Walk through the park and you can see the library in front of front of_____.A.it B.us C.them 为什么?
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 14:19:20
Walk through the park and you can see the library in front of front of_____.A.it B.us C.them 为什么?
Walk through the park and you can see the library in front of front of_____.
A.it B.us C.them
Walk through the park and you can see the library in front of front of_____.A.it B.us C.them 为什么?
A 因为it指代park
请问你这个题目是选择题还是完形填空,因为有时候你可以在理解文章的情况下直接选出答案的.那个后面为什么是两个front of 呢?
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