it is not produced 和it does not produced有什么区别
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 07:41:06
it is not produced 和it does not produced有什么区别
it is not produced 和it does not produced有什么区别
it is not produced 和it does not produced有什么区别
it is not produced 意思是 它没被生产好 it does not produced是个病句。。。。it does not produce意思是它不生产
it does not produced语法就不对。
it is not produced.得看前后文啦,有可能是“产品还未生产”。如有其它语境,有可能意义有所不同。
it is not produced 和it does not produced有什么区别
is not it和is not that和is it和is that的中文,
No English is not spoken in that country.NO they are not produced in Japan.翻译
Sheep manure is not like that of cows...Sheep manure is not like that of cows. It does not have a bad smell. It is like waste produced by rabbits, only there is more of it.问 only there is more of it 的意思?谢谢
请问current account和 capital account到底有什么区别?“ The purchase of machinery is an import and affects the current account,not the capital account,so it is ignored.The purchase of a non-produced,non-financial asset (such as a patent) af
It is not a joke!It is not a joke!句型和别都对?
It is not much use 和 It is not much useful 哪个正确
它是由X制作的.是写成 It is produced by is 用变成was吗?
it is not big
it is not my
it is not
it is not goodbye
it is not
It is not.,but.
It is not ( )you
no,is it not
It is not you ,()it?
Is it in this factory_______ and cars are produced.A whcih B thatIs it in this factory_______ and cars are produced.A whcih B that