请以Eric的口吻,把下面的对话改写成一篇英语短文A:Hi,Eric.Let's play ping-pong this afternoon. B:Oh.John,I want to play ping-pong with you, but I have to help my cousin with her English this afternoon. A: want's your cousin's name? B

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/04 22:15:42

请以Eric的口吻,把下面的对话改写成一篇英语短文A:Hi,Eric.Let's play ping-pong this afternoon. B:Oh.John,I want to play ping-pong with you, but I have to help my cousin with her English this afternoon. A: want's your cousin's name? B
A:Hi,Eric.Let's play ping-pong this afternoon. B:Oh.John,I want to play ping-pong with you, but I have to help my cousin with her English this afternoon. A: want's your cousin's name? B: Her name is Anna.She is inour school. A: Oh.I konw her. B:She likes ping-pong,too.We can play it with her next time. A: That's great!

请以Eric的口吻,把下面的对话改写成一篇英语短文A:Hi,Eric.Let's play ping-pong this afternoon. B:Oh.John,I want to play ping-pong with you, but I have to help my cousin with her English this afternoon. A: want's your cousin's name? B
My name is Eric.Today,John asks me to play ping-pong this afteernoon.I'd like to,but I have to help my cousin with her English at the same time.He asks me what her name is and I tell him it's Anna,who is in our school.To my surprise,he knows her.I say that she likes ping-pong too and we can play it together next time.He agrees.

请以Eric的口吻,把下面的对话改写成一篇英语短文A:Hi,Eric.Let's play ping-pong this afternoon. B:Oh.John,I want to play ping-pong with you, but I have to help my cousin with her English this afternoon. A: want's your cousin's name? B 请以鲍勃的口吻,将下面的对话改写成一篇英语短文 呜呜,求帮助,明天就得交!急啊 把狼改写成白话故事 以狼的口吻以其中一只狼的口吻,500字左右强调!以一只狼的口吻 请将《赠汪伦》改写成一段散文,要以第一人称(我的口吻)的形式 把《狼》改写成一篇白话故事以屠夫的口吻 把桃花源记改写成 白话文加入想象 以渔人的口吻 《静女》改写成小故事 以静女的口吻叙述,200字以内 把下面的折改写成百分数 请把下面一菊花改写成50字左右的一段话爸爸的花儿落了. 以把自已写成狼为口吻的作文300字 以把自已写成狼为口吻的作文300字 把下面的反问句改写成陈述句1.谁规定老师必须以小认大?-------------------------------------. 请以恋人的口吻以法文翻译下面这句话 【数学题】请把950040007改写成以万为单位的数 把一个数改写成以“万”为单位的数和把这个数“四舍五入”是一样的吗?请帮我举个例子 《钱塘湖春行》白居易反复吟读,仿佛自己也正随诗漫游西湖.请你展开合理的想象,以第一人称(我的口吻),把此诗改写成一篇精美的小散文. 把0.58万改写成以“一”为单位的数,写作( ). 把0.58万改写成以“一”为单位的数,写作( )