That supermarket s_______a lot of things
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 08:48:57
That supermarket s_______a lot of things
That supermarket s_______a lot of things
That supermarket s_______a lot of things
Let's__ ( ask) our teacher about that.
that supermarket all the time
He feel s__ that she cloud hardly open her eye.
I buy the socks()that supermarket
That supermarket s_______a lot of things
buy often we plums at supermarket that
Look at the clouds!It s__ that it will rain soon.
Does food make you feel s__?Do you feel that food is like a friend
One of his s__ was that he couldn't find his lovely dog.
急 1.It is great s__ to hear that he failed in exam
Before supermarket come into our life,people do s__这篇短文首字母填空谁做过?把整篇文章及答案发给我,评为最佳答案的我给他30悬赏
I'm s__ that the place might crash应该填什么,为什么.(填s打头的单词)
My aunt works in that r__,she is a servant 2we do the shopping in a s__-
根据句子意思补全对话:B:that's__,i'll__them.A:___you are.B:thank you!A:you're__!
Mr white was t__ that there was a sudden flood s__ in the north and several people had disappeared.
She thinks that she doesn't have to go outside and that will s__ a lot of time.首字母填空哦~