英语翻译Hazlitt's Essay on Bentham and BLEAK HOUSERodney Stenning Edgecombe.The Explicator.Washington:Spring 2008.Vol.66,Iss.3; pg.147,3 pgsAbstract (Summary) In the essay on Jeremy Bentham that forms part of The Spirit of the Age,he comments on

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英语翻译Hazlitt's Essay on Bentham and BLEAK HOUSERodney Stenning Edgecombe.The Explicator.Washington:Spring 2008.Vol.66,Iss.3; pg.147,3 pgsAbstract (Summary) In the essay on Jeremy Bentham that forms part of The Spirit of the Age,he comments on
Hazlitt's Essay on Bentham and BLEAK HOUSE
Rodney Stenning Edgecombe.The Explicator.Washington:Spring 2008.Vol.66,Iss.3; pg.147,3 pgs
Abstract (Summary)
In the essay on Jeremy Bentham that forms part of The Spirit of the Age,he comments on what he perceives as the "unnatural" dispassionateness of utilitarianism (a misgiving he also voiced about Godwin's moral philosophy):Those who on pure cosmopolite principles,or on the ground of abstract humanity,affect an extraordinary regard for the Turks and Tartars,have been accused of neglecting their duties to their friends and next-door neighbours.
Full Text (691 words)
Copyright Heldref Publications Spring 2008
Bleak House,William Hazlitt,telescopic philanthropy
In her Companion to Bleak House,Susan Shatto quotes Dickens on the controversy that Mrs.Jellyby had provoked:"it is one of the main vices of this time to ride objects to Death through mud and mire,and to have a great deal of talking about them and not a great deal of doing-to neglect private duties ...for ...public hullabaloo ...and thus seriously to damage the objects taken up" (54; emphasis in original).William Hazlitt had found it the "vice" of an earlier time altogether.In the essay on Jeremy Bentham that forms part of The Spirit of the Age,he comments on what he perceives as the "unnatural" dispassionateness of utilitarianism (a misgiving he also voiced about Godwin's moral philosophy):
Those who on pure cosmopolite principles,or on the ground of abstract humanity,affect an extraordinary regard for the Turks and Tartars,have been accused of neglecting their duties to their friends and next-door neighbours.Well,then,what is the state of the question here?One human being is,no doubt,as much worth in himself,independently of the circumstances of time or place,as another; but he is not so much value to us and our affections.Could our imagination take wing (with our speculative faculties) to the other side of the globe or to the ends of the universe,could our eyes behold whatever our reason teaches us to be possible,could our hands reach as far as our thoughts and wishes,we might then busy ourselves with advantage with the Hottentots,or hold intimate converse with the inhabitants of the Moon; but being as we are,our feelings evaporate in so large a space-we must draw the circle of our affections and duties somewhat closer-the heart hovers and fixes nearer home.(7-8)
Mrs Jellyby's "circle of affections and duties" is likewise global rather than domestic,and the title of the chapter that introduces her in Bleak House-"Telescopic Philanthropy"-has a rather Hazlittian color,as does the supervention of Africa on her home thoughts:

英语翻译Hazlitt's Essay on Bentham and BLEAK HOUSERodney Stenning Edgecombe.The Explicator.Washington:Spring 2008.Vol.66,Iss.3; pg.147,3 pgsAbstract (Summary) In the essay on Jeremy Bentham that forms part of The Spirit of the Age,he comments on
1.A 应该睡觉
2.A what接宾语从句
3.A what接宾语从句
4.D 虚拟
5.B 前空suggest表推测 后空suggest表建议用虚拟
6.B insist表主张用虚拟
7.A said使语境为过去,had been表过去的过去一段时间
8.C 这种句型的反诘要对从句部分
9.C 同上
10.C 宾语从句里的强调句
11.C dress 接人 however作状
12.B 表建议用虚拟
13.B 假想用虚拟