我取一个好听又有意义的名字我姓张 请大家帮忙给孩子取个名字,本人姓陈,一字最佳,因不知道事男孩还是女孩.希望各取一个.要求:特别一点请大家帮忙给孩子取个名字,本人姓陈,一字最佳,因不知道事男孩还是女孩.希望各取一 我想帮我将来的孩子取个名字!我将来的孩子姓周:请回答时写男孩:XXX 女孩:XXX 帮忙写一个幼儿园大班小孩的英语自我介绍我的儿子要参加小星星英语朗诵比赛,要家长为孩子准备一小段英语自我介绍,可我实在写不出来,请大家帮个忙,是个七岁的男孩,上幼儿园大班.爱好 我叫魏威 ,麻烦大家帮我起个英文名吧我是男孩,帮忙取一个比较内涵 向上的 给小女孩起英文名字我的孩子叫徐优子,四岁,请大家帮忙取个英文名字, 我叫许海军 (男孩) 请大家帮忙取个好听谐音英文名 请易经大师帮我儿子取个名字!孩子姓 梅男孩出生于2010年11月27日下午16:25我的生日1983年7月24日,我老婆的生日1984年7月27日以上是生辰八字!请大师帮忙取个好名(不用复制一堆来 5个足矣)!包 姓崔的孩子名字,男孩女孩各取一个 .最好三个字. 我叫雪明,男孩,请大家帮我取一个好点的英文名,最好发音跟相似. 我叫陈宇单、是个男孩、请大家帮我取一个英文名哦、、、要跟名字相关的哦、、 给孩子取个英文名我家宝宝6岁,男孩.大名张谱元,小名叫糖糖.能否帮忙取一个和名字有谐音的英文名?谢谢,小名大名的谐音都可以.谢谢各位. 请帮忙取一男孩名 姓孔,德字辈 应该是孔德什么,感激不尽只要好听就可以了,请大家取一适合男孩的 带木字部首姓陈男孩,前两个字是“陈子”请各位帮忙,取一个带有木字部首的字, 我姓曾,想请大家帮忙取个男孩名字,带山字旁玉字旁和王字旁的都可以,连姓加起24、25画都可以, 男孩,姓费,中间的字带草头,最后一个字是木旁,右边六画,请帮忙取一下,谢谢按生辰八字来取名,男孩,姓费,出生是1999年农历5月20日晚上11:50分出生的,谢谢 帮我孩子取一个个性的名字我的孩子是2011年3月29日晚11点55分出生.我姓李老婆姓赵,男孩