来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/22 21:10:10
英语:Do not want to own, not to impose on people the wisdom of Confucius once happened in human society for a very important role. Are thought of Confucius in ancient China from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty's thinking, the Chinese are an important manifestation of their own values. In China after the thought of Confucius, the Chinese took the lead in the implementation of the secularization of society.
Confucius Chinese wisdom used to resolve social contradictions of the doctrine of the mean, the way decent, real mellow, strengths being, there is no inherent non-religious compromise and avoid a lot of social unrest and the National division. Chinese civilization for thousands of years to be able to maintain the role of Confucian thought is obvious. To: want to do; not: not to; Shi: imposed. Do not want to do their own thing, not to impose to others. Do not want to own, not to impose on people "refers to: they do not want, do not impose to others.
Confucius stressed that people should forgive others, should be promoted, "I am afraid" that the only way is the performance of benevolence. "Shu" is the "benevolence" of the negative performance, and its performance is positive, "Yu-li has people standing, others want to reach up to the people." Hui, Confucius explained the "Lover" as the center, while the lovers of such acts, including the forgiveness of course, others in this area. "The Analects of Confucius" in reference to:子之道husband, having no more than Zhongshu.
This is the deal announced by the important principle of interpersonal relations. Confucius said people are referring to should be treated as acts of self-reference in dealing with others. People should have a broad mind, a time when others do not narrow-minded approach, and should be magnanimous, to forgive others. If they hate the things, give others a hard push will not only damage the relationship with others, it will be a stalemate and make things out of control.
If the confrontation between the two arms, life at stake, as are A, B for evil, then observe if a "do not want to own, not to impose on people" principle, not miserable Weizai! A course will not want to be killed, can not kill the B does not want you killed? Any reason, any law in certain conditions, it must fit the circumstances.
Indeed the interaction between people should adhere to this principle, which is respect for others, the embodiment of equality. Living life apart from concerns other than their own existence, but also concerned about the existence of others, are equal between people, not to impose on others what people do not want to. Confucius told so by the theorem of a word is not one size fits all. If everything starting from this principle, then a lot of things will be stuck in the middle, it is difficult to move forward.
俄语:Не хотите самостоятельно, не навязывать людям мудрость Конфуция раз имело место в человеческом обществе на протяжении очень важную роль. Есть мысли Конфуция в древнем Китае из династии Хань до династии Цин мышления, китайская являются важным проявлением их собственных ценностей. В Китае после мысли Конфуция, китайцы приняли на себя ведущую роль в осуществлении этой секуляризация общества.
Конфуция китайская мудрость для решения социальных противоречий доктрины среднем, как достойный, реальные сочные, сильные личности, не существует, присущие нерелигиозных компромисс и избежать многих социальных волнений и раскола нации. Китайской цивилизации на протяжении тысяч лет, чтобы иметь возможность сохранить роль конфуцианской мысли очевидна. Кому хочу, а не: не; Ши: введены. Не хочу делать свое собственное дело, а не навязывать другим. Не хотите самостоятельно, не налагать на людей "означает: они не хотят, чтобы не навязывать другим.
法语:Vous ne voulez pas de posséder, de ne pas imposer aux gens de la sagesse de Confucius, une fois arrivé dans la société humaine, un rôle très important. Êtes-pensée de Confucius dans la Chine ancienne de la dynastie des Han de la dynastie Qing de la pensée, les Chinois sont une manifestation importante de leurs propres valeurs. En Chine, après la pensée de Confucius, la Chine a pris les devants dans la mise en œuvre de la laïcisation de la société.
Confucius a souligné que les gens doivent pardonner les autres, doivent être encouragées, "je crains que le seul moyen est la performance de la bienveillance. "Shu", c'est la "bienveillance" de la performance négative, et sa performance est positive, "Yu-li a des gens debout, d'autres veulent atteindre les gens." Hui, a expliqué le Confucius "Lover" comme le centre, tandis que les amateurs de ces actes, y compris le pardon, bien sûr, d'autres dans ce domaine. "Les Analectes de Confucius» en référence à:子之道mari, ne comportant pas plus de Zhongshu.
Si la confrontation entre les deux branches, la vie en jeu, comme le sont A, B pour le mal, puis d'observer si une "ne veulent pas propre, ne pas imposer aux gens" principe pas misérable Weizai! Un cours à ne pas être tués, ne peuvent pas tuer les B ne veut pas que vous avez tué? Une raison quelconque, aucune loi dans certaines conditions, elle doit s'adapter à la situation.
Il s'agit de la face a annoncé, par l'importance du principe des relations interpersonnelles. Confucius a dit les gens font référence à doivent être considérés comme des actes d'auto-référence dans les rapports avec les autres. Les gens devraient avoir un grand esprit, un moment où d'autres ne le font pas étroit d'esprit, et devrait être magnanimes, de pardonner aux autres. Si les choses qu'ils détestent, d'autres donnent un disque pousser non seulement endommager les relations avec les autres, il sera dans une impasse et faire des choses hors de contrôle.
Confucius la sagesse chinoise utilisée pour résoudre les contradictions sociales de la doctrine de la moyenne, la manière décente, moelleux réel, les forces étant, il n'est pas de non-religieuses de compromis et d'éviter un grand nombre de troubles sociaux et de la division nationale. La civilisation chinoise depuis des milliers d'années pour être en mesure de maintenir le rôle de la pensée confucéenne est évidente. Pour: vous voulez le faire, non pas: ne pas; Shi: imposées. Vous ne voulez pas faire leur chose, de ne pas imposer aux autres. Vous ne voulez pas de posséder, de ne pas imposer aux gens "se réfère à: ils ne veulent pas, ne pas imposer aux autres.
En effet, l'interaction entre les personnes devraient adhérer à ce principe, qui est le respect pour les autres, l'incarnation de l'égalité. Vivre la vie en dehors de préoccupations autres que leur propre existence, mais aussi préoccupé par l'existence d'autres, sont égaux entre les gens, ne pas imposer aux autres ce que les gens ne veulent pas. Confucius a dit par le théorème d'un mot n'est pas de taille unique. Si tout à partir de ce principe, beaucoup de choses seront coincés au milieu, il est difficile d'aller de l'avant.
希腊语:Αν η αντιπαράθεση μεταξύ των δύο σκελών, τη ζωή σε κίνδυνο, όπως και οι A και B για το κακό, στη συνέχεια, εφόσον τηρούν ένα "δεν θέλουν να είναι ιδιοκτήτες, δεν πρέπει να επιβληθούν σε άτομα" αρχήν, δεν άθλιο Weizai! Μια πορεία που δεν θα θέλουν να θανατωθούν, δεν μπορεί να σκοτώσει τον Β δεν θέλει σκότωσες; Κάθε λόγος, κάθε νόμος, σε ορισμένες συνθήκες, θα πρέπει να ταιριάζει με τις περιστάσεις.
Κομφούκιος κινεζική σοφία που χρησιμοποιούνται για την επίλυση κοινωνικών αντιθέσεων της θεωρίας του μέσου, με τον τρόπο αξιοπρεπή, πραγματικά ώριμος, είναι ισχυρά, δεν υπάρχει εγγενής μη θρησκευτικές συμβιβασμός και να αποφευχθεί η μεγάλη κοινωνική αναταραχή και το Εθνικό διαίρεση. Κινέζικου πολιτισμού για χιλιάδες χρόνια για να είναι σε θέση να διατηρήσει το ρόλο της Confucian σκέψης είναι προφανής. ∏ρος: θέλουμε να κάνουμε? Δεν: δεν? Shi: επιβλήθηκε. Να μην θέλουν να κάνουν τη δική τους πλευρά, για να μην επιβληθούν σε άλλους. Δεν θέλετε να δική του, να μην επιβάλει στους ανθρώπους ", αναφέρεται στα εξής: δεν θέλουν, δεν επιβάλλουν στους άλλους.
Δεν θέλετε να δική του, να μην επιβάλει στους ανθρώπους τη σοφία του Κομφούκιος μόλις συνέβη στην ανθρώπινη κοινωνία για ένα πολύ σημαντικό ρόλο. Έχουν σκεφτεί Κομφούκιος στην αρχαία Κίνα από τον Han Δυναστείας στην Qing Δυναστεία της σκέψης, οι Κινέζοι είναι μια σημαντική εκδήλωση των δικών τους αξιών. ∑την Κίνα μετά από τη σκέψη των Κομφούκιος, η κινεζική ανέλαβε ηγετικό ρόλο στην υλοποίηση του λαϊκοποίηση της κοινωνίας.
意大利语:Non vuole proprio, non di imporre ai popoli la saggezza di Confucio una volta è accaduto nella società umana per un ruolo molto importante. Si pensa di Confucio nella Cina antica della Dinastia Han al pensiero della dinastia Qing, i cinesi sono un importante manifestazione della loro valori. In Cina, dopo il pensiero di Confucio, il cinese ha preso l'iniziativa per l'attuazione della secolarizzazione della società.
Confucio saggezza cinese utilizzato per risolvere le contraddizioni sociali della dottrina della media, il modo dignitoso, reale morbido, essendo punti di forza, non vi è insito non religiose di compromesso e di evitare un sacco di tensioni sociali e la divisione nazionale. Civiltà cinese per migliaia di anni per essere in grado di mantenere il ruolo del pensiero confuciano è evidente. A: vuole fare e non: non; Shi: imposti. Non vogliono fare le proprie cose, di non imporre agli altri. Non vuole proprio, di non imporre alle persone "si riferisce a: non vogliono, non imporre agli altri.
Do not want to own, do not impose on people
Confucius intelligence of human society happen once a very important role. Thought of Confucius in ancient China from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynas...
Do not want to own, do not impose on people
Confucius intelligence of human society happen once a very important role. Thought of Confucius in ancient China from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty's thinking, and the Chinese nation are an important manifestation of their own values. Chinese at Confucius accepted the idea after the Chinese took the lead in the implementation of the secularization of society. Confucius with Chinese intelligence in the doctrine of the mean to resolve social contradictions, the way decent, mellow practical, strengths being, there is no inherent religious can not compromise to avoid a lot of social unrest and disintegration of the country situation. Chinese civilization for thousands of years to be able to maintain the role of Confucian thought is obvious.
To: want to do; not: not to; Shi: imposed. Do not want to do their own thing, not to impose to others.
Do not want to own, do not impose on people "means: they do not want, do not impose to others. Confucius stressed that people should forgive others, we should advocate the" excuse "that the only way is the benevolence of the the performance. "forgive" is "benevolence" of the negative performance, while its positive performance is "Yu-li has been standing person, while others want to Tatsu Tatsu people." Ren explained Confucius to "lovers" as the center, and this lover acts, including the forgiveness of course, others in this area. "The Analects of Confucius" mentioned: Cardiff子之道, Zhongshu just carry on.
This is the deal announced by the important principle of interpersonal relations. Confucius said people are referring to should be treated as a marker of its own behavior in dealing with others. People should have a broad sense of caring towards others and not doing things when the narrow-minded, but should be magnanimous, to forgive others. If they hate the things, give others a hard push will not only damage the relationship with others, things will get a deadlock and get out of hand. Exchanges between people should really adhere to this principle, which is respect for others, the embodiment of equality. Living life apart from concerns other than their own existence, but also concerned about the existence of others, are equal between people, not to impose on others what people do not want to.
Confucius described by such a sentence is not a universal theorem. If everything starting from this principle, then a lot of things will be stuck in the middle, it is difficult to move forward. If the confrontation between the two arms, life at stake, as is A, B for evil, then if A adhere to the "do not want to own, do not impose on people" principle, not miserable Weizai! A course will not want to be killed, can not kill the B do not want you killed? Any reason, any law in certain conditions, it must fit the circumstances.