How oid is mike?怎么答
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 00:28:36
How oid is mike?怎么答
How oid is mike?怎么答
How oid is mike?怎么答
he is (数字) years old
比如 he is five years old
Mike is ** years old
Mike is 10 years old.
His age is 10
he is a boy aged 10
he is a 10-year-old boy
Mike is 8 years old~~嘻嘻,只要把年龄的数字变了就行~~
How oid is mike?怎么答
How oid is mike?怎么答
How oid is your
HOW oid is she?
How oid is Amy?
how oid is thesun?
how oid is Li Ning?
mike is 14 yers oid 的问句是什么
it is rude to ask people how oid they are.怎么翻译
---how oid is the little girl?----I think she may ____[be} eleven years oid
How oid is your dather?的中文意思
How oid is he 中的he为什么不用宾格?
How old is Mike?等于什么 () () Mike`s ()
boy is six years oid 前面该怎么填不定冠词
How oid are you?英文名
Tim is grandfather is son is Mike is is mike related to Tim?( )