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Cultural differences in business negotiations and Countermeasures
Increasingly globalized world economy, international business have become increasingly frequent exchanges and close, the cultural differences among countries gradually appearing. In cross-cultural negotiations, the different geographical, ethnic, cultural differences will affect the thinking of those negotiations, the negotiation style and behavior, thus affecting the entire negotiation process. Therefore, to engage in business activities, especially cross-border business activity must know and master the contact between different cultures and differences. During the preparation and organization of the negotiations, they want a clear cultural differences impact on the negotiations, only the face of such a positive impact on the desired goal can be achieved.
First, cultural differences have an impact on International Business Negotiation Analysis
1, and cultural conflict on the impact of international business negotiations. Human culture and values are diverse and complex. This cultural conflict-affected international business process or the outcome of negotiations. International business negotiations from the perspective of cultural conflict, the negotiating parties is to cling to their own cultural circle closed, caused by opposing the negotiations. Globalization of the different races, culture, land of the contact person to squeeze into a small space, competing for the interests and rights, between the threat and prevention of psychological greatly enhanced. The value of the conflict in the era of globalization, the interests and power directly from the cause of conflict. Developed and a strong culture, performance culture and values for the impulse to outward expansion of the developing countries, the performance for the development of their own culture, living space, which may lead to conflict. International Business Negotiation behavior is bound by the negotiations, the negotiators of values, beliefs such as the impact of the conflict.
2, culture complement each other on the impact of international business negotiations. Common ground while reserving differences are critical to the success of business negotiations, but also the basic principles of business negotiations. According to both the weight of the right to choose, the value of two evils of the old evils, if possible, should strive to strive to try; impossible to expect at the time, be good at negotiating the use of flexible strategies to allow for long-term interests of the immediate benefits. In fact, can also complement each other, the principle disadvantage netting to mobilize the two sides can mobilize a variety of factors, WTO, so that both sides become winners. Good common ground while reserving differences, reflecting the higher the quality of negotiations, negotiations have always been the performance of intelligence experts.
3, culture, ethics of the impact of international business negotiations. Cultural ethical differences in international business will also be an obstacle in the negotiations, business negotiations in pursuit of the interests of their own culture there is the ethical bottom line, concerned about the interests of the baseline should not value their own culture and forms of conflict exist. Ethical value of these cultural forms exist mainly religious, moral, aesthetic, scientific and utilitarian value.
Two, by the case studies of cultural differences on the impact of international business negotiations
The impact of culture on negotiations are extensive and profound, and different cultures will naturally people are divided into different groups, this area, their groups have to make up the difference between the groups of different cultures tend to alienate each other; On the other hand, different cultural communication and exchanges between people are also obstacles. Therefore, the requirements of the negotiators to accept each other's culture, but also by cultural differences, unmistakably reveals that the purpose of understanding of each other's behavior, and they have been accepted by the other side, the agreement finally agreed upon.
1, the cultural background of the negotiating parties
Borger Worner the United States is the world's largest maker of ABS, a very strong, with assets of three billion U.S. dollars, and its ABS engineering thermoplastic products "Match Clark " to occupy the world's 1 / 3 of the market, stage of product development at companies in the conceptualization and engineering design, taking into account the needs of the user. Competition in Europe so thatBorger Worner company to increase investment in Europe's decision.
American businessmen are usually very outgoing personality, passion, and easy-going person to get to know soon, American businessmen will show feel like a friend confidant. Negotiations the United States businessmen. Then enjoy a discussion of a problem, and finally to complete the contract or agreement, negotiations with the vertical-type style.
QI Ming-French companies are the largest manufacturer of ABS, the plant's strategic location, convenient transportation, strong technical force and other advantages, but the plant has lost a long time, and in urgent need of operating funds, want to look for a merger but it is not willing to take over the partners.
French businessmen to negotiate with the horizontal style, enjoy the first on the main terms of the transaction agreement in principle before discussing the contract provisions. Want in the negotiations and the transaction is repeated in its entirety, the negotiations focused on some important attention to detail rather than principle. French businessmen agreed at the major trading conditions of the contract, we will sign the contract, in their view the terms of the minor can be at the execution of the contract re-negotiation process to resolve the two sides.
2, cultural differences between France and the United States the impact of the negotiations
(1) the communication process
Cultural differences on the communication process of the negotiations, first of all, the performance of the language of communication in the negotiation process. Language of any country, any region, any nation a bridge between. States companies, individuals to conduct business negotiations, we must first have the language to this. While the negotiators of the language used in a variety of cultures with higher fitness, but no matter what, the difference is obvious.
French businessmen insist the use of French in the negotiations, even if they speak very good English, is also true. But at this point very few concessions, and they speak highly of the logic, can quickly grasp the opponents of the illogical. French businessmen relatively unbridled style of negotiations, in particular, they warned that the use of threats and the highest frequency, in addition, they are still very frequent use of interrupted, facial gaze, as well as "no" and "you".
American businessmen enjoy the negotiations are at the initial contact on both sides to clarify their position, opinion, in order to gain the initiative. When negotiations did not progress in accordance with their wishes, they usually outspoken criticism or complaint, they often consider themselves to do everything reasonable, the lack of tolerance and understanding of others. In addition, the United States enjoy an independent business decision-making, strong individualism, are usually attributed to the words "I can do it alone" (a person will be able to visit me).
Can be seen, only to clarify these differences, in order to avoid the threat of French people, the arrogance of the American misconception in order to obtain the success of international business negotiations.
(2) negotiating style
Style negotiations negotiators with deep cultural stigma. Culture is not only the negotiators decide the ethical code of ethics, but also affects the way of thinking negotiator behavior and personality, so that the negotiation of different cultural backgrounds who form a style very different style of negotiation. Negotiating style of the negotiation process for the negotiations between the two sides approach the relationship between contacts, and even the structure of the negotiations has a direct impact.
Americans often talk about "Business is Business" (business to the business) isRefusing to acknowledge family want to do business, do not insist on the principle of people. "Time is money", "money is everything" is the credo of American unswerving. Their business activities is often straightforward, so anxious for business came straight to the point, always picking up the phone to talk, sit down and have not exchanged, got straight to the point, their hours and days to calculate the progress, often feel pressure from their opponents. American businessmen do not like the use of an agent or take part in negotiations with the consultant, gives the impression that they can say on behalf of the company. They immediately agreed to sit down and enjoy the business. In addition, the United States attached great importance to economic benefits businessmen, they have called a slang expression: "Bang for Buck", that is, with minimum capital investment to maximize the benefits.
French businessmen arrive the venue will be the official dress, depending on the meeting for a formal occasion. The beginning of negotiations is not French businessmen make their own requests, but will be designed by identifying a reason to put forward their own demands. Only towards the end of the negotiations will be a showdown French businessman (which makes some people, such as American, French people think very cunning). French businessmen when negotiations will begin efforts to identify the purpose and requirements of each other. They do not trust in the negotiations too early to set up a "friendship", and do not like to call names, took off his suit jacket, or about an individual or family chores. Stalemate in the negotiations, they do not compromise, but it is not rude, but has repeatedly stated its position.
Although the grammar of Western France and the United States is the background of the country, however, by the sub-culture, as well as other factors, the same cultural background of individual negotiators, whose negotiating style is very different.
(3) ethics and the rule of law
For the contract, the terms of the claims, and only beneficial to the French businessmen, they will require strict compliance with the contract; the other hand, if the contract against them, they will probably insist on tearing up the contract. The conclusion of the contract, therefore great care must be taken not to do business in order to accept the French people insist on adding a number of provisions of claims.
The United States is a high degree of rule of law. American preference is contract, to discuss the terms of the contract very seriously, but particular attention to compensation for breach of the terms of the contract. Once the two sides in terms of the contract in the implementation of unforeseen circumstances, on the prior consent of the parties in accordance with the terms of the duty treatment. Therefore, they are conducting business negotiations, particularly in foreign countries to negotiate, we will bring their own lawyer. They often say: "I want to seek the advice of lawyers."
3, the case highlights the analysis of
In this case, France and the United States to negotiate the two companies can be successful, largely thanks to negotiations between the two sides have a responsible person to recognize and accommodate cultural differences in mind, and put each other's advantages, disadvantages of the principle of netting on its head . Preparation stage of the negotiations: the two companies and the person in charge of their own each other's needs, the advantages and disadvantages, the company culture to do a full investigation and study to try to understand each other, and in this manner and other negotiations. The course of negotiations, both sides carry out the principle of common ground while reserving differences, WTO has become a winner on both sides.
Three, to prevent cultural differences impact on international business negotiations Suggestions
Cultural differences is an objective existence, and the attitude of individuals or groups tend to determine the role of cultural differences, it can exaggerate the cultural differences, cultural differences can also be caused by lowering barriers to the lowest point. People in cross-cultural business negotiations, if able to overcome cultural barriers, to understand, do as the Romans do, learning to stand on other people's point of view consider the issue, it will be able to promote mutual understanding and work together to adapt to the two sides to create an economic and cultural environment, in order to to success.
1, do a good job in the preparation of the pre-negotiation
Negotiators want the situation in complex negotiations around the development, must be fully prepared. Only fully prepared to adapt in the negotiations, flexible deal, the negotiations to avoid the intensification of a conflict of interest. Because of international business covers a wide range of negotiations, it is necessary to prepare the work of many, typically include an analysis of their own negotiators and the negotiating of the analysis, the composition of the negotiation team, carefully negotiating objectives and strategies to develop, if necessary, prior to negotiations, such as Analog . Preparation of negotiations, the negotiators want to make at its own comprehensive analysis of the situation at the same time, try negotiating a comprehensive understanding of the situation. Mainly refers to its own analysis of the feasibility study for the project. Understanding of the situation of opponents, including rival power (such as credit situation), where the rival countries (regions) of policies, laws and regulations, business practices, customs and state of the opponent's personnel.
2, to overcome communication barriers
Negotiations, although sometimes for a long time has not been much progress in the talks, and even argue for a long time the two sides, both sides made very happy, so that the negotiations had reached a stalemate. However, when the two sides of a calm look at all aspects of controversy when, only to find another bone of contention is not one thing, is that such negotiations impasse caused by communication barriers. Communication barriers between the two sides in the negotiations is the exchange of information, opinion, intention to discuss cooperation, trade and other process conditions may be encountered because of the subjective and objective understanding of the obstacles caused. For cross-cultural negotiations, in the exchange process are very high barriers to communication, and our cross-cultural negotiations in particular, whether the two sides should pay attention to the problem of communication barriers exist, if there is, it must be overcome, otherwise the activity will affect the negotiations carried out successfully. In general, cross-cultural negotiations, should focus on the following three kinds of communication barriers to overcome: First, because of cultural background of the two sides caused by communication barriers. Second, the party is not an accurate understanding of information provided by the other party caused by the obstacles of communication content. Third, although one has to understand each other but do not want to accept this information to understand the communication barriers caused.
3, master with different countries and regions, business negotiation skills
Different cultures to create a different character and conduct negotiations on the formation of different styles, different style mainly manifested in the conduct of the negotiation process, behavior and implementation of the negotiation process control methods, means up. In cross-cultural co-operation of the business process, differences in cultural backgrounds, different cultural mindset, customs and so on, a lot of people are often overlooked, but usually it is the impact of cultural factors to determine the success or failure of business activity. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of international business negotiations, the negotiations have negotiating style, the right remedy, the international business negotiations to the benefit of our direction.