
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/26 15:07:19


For a very long period of historical development,mankind could only pass on music through performance and oral instruction.When mankind invented musical scores,music started to break away from the boundaries of being merely a performing art,and develop into a system of“written symbols” that can be recorded and spread.Undoubtedly,however,it was the scientists who should be crowned as the founders of the real revolutionary milestone of human musical communication.Scientists invented marvelous means of music transmission,beginning from the earliest mechanical “record turntable” to today’s many kinds of “electronic media”.Among the numerous means of music transmission of the 20 century,the creation and development of radio broadcasting played an extremely important role in the industry of music transmission.
Nevertheless,the rapid development of high technology has brought serious challenges to China’s radio music workers in the new century.

In a very long. Historical period, humans can only be dictated by musical performances and to spread music. When man invented the music, the music started to evolve out of shows as "text" that can be ...


In a very long. Historical period, humans can only be dictated by musical performances and to spread music. When man invented the music, the music started to evolve out of shows as "text" that can be recorded and disseminated. However, the real revolutionary of human musical communication is undoubtedly a milestone in the establishment of those scientists. They created a marvelous means of music transmission, from the earliest mechanical "Gramophone" to today many kinds of "electronic media." A lot of music in the 20th century means of communication in the invention and development of radio transmission of music played an extremely important role. However, the rapid development of high technology to broadcast music of the workers in the new century, faced with severe challenges.


英语翻译在一个极为漫长.的历史阶段中,人类只能通过音乐表演和口授来传播音乐.当人类发明了乐谱后,音乐便开始脱离表演而演变成“文字”得以记录和传播.然而,人类音乐传播的真正革 在漫长的历史中,钱发生了哪些变化 在人类漫长的历史进程中,对宇宙的探索经历了哪三个阶段 我国是一个统一的多民族国家,在漫长的历史发展中,各民族逐渐形成了什么的分布局面 人的一生是不是在漫长的过程中去完成每个生命阶段所赋予它的使命和任务? 在漫长的历史中大家舞出了什么道理? 断层形成时期请问,断层形成主要在那个阶段产生?另外是一次地质事件中多还是漫长的沉积沉降阶段多? 为什么实现共产主义是一个非常漫长的历史过程 为什么说实现共产主义是一个漫长的历史过程 英语翻译说到苹果,脑海中第一个印象就是那颗悬挂在枝头,甜甜的,红彤彤的水果,可是经过漫长的文化长河洗礼,它已潜移默化地融合到历史画卷中,它所蕴含的精神和意象给不同的时代,众多的 英语翻译“一个幽灵,共产主义的幽灵,在欧洲游荡.”这就是《共产党宣言》.1848年.在伦敦一家不大的印刷所出版,犹如无穷黑暗中,骤然迸发出一线光芒,照亮漫长的人类历史,至今不灭.Ein Gespen 英语翻译我认为中国历史是一个非常有意思的领域,并且非常值得研究,毕竟,中国5000年漫长的历史中包含着丰富的文化底蕴.中国一直提倡儒学,注重礼仪,对外主张与他国和平共处. 细胞分裂间期是不是整个细胞周期中极为关键的准备阶段 英语翻译地球在漫长的地质历史演变过程中,由于内外力的地质作用,形成了千姿百态的地貌景观、地层剖面、地质构造、古人类遗址、古生物化石、矿物、岩石、水体和地质灾害遗迹等,其中 在变动的国际环境中,当前的中国社会处在怎样的历史阶段? 人类在探索原子结构奥秘的过程中经历了哪些历史阶段 洋务运动发生在中国近代社会新旧交替的特殊历史阶段中 ,怎样理解“新”“旧” 用唯物辩证法的有关道理,说明为什么在环境方面实现观念的根本转变,是一个漫长的历史过程. 急~