
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 21:14:41


Trade circulation field in our country have good business,the good faith for this traditional virtues.The credibility of the first,quality first,service first,the customer first is used by most of the enterprise and effective methods of management idea and the service consciousness.The traditional business ethics view:business contain the fraud,crime,greed and wickedness,a businessman,of each other,for its own benefit and means.Even if is a regular trading,maybe there it contains exploitation and through tax loophole,etc.Modern commercial moral ideas that commercial credit is the path to success ladder,many enterprises is because the credit to go smoothly.In a word,we should adhere to inherit the traditional business virtue and disseminating the spirit of the age,and the combination of adhere to the business professional ethics and commercial credit system construction of supporting

Trade circulation field in our country have good business, the good faith for this traditional virtues. The credibility of the first, quality first, service first, the customer first is used by most o...


Trade circulation field in our country have good business, the good faith for this traditional virtues. The credibility of the first, quality first, service first, the customer first is used by most of the enterprise and effective methods of management idea and the service consciousness. The traditional business ethics view: business contain the fraud, crime, greed and wickedness, a businessman, of each other, for its own benefit and means. Even if is a regular trading, maybe there it contains exploitation and through tax loophole, etc. Modern commercial moral ideas that commercial credit is the path to success ladder, many enterprises is because the credit to go smoothly. In a word, we should adhere to inherit the traditional business virtue and disseminating the spirit of the age, and the combination of adhere to the business professional ethics and commercial credit system construction of supporting


It is a traditonal virtues making businese with honesty and credit in the trading field. Taking the credit,qualities,services and client as priority is the most enterprise's effective concept of mana...


It is a traditonal virtues making businese with honesty and credit in the trading field. Taking the credit,qualities,services and client as priority is the most enterprise's effective concept of managing and serving. while In traditional business conception, there are full of treating, crime,greedy and evil, merchant take advantage from each other and spare no means to do something for thier own benifits. Even in a regular dealing there is exploitation and tax evasions. but in modern trading morals, so many companies become success because they abide the principle that credit is the staire to success. In short, we should adhere to inherit the traditional business virtue and spread the spirit of the age, and the combination of adhere to the business professional ethics and commercial credit system construction of supporting.


英语翻译我国商贸流通领域历来就有以德经商、诚信为本的传统美德.信誉第一、质量第一、服务第一、顾客第一是大部分企业所采用且行之有效的经营理念和服务意识.传统的商业道德观点 山西历来以什么闻名 关于政治必修一经济生活 商品的有关概念请问1.“商品一定离不开流通领域,一旦进入消费领域就成为消费品不再是商品”这句话如何理解?2.“流通领域”,“消费领域”有什么不同?3.消费品 我国历来最伟大的军人是谁? 政府部门有没有权利 以统一个体户经商的招牌为理由要就路边经商的统一招牌,这是不是属于政府部门违法?“最近河南省禹州市鸿畅镇镇政府要求路边的经营者统一更换招牌并有政府部门承 英语翻译公司要用英文名 公司名称:新疆众运商贸有限责任公司 .众运为拼音就可以 商品一定离不开流通领域,一旦进入消费领域就成为消费品,不再是商品.请解释消费领域与流通领域的区别请解释消费领域与流通领域的区别,以及如何辨别商品是否处于消费领域或是流通领域 英语翻译我国耕地保护策略研究摘要:耕地保护关系到国家粮食安全,关系到农民的长远生计.国以民为本,民以食为天,土为粮食之母.耕地是粮食安全的载体.我国耕地问题历来是人们关注的热 商贸英语 商务英语 有什么区别? “商品一旦离开流通领域,进入消费领域,商品就成了消费品”这句话中,流通领域与消费领域是什么意思?商品与消费品有什么区别?注意,我需要的是举一些例子来说明,力求简单易懂,概念自己 老师叫我们找读书不如经商的事实论据和理论论据,我就找了,可有处都一样,可否删除一处.我找到的理论论据是:历来中国是重文,然后是学而优则仕,书是历史经验的总结,书是社会文化的结晶 老师叫我们找读书不如经商的事实论据和理论论据,我就找了,可有处都一样,可否删除一处.我找到的理论论据是:历来中国是重文,然后是学而优则仕,书是历史经验的总结,书是社会文化的结晶 福建在我国的东南沿海,历来山清水秀,人才辈出,我知道的名人有近代著名的文学家 和数学家有哪些? 英语翻译江苏红星商贸股份有限公司江苏红星木业有限公司 商贸英语,师范类英语和英语翻译哪个好 求古人关于经商之道的名言,或者是关于“天道”的名家名言.像“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗”就算了,我已知晓. 任何商品离开流通领域进入消费领域就转化为劳动产品, 英语翻译近年来,我国对外开放的力度日益加大,同时商贸活动也日益全球化.随着社会经济的迅速发展,特别是在全球化的趋势下,商务英语在国际交流中起到了举足轻重的作用.商务英语不同于