for the book前面是什么

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for the book前面是什么
for the book前面是什么

for the book前面是什么

最好翻下课本,如果没错的话,for和前面那个动词时动介词组,the book 是后面的宾语。

for the book前面是什么 分析一下句子结构(主语+..+..)YOU were looking for the book yesterday?looking for the book 是宾语那么looking for 是什么the book 又是什么 ( ) for the book 中文意思 先行词包括前面的冠词吗,譬如说This is the book which I am looking for.先行词是thebook,还是book? the books想问下,books前面加了the是什么词性?还是名词吗?the books 与book有什么区别? the book on the desk is very useful for us句子的谓语是什么 The______is helping hei book for the book.(library) They say they may pay for the book的中文是什么 The book的英语是什么 make a book cover for the book for the reading assignment是什么意思? THE DANGEROUS BOOK FOR BOYS怎么样 Teaching guide for the Student's Book Is this book _______ you are looking for?为什么不能用that而用the one关于定语从句的,答案是the one ,但是没想明白.用that的话前面先行词是this book 不行么? 2.The book is so interesting that i want to read it for second time.(答案是second前面加a) This is the book for which you asked.为什么是做for的宾语.This is the book you wanted.This is the book for which you asked.为什么是做for的宾语.This is the book which you wanted.以上两个从句的不同是什么,为什么一个用for The book is well worth what I paid for it .请大家帮忙分析一下这个句子的结构,为什么pay for前面要用what?可以具体分析一下结构吗?比如 主语 谓语 从句是什么从句 如果是定语从句what修饰什么呢?我 I'II give ______.a:the man the book b:the book the man c:the book for the man