英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译 the underground building英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译the underground building will have 10 floors each for homes,shops,and a musem.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:46:56

英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译 the underground building英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译the underground building will have 10 floors each for homes,shops,and a musem.
英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译 the underground building
the underground building will have 10 floors each for homes,shops,and a musem.

英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译 the underground building英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译the underground building will have 10 floors each for homes,shops,and a musem.

英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译 the underground building英语大师,如果译下面这句,关键each如何译the underground building will have 10 floors each for homes,shops,and a musem. they were careening wildly,3 feet in each direction.用英语解释这句句子用英语重新写这句句子,不要太罗嗦,careen可以用shake来代,关键是后半句.可以改变句子结构,但不能把后半句全抄上去. 英语大师进 听下面的音频 写出英语 英语大师进 听下面的音频 写出英语 下面那句英语是什么意思?这句英语是什么意思?急, 谁帮我排排下面这句英语的顺序.the,and,his,could,better,child,understand,parents,so,other,better,and,each.是两个and啊,英语作业太变态.鄙人英文水平低下.实在填不来啊!hurry. as long as we got each other 这句英语是什么意思 啊 Why do we love each other,but not together?这句英语是对的么? 翻译一句英文懂英语的进来Со∪итЁ 这是一个网名是什么呀?我不懂英文的.汗~ 下面这句话是什么意思?If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encou 如何用英语表达机器不是关键,操作机器的人才是关键最好是名人名言 有没有大师帮我这句英语用中文帮我写copy non negotiable 用中文写哦 请教英语大师:这句怎么翻?The vase was lying there broken.broken在这里是作状语吗? 这句英语句型分析the nails highlight each elegant movement of their hands我感觉应该在 highlight 和each之间加一个in, Cherish each other?Only can you and I.帮.Cherish each other?Only can you and I.请朋友们帮我解答一下这句英语的意思, 英语连词成句:mother,help,father,other,each,and. 英语连词成句:help father each and other mother 变同义句 英语是 :We should help each other. 季羡林是大师.扩句